to save the charismatic "daughter"

Peter Kim - new adventures in shiny world

The flight had been tough on the three humans since they had underestimated the cold air as the wind was hitting their faces.

However they felt the temperature rising after half an hour and it got warmer and warmer until they felt like being over a tropical island like Bali or Barbados.

"Here we are!"

Key pointed his finger to the illuminated island right under their feet.

No wonder it was called shiny world! It literally sparkled in all the colors of a rainbow. Even Edward Cullens´ sparkle was nothing compared to this!

Still in awe the siblings were slowly led down to land on the glittery surface of a neon green meadow.

Quickly they were taken to the home of Peter Kim: the most humongous tree trunk you could imagine!

It would have fit a whole soccer field if you wanted.

And that space was needed seeing as lots and lots of guys were all over the place.

After another two hours Megan and her brothers had been fully introduced to the "Juniors" a group of fifteen boys that looked a lot older than themselves and seemed as restless as a sack of flees.


When the introduction was finished Key and Blingbling excused themselves and left Megan alone to tend to the guys.

What a mess.

Thirty minutes later the tree was a mess as her brothers kept on adding to the already chaotic mindset of the Juniors.

Just as she opted to raid the fridge and cabinets of the kitchen in order to find some alcohol Key plus fairy barged into the place:

"Problems ahead!! The Tupi-M crew caught the daughter of the Indian chief!!"

"I heard it was actually a son?" Donghae, one of the Juniors piped up.

"Well, anyways," Key went on rolling his eyes "we HAVE to save her!"

All of the boys started running around getting ready and grabbing something to use as a weapon.

"Who is this crew?" Megan inquired. She still hadn´t moved an inch since Key and Bling, the fairy had arrived.

"This crew, is an insane bunch of hooligans." Jonghyun explained while flying around her head. "Also, they live in the hottest place around and their actions are unpredictable."

"I see..." Clearly, Megan did not see what the point of all this was, but in the end she had found herself dragged along and hiding in small tropical forest observing a run-down ship with a handful of guys on it.

In between, tightly connected to the mast, was another person with black silky hair.

"That´s her!!" Key pointed towards said mast.

"It´s definitely a guy." added Heechul, second oldest of the Juniors "look at those bulky shoulders. My body is WAY more feminine as his!" To stress this he bend his body into a weird semi-y pose.

Everyone had to bite his tongue not to burst out laughing because they knew that this was serious business for Heechul as he took pride in his slightly girly ways.

When Megan was focusing again, Jonghyun had started talking once again: "... they say her or his gaze would melt you with its intense charisma." He flew excitedly up and down.

They decided to attack soon. The temperatures of this certain area was way too high and in order to prevent their all dehydration they made a quick plan.

Meter by meter they were creeping towards the ship.


Oh so slowly...


Megan just wanted to go and grab the hostage and go back to snowy, cold Canada.


The Tupi-M crew was seemingly alert... they never really stopped watching and this slowed them down even more.

They were almost considering to quit, when....



super cliffhanger :O

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So cute >w< ♥
@Chaeyo: THANK YOU!!<br />
I actually haven´t seen it either ^^;;<br />
I googled the synopsis LOL
ChaeYo #3
Haha the ending was totally hilarious X"D<br />
I don't really know what to say more since I've never seen Peter Pan =S<br />
over all I thought this was good...
@Meggie: XD so curious ´m gonna die!!<br />
<br />
@Jennipuh:<br />
XD I wonder how Jonghyun would react to this statement ...<br />
or to the whole story? LOL<br />
that made me really feel better.<br />
I felt so guilty... like I or tortured that story...
finally I had the time to re-read Peter Kim completely and in full well state of mind^^<br />
O_O Tupi-M? I peed myself - almost^^<br />
and Minho as Indian princess? hilarious; he was the last one I would have guessed XD<br />
you absolutely didn't ruin the Disney invented another, funnier EPICer version<br />
LOL<br />
and now I know why Bling is so tiny, he's a fairy LOL<br />
oh hohoho!~<br />
I'm not very nice to characters in Thumbalina OTL
I´m still most excited about who you made the toad~<br />
LOL it's okay~ <br />
Crack fics are good for everyone 8D<br />
Jong's image is always PERFECT.<br />
-true blinger until you see what I did in Thumbalina-
haha...he ruined that himself LOL<br />
he´s probably okay though ^^<br />
next time I should try to stay serious about this ;D
OTL<br />
I tried to save his image >___> FAIL.<br />
I loved this fic none the less <33 It was crack-a-lackin XDD<br />
Thank you Conny!!!!!!<br />