
*.:。✿*Behind the Scenes'゚・✿.。.:*

Hey guys! Remember me? Or this story atleast?.. Probably not anymore...

A lot of you had been asking me to update but I just couldn't since I misplaced this story on my computer and was too lazy to look for it.. ( I know it's a lame excuse )... I'm really sorry... But Yeah, I finally decided to continue updating... I'll be updating once per week... so please wait patiently...hehe..^^





“I guess you had some spare clothes there?” Jessica asked as she popped her head in Jonghyun’s room but there was no answer.

She slowly walked in and looked around the room. This was the first time or the first time since she return to come in the master’s bedroom. The walls were white and the curtains were white as well. The beddings were all in different shades of blue. The room gave her a warm feeling as if welcoming her.

She walked towards the bed and sat on it wondering where Jonghyun was. “Jonghyunnie? Where are you?” she asked putting aegyo on her voice.

The thought about finding Jonghyun left her when she noticed the picture frames sitting on top of the table. There was a picture of SHINee when they first debuted. Jessica laughed their awkward smiles especially Taemin’s awkward haircut. There was also a picture of both SNSD and SHINee during their “Replay” and “Gee” days all of them grinning at the camera. Another was a picture of the SM family taken during one of the SM Town concerts.

Jessica smiled widely at the next frame. It was their family picture. It was one of those pre-wedding photo shoots. She was wearing a simple mini dress with Jonghyun dressed in a light blue polo with rolled up sleeves matching it with an ed vest. Erica was grinning seated between them. She was wearing a white dress and her curly hair was adorned with baby’s breath flower.

“Oh, you’re here?”

Jessica quickly turned around and saw Jonghyun standing behind her dressed in a simple white shirt and blue pajamas. “Sorry, I was wondering if you had some spare clothes.”

That was the only time that Jonghyun noticed that Jessica was just wearing a bathrobe. He had been silently watching her as she looked at every picture in each frame. Although he can’t see her face, he was certain that she was smiling.

“Sorry, I sent all your clothes to the laundry yesterday and had forgotten to pick them up” Jonghyun apologized.

I had some clothes here?“You sent them all to the laundry?” she asked.

“Yeah, they had been stored for a couple of years now so..” Jessica cut him off.

“Then it is your responsibility so you had to lend me some clothes. I don’t want to sleep wearing a bathrobe” said Jessica non-stop.

Jonghyun smiled and walked towards the closet. That’s my Jessica, a nagger as usual.

“Here” he handed her a blue shirt and a black leggings.

Jessica reached for the clothes and looked at the leggings curiously. “You’re wearing leggings?”

Jonghyun patted her head wherein Jessica reacted by pouting. “No silly, that was the only one left from your clothes that I haven’t sent to the laundry”

“Then this hasn’t been washed for years?” Jessica asked holding out the legging.

“Actually I included it in my last laundry” Jonghyun smiled while explaining.

Jessica still looks unconvinced. “Are you sure?”

“Just go and change already” he answered and pushed Jessica towards the bathroom.

“But-“Jessica was about to argue when Jonghyun cut her off.

“Do you want me to dress you?” he teased.

“I’m fine!” Jessica turned bright red and slammed the door behind her.



Nicole looked bitterly at the pair of candies before her. By candies, she meant her best friend and his girlfriend who were acting as sweet as candies. Key was filling Lyka’s plate with everything making Lyka look worried if she can finish them all. Nicole suddenly remembered when Key would always do that to her and he would nag if she couldn’t eat them all telling her she looks so skinny and blah blah blah.

Taemin noticed Nicole’s piercing glares at Key and Lyka while they were having dinner. The atmosphere was really awkward since no was talking and especially since each of them kept on stealing glances at the newly announced couple. I’m sure this is going to be a long night.

“Ants! Ants!” Taemin blurted when he couldn’t stand the sweetness of the two.

