Taking Chances

Taking Chances {One-Shot}


When you’re with this girl, remember to bring your helmet and maybe a parachute or two with you. Once you’ve become her friend, you’ve just signed up for the wackiest experience of your life; better get started on writing your will. Park Daemin, “a demon without horns,” as nicknamed by her current dwindling number of companions – as if to mock Leeteuk’s nickname [“the angel without wings”]. She gets everywhere with her sleek, black-and-white motorcycle [which she is EXTREMELY protective of]; most of the time her destination is to the top of a mountain or the edge of the ocean.She took a career test once, and received ‘Demolition Expert’ [some of her other suggested careers were lumberjack and bee-keeper]. That just about tells you everything. When she approaches someone with a devious grin on her face, their first reaction is to run away screaming. All of her ideas – scuba diving, rock climbing, and bungee jumping – aren’t just spontaneous, randomized things; she has carefully planned out her life and wants to have as much enjoyment as possible. Little did she know, she had the ability to open his eyes to the vast wonders of the world.
Daemin stepped out of the vehicle with just a measly suitcase and her most precious possession, a rickety, run-down toolbox. It was her pride and joy, her baby; thanks to it, there was nothing she couldn't fix. And this was how she got her job in the first place. She was a "mechanic" for hire, and of course who else would hire her aside from the rich with all their glorious money and nothing better to spend it on. Daemin was escorted into the mansion by the butler. As soon as she got situated in her room, she decided to go explore the mansion. Surely a house this ginormous had to have something interesting going on inside. She made her way to what appeared to be the kitchen, but she paused before entering the room because she heard people conversing. The temptation to eavesdrop took over and she found herself leaning against the hallway wall prying into someone else's life. 
"I don't understand why you won't let me hangout with my fellow classmates?!" the young man shouted at his mother. "Everytime, you come up with some stupid excuse like, 'I need you to help me with a puzzle', or 'the doors are being redone so you can't use them', or 'the lawn has been sprayed so you'll get sick if you go near it'. And here you are doing it again, 'You're father needs you to help him choose which books to clear out of the study room'; you've got to be kidding me!"
"Don't argue with me! If I said no, it's no! The world's a dangerous place, you have no idea what's out there!" retorted his mother.
"I would if you'd let me leave this horrid hell hole!" He stormed out of the kitchen and in doing so, ran into the nosy girl hiding in the hallway. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"
Daemin was caught off guard. She hadn't expected to meet the Cho's in such an awkward manner. "I..umm... I'm the-"
"MOM! There's an intruder in our house!" He shouted back in the direction of his mother as he grabbed her by the wrist to hinder her "escape".
"Oh my gosh! Kyuhyun! Get away from them!" she screamed as she rushed over to him. Mrs. Cho came to a halt and slightly laughed when she realized who was dubbed "the intruder". "Honey, that's just our new mechanic. She'll be fixing things around the house for us."
"Annyeong!" she said, pulling her arm back. 
Several weeks have passed and Daemin had grown accustomed to the Cho household. Mr. Cho was always occupied with business ordeals, barely ever home, and if he was home, he was always in his office. Mrs. Cho, on the otherhand, seemed to have nothing better to do aside from babying their only child. And last, but not least, there was Kyuhyun,  the snobby, rude, over-confident, sheltered from the outside world, spoiled brat. Daemin found his ego to be repulsive, but even more annoying was the fact that he was so shielded from the world that he couldn't even ride a bike! Daemin was determined to, as Aladdin would put it, "show him the world". She had been working on building a two seated bicycle and was just about finished with it. 
"Are you sure you're a certified mechanic? A bicycle is suppose to have two wheels and one seat, not two seats." Kyuhyun stated in the most condescending tone. 
Was he serious?! The boy couldn't even ride a bike! Daemin was quick to snidely retort back, "shut up, pabo! It was made for you! Anyhoo, it's all done! Let's take it out for a spin." 
"Yeah, right. Like my mom would ever let me leave, let alone with you on a homemade bike!"
"She doesn't have to know. We'll just leave for 30 mins or so."
"Really? You think so?"
"Yeah! Come on! Let's go!"
