» smile at simple things ¦ of oneshots & drabbles


Probably all of us have had dreams about our biases. Being in a relationship, holding hands; Just the simplest thoughts can give us happiness.


░▒ even the simplest thoughts can make you s m i l e ;


Most of us, maybe even all of us, have fantasized ourselves with perfect biases and favorite groups. Thinking up all these scenerios and whatnot in our minds. But there's always those who disapproves of our fantasies-- every little fangirl or boy's dreams, calling us "delusional and obsessive fans." So what if we daydream about those kinds of things? Doesn't everyone? Doesn't every fan dream of their bias, one day, falling in love with them? Or maybe just a simple hug from them. 

If we wanted to dream or believe that our bias or biases had a secret crush on us, or that we're couples.... it's our own thoughts, not theirs. Sure, they probably won't ever come true. We know that. But it doesn't hurt to pretend if it makes you smile; even just a bit.

Actually, why should we even care about what they think? It's not like we're crazy and claiming that they're ours. So what's keeping us from dreaming up a simple thought of happiness? Absolutely nothing. There should be no limits to what we personally dream about.



daydream /drēm/ noun

O1. A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
O2. An unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.
O3. A series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present
O4. Imagine (something that one wants to happen


Have you ever had a brief memory of a pleasant little daydream that would make you blush every time you recall small fragments of it? Or maybe a little wish to read a oneshot? Or maybe a short drabble to pass time? Well, that's why I'm here with this little collection of oneshots and/or drabbles!

But who am "I" exactly? Well, my name's Michelle, but.... I really dislike that name. So, as you can see in my username, my Korean name's also Eunchan, so you can call me that; or you can even address me as Jelisa/Lisa. It's up to you, because all I'm really obliged to is to shut up, and write for my lovely readers to read my greasy horrible embarrassing fluffy writing. U 7 U


But before I shut up and write, here's some things you probably don't care to about :

hi there. i see you found this note. c:

O1. Does this make sense to you? This collection was made on April 13th, 2012. Yes, on Friday the 13th. <3 "Wait, but on the top it says it was made on the fourteent--" No, I swear, it was made on the 13th. I don't even know why it says that. I'm dead serious, and I'm not joking or lying. That is what it says as I'm typing this. ;w;

O2. This collection will most likey contain no mature content. If they are, it'd likely just be because of profanities and/or minor violence and such. There will absolutely be no . Ever. And all chapters with mature content will be mark as Rated M.

O3. Requests are now open! Look in chapter one for the provided link at the bottom, or click the bolded sentence. Please keep in mind that the form is still beta, and that there may be some issues with recieving your submitted applications. Thank you.

O4. I cringe.... just from writing this foreword. So I apologize in advance if my oneshots and drabbles are.... really "greasy" and.... and.... they're really hard for me to write, since it's so embarrassing. So I'll try my best and become better at writing. Hopefully you won't mind my cheesiness. ;7;"


» So, now, I should just shut up, and run. Because once I finish typing this, the greasiness begins.... cover your eyes. ( ̄ U  ̄ )

O72112 | Okei! To those who've requested a story, I'll get to it asap, but I'm on semi-hiatus, so please be patient~ ♥


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Chapter 6: lool michelle dude wae you know do my taemin one TT^TT hoenstly i should start writing again... hmm... naw... lazy XD but seriously... pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee taeminnnnnn oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~~~~ your unnie wants one too~~~ <3 ily dongsaeng
-ximini #2
hm.. why did i just get notified for a new update from this now..? /confused.
Carmytree #3
Oh! So you are maerong. I was trying to stalk the account until I found out it was you
by reading the update.
jay_rose #4
wah~ so cute:) and the 'oppa' part reminds me of KhunToria, and lol. you actually used the 'sleeping' :)
LOL. I forever love the last two lines that you put in before ending it. It's very cute & funny <3
Another jjang story~ Keep it up okay? my little adorable chimpunk saengie > u <;
pls update again :]

Cute & sweet. <3 XD ;D
And I read my NAME. O_____O
lols. XD
AH that one-shot was adorbs><
Really its too cute!!:)
Wie. omfg. I love the last two lines before you ended your story <3
Your cute oneshots are jjang! ^^