As he expected, his friends hurriedly stood up in panic and left their chairs looking suspiciously at the table and the food. Hyoyeon was standing six feet away from the table while Sunny was holding up her shoe like it was some sort of a deadly weapon.


“Did I cook too much sweet desserts?”

“Where? How did they enter the house?!”


“Get them!”

“I hate ants!”

“I don’t want them to bite me!”

Everyone else in the room was now in panic thinking that moments from now, some ant will crawl up on their knees. Now Taemin felt a little guilty about his little prank but it was fun, a good way to kill his boredom and the awkward situation.

“Taemin, I don’t see any ants?” Everyone was a little bit relieved when Onew finally spoke. He’s crawling under the table checking whether the ‘ant treat’ from Taemin was true.

“Yes, Taemin, there weren’t any ants.” added Nicole who’s also looking for some ants.

 Yeah, right! There weren’t any but I’m sure there will be some if Key hyung and Lyka noona won’t stop their sweetness. It irritates me.

Taemin smiled innocently at his hyungs and noonas. “Mianhe, I thought I saw some”

Who wouldn’t resist his cuteness? After that, they all just smiled and went back to eating. Not a word of irritation was heard from his noonas and hyungs. I love being the maknae!

“By the way, where’s Jessica and Jonghyun?” asked Tiffany diverting the topic.

“Oh, right! They weren’t back yet!” Nicole almost forgot about them since Key stepped in with his girl.

“I think they decided to go on a date instead of joining us” said Yuri. I wish I joined them instead of having this awkward dinner. But that would make me a third wheel, right?

“A date? On a rainy day? You’ve got to be serious” It was Hyoyeon who spoke this time.

“Did you just forget they went on a date one rainy day?” reminded Yoona.

“Right! I remember when Jessica came home all soaked with rain but she’s grinning” Hyoyeon finally get it now.

“Do you think they’re together again?” Minho raised the interesting question.

“We don’t know but I’m glad things were okay between the two” said Taeyeon.

“They’re just taking things slowly” agreed Sooyoung.



Jonghyun and Jessica were sitting on the opposite sides of the couch in the living room while watching a boring movie.

“This is boring” said Jessica plainly as she gave Jonghyun a bored look.

“You know, you’re right. I think we should do something fun” agreed Jonghyun as he looked at the wide window.

“Like?” grinned Jessica as she also stared at the window.

Perfect! The rain stopped.

“Like a visit at the SME building?” suggested Jonghyun.

Jessica hurriedly got up and reached for her bag. “Perfect!”



“Hurry up!” laughed Jessica as the tapping of her heels echoed in the hallway.

“Yah! Don’t run!” smiled Jonghyun as he ran after her.

“I’m just excited!” Jessica decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

“Where are we going anyway? Do you even know where you’re going?”

“To the music room!”

“Huh? You really know?” asked Jonghyun scratching his head.

“I don’t know. I’m just having a good feeling I’m going the right way” answered Jessica.

“Yeah right. You’re going the right way”

“See?” grinned Jessica as she finally stopped in front on a door with a “Music Room” sign posted on it.

“I think you’re finally getting back your brain” joked Jonghyun.

“Yah! I do have my brain, you mean MY MEMORIES” said Jessica emphasizing the last two words.

“Just kidding” smiled Jonghyun and opened the door. “After you?”

With a nod, Jessica entered the room and proceeded directly towards the piano as Jonghyun followed her.

Sitting on the empty seat, Jessica placed her hands on the piano keys. “I can play the piano, can’t I?” she asked.

Jonghyun sat beside her and positioned his hands. “Of course, yes you can.”

Then he starts playing a gentle sound. The song was very familiar to Jessica, she’s very sure that she’s heard it before. Her hands seemed to start moving on their own and in no time, they were playing together in sync.

“Wow! That’s great!” exclaimed Jessica when they finished the song.

“I told you, you can play, didn’t I?” smiled Jonghyun.

“Can you play a song for me?” asked Jessica.

