Flashback : Lost Memory.

I love you.

Nobody's POV

They arrived at the hospital after 10 minutes since the accident. Now, Ieda's on emergency room. SeungHyun wait in front of the emergency room, his hands still trembling seeing Ieda's blood. It's stick on SeungHyun's clothes. While he's not in his right mind, his phone rings.

" Hello?" SeungHyun said.

" Boss, he's dead now. Don't worry we're already clean up the scene." said a guy that been paid by SeungHyun to kill Jiyong. He walk out from the hospital and went to silent place where nobody around and continue talking to the guy on the phone.

" Where did you bury the body?" he ask in slow tone so that nobody can hear it.

" Aaa.." in hesitation voice he continue.." The body missing.. but we found many blood splash in the car. I guarantee he's dead now, boss! " the guy said.

" WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! What if he's still alive??" Seunghyun said in angry tone but still keep it in slow volume.

" I'm sure he's dead now, boss. The rest just leave it to me." said the guy who's on the line.

" Make sure he is. I'll kill you if he's still alive!! Understand?!" Seunghyun warned.

" Ye--yess! boss!."

Then, SeungHyun end the phone call. He went back to the hospital and went to the emergency's room. As soon he arrive in front of the Emergency Room, the doctor comes out just in time.

" Are you the patient's guardian?" ask the doctor.

" Yes, I'm her brother" said SeungHyun in hesitation a bit. " What's wrong with her doctor? Is she okay?"

" Her brain quite damage but luckily there is no internal bleeding overall she just having an average cut on body. Might leaving a scar a bit. If she wake up laterup later make sure to tell me ASAP, okay? " explain the doctor.

"Yes, thank you, doctor!" with a glad feeling, SeungHyun shake his hand with the doctor to express his grateful because Ieda is still alive.

SeungHyun had to go home as doctor ask him to leave Ieda alone to rest. The next day, now that the sun is rising, Ieda starts giving a response by moving her fingers. SeungHyun who just arrive is so surprise with the reaction and quickly call the doctor in charge. While that, Ieda also slowly open her eyes and awake from her sleep. She saw SeungHyun next to the doctor but couldn't recognize him. They feel so weird bout this and the doctor decides to examines her brain.

After the doctor comes into conclusion,

" Amnesia? You mean she lost her memory?" Seunghyun ask.

" Yes. A chance for her to remember back is quite thin. I suggest don't force her to remember anything. If you want to know more detail you can meet me in the office." with that the doctor walk off. Somehow, deep inside SeungHyun feel happy she lost her memory.

"That's mean she lost memory of Jiyong in her life or might be she's not even know Jiyong at all. Isn't that the same~ haha YES!!" His mind mumbles.


SeungHyun's POV

I close the door slowly as I'm scared what Ieda might give her reaction to me when she remember Jiyong. I rested myself on the chair on the hallway in front of my wife's ward room thinking this situation.

While I was deep in my thinking, the door slidely open sending me shiver over my spine. It must be him.

" Hyung, how are you? " Jiyong ask. I stand up and front him and pretend like nothing had happen.

" I'm just fine. I wonder how did you know Ieda already been my wife? " I ask. Somehow I feel curious when she said 'your wife' while we're on call before.

" Ahh that, when I found her accident at the sideways you know the place Ieda and I used to date before, she's lying there lifeless I was shocked to meet her like that.Then when I call the ambulance to ask for help about 1 minutes later I'm done call for ambulance and they arrive around 10 minutes ater that but when I saw the paramedic bring her into the ambulance, I saw she holds her phone tightly. Then, I take it and found that she sends a message to someone in her contact named 'My Hubby'. I was taken aback, because she's married already. I check the contact photo and I saw you. Anyways, I'm glad it was you. ." he said.

" You're glad? " I ask. He should have revenge of me, right? cause I'm taking his sweetheart.

" Such a long time, we didn't meet then I suddenly talk all of these at one time. Let's have a coffee time. It's almost 6 a.m. already." he said.

" I need to meet her first, I'm so worried of her" I ask. As a husband that loves her wholeheartedly, how could I'm not worried.

" Later, she having a rest and she's okay. I need tell you something but let's get a coffee first." he said.

" Hm.. okay" I agreed. Think of Jiyong that doesn't know what I had done to him, I'm a little confident to have a chit-chat with him now. Well, Ieda's okay and I need to think positive this all gonna be just alright and he will not take Ieda from me. Cautious always be my priority since I met him.

At the Canteen's hospital

" So Hyung, would you tell me how did you and her happen to be married? I was curious. You two were really great friend back then." Jiyong ask and flash his mischievous smile that I used to see a long time ago. I tremble a little but still covering myself like nothing bad happen actually.

" She used to have an accident, the day after you went missing. I take care of her and day by day we feel attach to each other more than a friend. That's how we're started to dating and end up getting married after 4 months after officially we're a couple." I said. It was true, but I didn't talk about Jiyong since that day because I want her to realise that I'm here. I told Dae Sung, Seung Ri and Young Bae to not tell her because she might stress when knowing Jiyong missing out of sudden. They understood and keep it as a secret from Ieda. That's why Ieda doesn't know till now. I don't know if Jiyong already told her all of this.

" But Hyung, I talk to the doctor when I'm waiting for your presence. I lied to him that I'm her brother and said he's husband might be a little late. So, he told me about what happen to Ieda. He said she regain her memory back but... " he stop for awhile, taking a deep breath. I was panic, no... she couldn't be remember him by now! This not gonna happen right?! This is not fair at all.

" She didn't remember her memory after the accident that happen before. I'm afraid she didn't remember you as her husband and thought that herself and I was still a couple." he said.

For a blink couple of seconds, I lost my conscious. All black out in sudden.


Sorry for the short chappie, I don't have any great ideas.

Since my subscribers has increase, I wanna thank you for all of your effort to wait for my latest update. I know I'm a late updater. I'm a schooler so it's hard for me to update my stories every week. It may takes a month to produce a chapter and it wasn't even a long story to read. I love doing shorts chappie. So, be patience cause I'm a very slow and short updater. Haha

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