Lucky [Songfic]

Lucky [Songfic]


Sungmin stretched his aching muscles as soon as he stepped into his shared bedroom with Kyuhyun. He rotated his head, took off his scarf and smiled when he saw the younger man murdering his keyboard to get all his enemies killed. “Hey, Kyu” he greeted, crossing the short distance in between them as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and nuzzled his nose to his hair.

“Hey, hyung” Kyuhyun replied back and his eyebrows smoothened when he saw an entire army of his enemies collapse and disappear to a bright white light. He paused his game, took off his headphones and faced his bright-eyed lover, “Welcome Home”

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Sungmin held his head up once the familiar strum of guitar reached his ears. It’s the song he had been practicing to sing to. The lyrics flowed, smooth against his lips as he found himself faintly singing along with the male taking the lead. Lucky – was the word to best describe himself.

He could remember the first time he had met Kyuhyun; shy, always going for the farthest seat on the van or couch, pretty much mute – he had only spoken the word ‘hi’ to him ever since he was introduced. Sungmin never bothered to entertain him anyway, and he would only speak to him when the situation needs it. All he knew, that Kyuhyun was placed as the 13th member of Super Junior, a group soon to be recognized worldwide.

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

Everything then changed when they were placed in one room. He had been the first to discover about Kyuhyun’s uncanny ability to stay up all night on a date with his computer; specifically StarCraft and was the first to actually speak to him with actual words, not the usual ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ or ‘I get to sing this part, right?’ followed by a bored nod. He grew fond of his new roommate, and Sungmin knew that what he was feeling for Kyuhyun was more than just platonic.

“Ouh, here comes our two inseparable buddies” Heechul cooed at them one day while they were emerging from their shared bedroom. Siwon raised his eyebrows and Leeteuk smiled fondly at his younger band mates, “Really, I swear to Yesung’s turtles, that if you two aren’t gonna end up with each other, I’m giving out my coupons at the spa” the diva had commented over a mouthful of Hankyung’s Beijing Fried Rice. Both Kyuhyun and Sungmin flushed after realizing they had been glued to each other for almost the entire day.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh

“Hey, you can hear me right? Wake up” Sungmin whispered that one rainy early morning after Kyuhyun had slipped into a coma. “I’m gonna be very mad at you if you won’t wake up” he sobbed and clutched desperately at Kyuhyun’s pale hand and prayed silently. “I’m here…your best friend’s here”

The rest of the members were pretty much in shock to attend to a sobbing Sungmin. They watched him from the sides, hearts clenching against their chests because they knew how painful it was to see your best friend hanging dearly to that fragile thread called life, they knew how excruciating it was for Sungmin to handle it. And they knew how heart-breaking it was for someone whose love of their life lies motionless to that crisp white bed – almost ghostly white; almost dead.

Kyuhyun had finally opened his dark eyes the very next morning. It was still rainy, and the cold was seeping through the little holes on the windowsill, but Kyuhyun felt warm, almost as if fire was blazing through his system. He blinked and looked at his side, a smile graced his lips; Sungmin was there, sleeping his tears away with his hand kept intertwined with Kyuhyun’s own.


It was barely a whisper, but Sungmin heard it nonetheless. He immediately sprang up from his previous position and was about to intercom the nurse and doctors, when a firm and warm hand stopped him, “Sungmin-hyung” Kyuhyun croaked, chapped lips opening. Sungmin froze, eyes dwelling with tears at the sight of his best friend speaking, pale yet very much alive. “Oh my God you’re awake…T-Thank goodness, Kyu” he had lunged forwards and was embracing the younger male with all his might. He his hair, cupped his cheek and placed a kiss to his forehead. Kyuhyun lifted his hand and assisted himself in sitting up, “I heard you, hyung” he said, soft and fragile; Sungmin tried hard to bit back a sob.

Kyuhyun heard him after all.

“I woke up because I heard your call”

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

He did not know what pushed him to confess by the time he and Kyuhyun had tucked in bed. After Kyuhyun was discharged from the hospital, 78 painstaking days later, Sungmin had mushed up his mind to tell the younger what he truly feels. He had waited for days, weeks, even months; just to make sure that Kyuhyun was already in good shape. And so here he was, gnawing on what was left of his plump lips while waiting for Kyuhyun’s reply.