With a smile, Jonghyun started playing another song. Unlike the other one, this song has a light and happy feeling. Slowly, Jessica leaned her head on Jonghyun’s warm shoulder. 

“I like the song” said Jessica and started humming with the piano.

The two were interrupted by an unexpected visitor. The door opened revealing a smiling Lee So Man. 

“Sorry to interrupt the two of you” he apologized as he sat on the nearby couch.

“No, it’s fine” smiled Jonghyun as they went too sat on the couch opposite to where their boss was seated.

“I’m glad that the two of you decided to drop by. Nice seeing you well Jessica” he smiled.

Jessica met Mr. Lee a few months ago when she was officially reintroduced to her friends and everybody except for the media and the netizens of course.  And Mr. Lee told her that they’re preparing for SNSD’s upcoming comeback and she, completing the group will make their new album very special and memorable.

She’s sure that what he’s going to discuss to them was related to that matter.

“So Jessica, it’s officially confirmed that your comeback will be in three weeks time” said Mr. Lee

“Three weeks? That fast? But we still have to tell the whole Korea that I’m still alive” said Jessica a little worried.

“Don’t worry; we’re currently working on that. What’s important is that you prepare yourself for coming back in the music world”

“Thank you!” smiled Jessica.

“I know that going back wasn’t going to be easy since your memories weren’t back yet but I’m sure you’ll be fine since you have your friends and Jonghyun” said Mr. Lee as he smiled at Jonghyun.



“Are you excited?” asked Jonghyun as they were seated on the rooftop.

“Yes but I’m a little bit nervous” admitted Jessica.

“Don’t worry, as what Mr. Lee said, you’ll be fine. You have us” comforted Jonghyun.

“Thank you!” said Jessica as she surprised Jonghyun when she hugged him.

“Never forget that we were always here for you. I am always here” whispered Jonghyun as he hugged her tightly. I will always love you

“I know”

“Then we should celebrate for that!” exclaimed Jonghyun as they finally broke their hug.

“Celebrate? Right now?”

“Yes,” answered Jonghyun as he offered his hand. “Let’s dance”

“Dance? Without music?” asked Jessica.

“We don’t need any music”

“Okay,” smiled Jessica as she started removing her shoes.

Jonghyun looked at her, confused. “What are you doing?”

Without answering, Jessica stepped on Jonghyun’s shoes. “Won’t you guide me?” she grinned.

“Always” answered Jonghyun as he took her hand.

“Aww, you’re being sweet Jonghyun” whispered Jessica as she put an arm around Jonghyun’s neck while his hands slowly found their way on her waist.

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Chapter 50: Happy ending! <3 heh thanks for finishing this story and dedicating your time and efforts to this story
Chapter 50: It ended? That was one big surprise. But yay! A happy ending~
Chapter 49: YASSSSS! YOU UPDATED! :)
I started reading this story when I started shipping jongsica. I'm so glad you updated and that everything's going well again, I'll be waiting for your next update in 1-2 days ^_^
lovingangel_ #4
Chapter 48: NEW READER HERE!! :) Annyeong~ hey authornim, I wanna say I love how they ruined nicole's date xD this is so funny wheb I imagined it hahah :D and I'm curious what'll going to happen next to jongsica not to mention now that they're being so SWEET xD and how people react when they know that sica is still alive. So please author-nim update soon ^__^ Hwaiting!!!! ♡♡♡
Hitomisayaka #5
Chapter 48: please update!!! this fic is great, pleaaaaseeeee!!
Chapter 48: Y SO EVIL B|
Chapter 48: They are too evil ._.
Chapter 48: ERMERGERSH! I was spazzing when I saw this being updated! It's been so long! Lol jealous Key. Now that's a rare sight!
Blingbingjjong143 #9
Awwww, this chapter totally made my day, key with Nicole and jongsica epic skinship!!!!!! Love you lots, thanks for this story!( I failed my science so this story has always been cheering me up)