Daily Lives.

We Fall in Love Again,

[A/N] I'm back again, ahh... it has been awhile since I last updated, I never actually had made time to update and plus I almost forgot about it! I'll make this short so at least I've updated~ I guarantee you another chapter within the next 2-3 months? I will try keeping my promise >-----<' Hopefully I can make some entertainment within this chapter~



Useless fridge. Nothing but an apple and left over kimchi from the other day.

I should learn how to cook someday ...

Wonder what I eat?

Spam ham with kimchi along with baked beans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Since Yun He took care of me after a long day, I decided to cook her my usual daily meals.

It's quite unusual for me to try cooking proper meals when people come over. No one ever comes to visit me, oh besides Min Hee. It's either she cooks, or we go out so I never tend to learn the basics.

Actually I did try just before I became a trainee but the thing is ...


A mate of mine, Kris, had just came back from Singapore, he called to ask if he could come over for a visit.

He never told me the reason to why he went there, but from what I see is he went there to do plastic surgery.

Everyone used to call him a nerd, or fat.

Indeed he was a nerd, he used to get almost 100% in every test we had.

Anyways back to the story, I agreed to let him come and by the time he had, it was already 8:36pm.

I thought that it'd be easy if I just made dinner as it was convenient.

We both suggested ordering take away though from our calculations, it'd take forever to get here and plus we were already hungry so might as well make dinner now.

It was also a rainy, cloudy and a windy day.

He didn't know how to cook either as to whether if it was just plain rice or boiling eggs.

I had more experience in cooking more than him.

Even he admitted that.


While I was cooking, a gust of wind came through the window and blew out the fire under the pan leaving the gas still on.



He hurriedly rushed towards me leaving a trail of wet puddles from his soaked socks.

"The fire went out and it won't light again! What do we do now? I was just going to cook fresh seafood pancakes..."


Err ... Just one more match stick, please don't fail this time!

You're my hero if you survive.


[A/N] Short chapter after all, I did make you guys wait ... More to come?

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wooop, almost done with chapter 5! will update soon ^^


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update soon!! ^^
nphungg #2
update soon !! :-)
very interesting ^^ now i got another story i need to read LOL.
Cliff hanger eh? ;)
update soon :3
It's updated, i'll try updating often~
Seems interestinggg ~
Updateee sooon :D