Chapter One: a fairly odd couple

Peter Kim - new adventures in shiny world

Megan was trying to find the right position to sleep for the millionth time tonight. Ever since the house had been completely covered in snow she had found it difficult to fall asleep.

Well, it might be a matter of the level of sound that emitted from her brother´s throats; while Taemin - the youngest - was snoring openly and loudly, Jinki´s was muffled because of the four layers of blankets covering his entire body.


knock knock  


Megan turned to face the wall. Being deprived of sleep obviously wasn´t beneficial for her sanity.




This time there was no way she could ignore the hammering that came from the window.

The brothers didn´t even stir in their sleep.







Megan was so annoyed that she was ready to yell at whoever disturbed her...well ... rest (?). Even though she hadn´t slept it was rude to shock her like that.

As she slowly turned the handle of the long window she could clearly make out the two voices of arguing people.

She felt the window being pushed inside making her topple over the heap that was Jinki.

"What did you take so long??" voice A demanded to know.

"It´s at least -15° outside!!!" this was voice B, "We could have died out there!!"

Megan had finally managed to detangle herself (luckily both her brothers slept like stones) and started eyeing the intruders to the fullest or least the one she could make out.

He wore gold high tops, red leopard print tights and a matching oversized red jumper. His hair was kind of mohawky and Megan immediately noticed his bagillion of ear studs (that comes when you´re a er for ear piercings).

All in all a quite "impressive" image for a guy. And Megan still hadn´t figured out where the heck the other voice had come from until:

"Hey, there, beauty."

Did the mosquito to her right just hit on her??!?!?!

Her face showed how startled she was. "I may be small..." the flying dot went on "but size doesn´t matter!!"

The funky clad guy scoffed at this.

"By the way... I´m Peter Kim, or Key, as friends like calling me."

"And I- " the dark spot came flying right up in front of Megan´s eyes "- am the amazing Blingbling Jonghyun, best looking fairy in the whole world-"

"Yaddayadda" Key interrupted the talkative fairy while rolling his perfect make-up covered eyes.

"I uhm...." Megan shyly extended her hand "I´m Megan."

When her hand was just stared at for a couple of moments she quickly took it back and demanded knowing why those two had knocked at her window at this time of the night.

Well apparently Jonghyun had gotten lost and led Key into the snowy and cold Canada. Now they merely wanted to warm up before starting their journey once again.

Upon seeing Megan´s timid nature they both decided to take her with them (willing or not)  as a surrogate mother for a bunch of "juniors" as they called them.

Needless to say, Megan did NOT want to accompany them to wherever they were headed to but meanwhile her brothers had woken up and were ecstatic to join the odd couple.

Dressed in their pajamas the siblings levitated in front of their windowsill (thanks to super blingbling fairy dust).

"What place are we actually flying to?"

Megan had quite a bad feeling about leaving and at least wanted to write her parents a note with the place they were headed to.

Key turned around as he had already flown a good five meters away from the window.

"It´s called shiny world! And you´ll love it!!!!"



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So cute >w< ♥
@Chaeyo: THANK YOU!!<br />
I actually haven´t seen it either ^^;;<br />
I googled the synopsis LOL
ChaeYo #3
Haha the ending was totally hilarious X"D<br />
I don't really know what to say more since I've never seen Peter Pan =S<br />
over all I thought this was good...
@Meggie: XD so curious ´m gonna die!!<br />
<br />
@Jennipuh:<br />
XD I wonder how Jonghyun would react to this statement ...<br />
or to the whole story? LOL<br />
that made me really feel better.<br />
I felt so guilty... like I or tortured that story...
finally I had the time to re-read Peter Kim completely and in full well state of mind^^<br />
O_O Tupi-M? I peed myself - almost^^<br />
and Minho as Indian princess? hilarious; he was the last one I would have guessed XD<br />
you absolutely didn't ruin the Disney invented another, funnier EPICer version<br />
LOL<br />
and now I know why Bling is so tiny, he's a fairy LOL<br />
oh hohoho!~<br />
I'm not very nice to characters in Thumbalina OTL
I´m still most excited about who you made the toad~<br />
LOL it's okay~ <br />
Crack fics are good for everyone 8D<br />
Jong's image is always PERFECT.<br />
-true blinger until you see what I did in Thumbalina-
haha...he ruined that himself LOL<br />
he´s probably okay though ^^<br />
next time I should try to stay serious about this ;D
OTL<br />
I tried to save his image >___> FAIL.<br />
I loved this fic none the less <33 It was crack-a-lackin XDD<br />
Thank you Conny!!!!!!<br />