He didn’t get a reply verbally though. Instead, he felt himself freeze when a pair of arms gathered him inside a very tight and very warm embrace. Kyuhyun’s hearty laugh filled his ears, and he knew exactly what his answer was, “Kyuhyun, I-”

No words were heard; except for that thrumming heartbeats in sync with the tempo. Kyuhyun’s lips tasted like winter, minty fresh with a dash of peppermint. Sungmin dared not to push him away. He closed his eyes, lifted his arms and settled it at the back of the maknae’s neck, deepening their shy kiss. Right there and then, Sungmin could only register their labored breathing, the hands that roamed at his back and the soft lips pressing against his own.

Never did he feel such sincerity and love from a mere kiss.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

“So, you’re together now right?” Yesung had eyed the pair from the minute they exited their bedroom and stepped in front of their band mates at the living room, their hands not separating even once. Kyuhyun nodded, and Sungmin managed to squeak out a breathy ‘yes’. They expected a train of long comments, but no words of ual preference came out of their spectator’s mouths. Instead, Heechul came barging in from the kitchen, holding two envelopes in one hand. “Oh please, enough with the drama” he snapped his fingers in front of the other members and shoved the envelopes into Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s interlocked fingers, “My gift” he whispered with his head in between their shoulders.

Sungmin thanked his hyung softly before being pulled right into their own bedroom. “I have extra coupons anyway, it’s best to share” Heechul winked over to the group and skipped along the wooden floor to help himself over a tub of Rocky road ice cream.

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning 'round
You hold me right here, right now

Sungmin sighed in sheer delight when a familiar pair of arms circled around his waist. “Happy 5 years, Min” Kyuhyun murmured against the shell of his lover’s ear and looped a pendant around his neck. Sungmin stood, bewildered, waiting for Kyuhyun to fasten the lock secured before turning around to give him one, long kiss to the lips. They were now inside the warmth of their own haven, with an expensive bottle of wine, a tray of pristine made food and a perfectly lit space where they pretty much enjoyed the rest of their night.

5 years. Sungmin smiled when he’d lost count at the countless memories he had shared with Kyuhyun. And smiling still, he learned that there will be more in store for them in the upcoming future.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

He only snapped back from his flashbacks when a mop of bushy brown hair collided with his shoulder. “Kyuhyun” Sungmin whispered, curling a hand under Kyuhun’s chin to lift his face up, “Anything you need?”

“You’re singing that song again” Kyuhyun’s lips moved from a thin line to those of an amused smirk, “Why are you feeling luck anyway?”

Sungmin shrugged, leaning up quickly to peck Kyuhyun on the cheek. “Why do you wanna know?”

He chuckled when he saw a pout forming on Kyuhyun’s lips. “I’m your boyfriend, hyung. I have the right to know” he sulked and folded his arms like a 5 year old being punished. Sungmin patted his head and hummed the tune of the song, “I feel lucky because…”


He laughed once more, carving the confused expression Kyuhyun had on his handsome features as he leaned in to Sungmin’s shoulder like a puppy. “You’re lucky because?”

“I’m lucky because I have you, Kyu. Who you are, what you are to me…everything. I’m lucky to be called yours” Sungmin stated in the simplest of ways. He cradled Kyuhyun’s face with both hands and placed a chaste kiss to his lips, murmuring a hushed, “I love you” to him before skipping off the bed to take his guitar from the shelf beside their dresser.

Kyuhyun blinked, touched his lips and smiled; maybe he needs to shake the hands of this Jason Mraz for creating the song.

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ayawani #1
Chapter 1: sweet..Kyumin,stay together forever please.. *v*
venzsuju #2
Chapter 1: auwww sweetttt XD
Chapter 1: Ohh... KyuMin... is... real~ HAHAHAHAHA <333
awww.. cute~~ sweet~~ kekeke~~ they're so lucky to have each other^^
hime-chan #5
This made me smile so much. Especially since this song applies to my two best friends. I hope they will be as strong as Kyu and Sungmin in this story!
LollipopChuleta #6
Sdfghjkdfghj love it :D!!!!
ahahaha... yeah... kyu sure need to shake hand with jason mraz...

nice story from you...

two thumbs up!
Awwwwwww... :3