Making Clothing

Virtual Relationship

OHMYGOSH!! I am soooooo excited about this chapter, I get to put pictures of clothes and makeup.

Before I get startes, i want to tell you guys my life plan.

I want to go to school for cosmetology. That way I can do Hair and Makeup (duh lol). Then I want to go to Korea.. Or even stay in america and work for models, Like do their makeup and stuff, Then I want to go to korea and Be Yoseob's or JongUp's of Taemin's or any of my other bias' makeup artist. That way I can touch their face without being arrested. Although, I will be okay if I only achieve the first part :c...




Everyone was at the table when I walked in. "MiJin?" I asked.
"Yes?" She looked up. Her eyes were red and puffy. Like she'd been crying. I decided that it would be best not to ask.
"I need to take measurements. That way i can make you clothes. Would you like to go in another room?" I asked. She nodded and I motioned for her to follow me. She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans from before. I decided to make her a dress. DaeSung came into the room after her. What was his problem? MiJin looked at him and he smiled reassuringly. "Uhm, would you be able to take your shirt off? It will interfere with my measuring." Something flashed in daesungs eyes.
"Yeah." She said and took her shirt off. She was wearing a camisole. That was better than the shirt. I would have gotten in the way. I carefully recorded my measurments. The whole room got tense when I measured her s.
"Daesung, if the dress is going to fit right.. I have to measure here too." I said. He nodded and looked away. "Okay, im done. You can go finish eating." 
"Thank you." She smiled and left.
Now that i had both of their measurments, I could get started on their clothes. I walked over to my design table and started sketching.

Today I was hunting with TaeYang. 
"Do you know if there will be any turkey?" I asked. JiYong always made the best turkey. We had raided houses and grocery stores of thier spices. He knew them all.
"I dont know Ri" He snapped. Although I know that he isnt mad. Otherwise he would have called me by my full name. "What's that?" He asked pionting into the distance.
"It's a dog!" i shouted and ran to it. The dog started off in the other direction. I grabbed his collar before he could escape. 
"It's okay boy." I soothed and pet him behind the ears. His tounge lolled out and he gave me a lopsided doggy smile. "What's your name?" I asked him. I turned the collar around to see a tag. "Aslan." I smiled. It fit perfectly.
"What are we going to do with it?" Tae asked.
"Train it. Then it can go grab the things you shoot. Plus animals can sense danger." I responded. "Come on Boy!" I shouted and ran away from the dog. He took after me. When he reached me he jumped on me. Knocking the wind out of me. tae came over to see me on my back. Even though I couldnt breathe, I was still laughing. Taeyang laughed with me.
When he helped me up, he pulled me into a hug. When I looked up at him he smiled. "What? I cant be glad that the thing didnt eat you?" I smiled with him. Then the rain started to fall. "Lets go inside."
"No. I like the rain."
A/N: Okay, this chapter was short too. I think that I am getting into the habit of writing short chapters.. but its okay, because I will keep writing short ones until the story is long XD.
The next chapters arnt really going to be chapters. They will be pictures of everone's style. TOP spent all day making the girls' clothes.. So we have to show all of them off. Otherwise he will get mad at me c;
Also, The way this chapter went, I think I almost made SeungRi and TaeYang fall for eachother. Im not against Gayness... but thats not the way i intended for my story to go. please dont hate me if it does go that way TT^TT


ps the picture is of Aslan <3

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As soon as my wife updates.. I have a few ideas... :DDD


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YEAH! What Sheena said..... this story is whack yo! XDDDD LOL XD I can't get over that xD
What the . This story is whack yo. LOOOOL. OMG WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
BAM! I bet Sheena is happy, she has T.O.P TT~TT Lucky bish...... LOL, but I have GD :3 It's so cute C: <3
ilikekpop #4
AWWWWW!! Update soon! <3
BWAHAHHAA. ok. I'm sitting here laughing. And laughing. andddd laughing. trololol. Woot. Yun is coming~ *wiggly eyebrows* YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE ME A BAD CHARACTER RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?!??!!?! Anywho. .I love you both. Mwahahaha.
KnightStar0146 #7
I find it messed up how SHINee goes to france but not to florida. I mean, we are almost as big as california. My mom said that she would take me to one of thier concerts (any kpop group) if they were in florida. but knowing my luck THE BASTARDS WILL NEVER COME DOWN D;
And that is the story of my life -_________________-
ilikekpop #9
If only they were flying to Florida...:P (hint hint, i live there lol)