Daemin pulled him by the hand and dragged him over to the bike. As soon as he got situated on the bike, she hopped on and headed out to town. Although he was quite the skeptic, Daemin took him to the market and amazed him with many things there. He enjoyed it so much that he insisted on sneaking out the next day. Soon it became routine for Daemin to take him around town. After many trips to town, she felt that it still wasn't enough. She decided to let him experience something more exciting. 
"Are you sure this is safe? It doesn't seem very sturdy," Kyuhyun questioned as he tried balancing on the rollerblades.
"It's harmless. Don't worry about it. It'll be fun. I promise!" She took him by both hands to help him balance. It was like teaching a baby to walk. When she thought he got the hang of it, she let go of one hand and started gliding beside him. Shortly after, Daemin felt confident about his stability and let go. This alarmed Kyuhyun. He liked holding onto her hand so he quickly grabbed it back. 
"Please continued to guide me. I don't think I'm quite ready to go on my own yet."
"Fine. But we're gonna go faster. And just so you know, I think you're perfectly capable of going on your own." 
Daemin began to speed up and he had to pick up his pace in order to keep up with her. The two were gliding along hand in hand, smiling and laughing as they told each other stories. At one point Kyuhyun had been staring at Daemin for quite sometime, and she became aware of it and stared back. Because the two were so captivated with one another, they ended up crashing into the park bench causing both to go flying over it because of the speed they were going. Daemin quickly sat up and looked over to Kyuhyun to make sure he was okay. He just layed here, still as could be. Daemin began to freak out, what if he broke something. Even worst, what if he was paralyzed? Mrs. Cho would murder her! No wait, Mrs. Cho would probably hire a hitman, but regardless, Daemin knew she'd be dead! As soon as she got to her feet, she quickly made her way to Kyuhyun, but before her frantic being reached him, he had burst into hysterical laughter. 
"That was so much fun!" 
"Are you okay?! Here, let me help you up," she exclaimed as she offered him her hand. Somehow in the process, she managed to stumble over herself and topple onto him. But before she hit him, she caught herself. Still, they were so close that they could feel each other breathing. Kyuhyun couldn't stop staring into her eyes and she couldn't stop staring at him. Within several seconds, there position changed and he was now the one hovering over her. He quickly went in for the kiss. Daemin was somewhat astonished, but was soon succumbed by the immense feelings that were derived from it. 
Kyuhyun pushed himself off of her and quickly hopped up; not knowing what to say he began stumbling over words and mumbled, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."
Daemin got up and brushed herself off. "Umm...we should get going."
The two of them walked back to the Cho household in silence. Kyuhyun wanted to say something, but found himself at a lost for words. During the past few weeks, he had developed feelings for her. He didn't know if it was her rambunctious personality, her desire for adventure, or the fact that she had shown him what living life really meant, but he knew that he liked her and could only hope that her feelings were mutual. And the fact was, there was something growing in her heart, too. Although her initial feelings were that of animosity that stemmed from seeing such a snobby brat getting everything he wanted, they changed as she got to know him better. He was just misunderstood, and watching him experience the simple things in life was quite refreshing. 
They soon arrived home only to be met with an enraged woman screaming indecencies as she stormed the house. 
"Oh my gosh! My baby has been injured! How could this have hap- YOU!!!!" She exclaimed as she pointed her finger directly at Daemin. "I want you out of this house, right this instant!" 
"I'm sorry," Daemin stammered as she bowed multiple times and proceeded to rush up to her rooms to grab her things. 
"No! Wait!!" Kyuhyun shouted as he pushed his mother off of him and quickly caught Daemin. "It's not her fault. It's no one's, but my own."
He turned to Daemin and stated, "I'm coming with you, if that's okay with you." His eyes were filled with sincerity and anticipation for her response. 
"What? No, I can't let you do that," Daemin refused as her eyes began to well up from the stream of emotions flowing from within. As much as she would have liked that, she knew that she couldn't let him act so irrationally.
"You're choosing that tramp over your own mother?!" his mother interjected. "All I ever did was love you!"
"No, Mother. You smothered me with your so called "love", but just because you take care of someone that doesn't necessarily constitutes love. Not once did you ask me how I felt about something, or even listen to my opinions. All you ever did was tell me to do this and that. You never tried to understand me. But Daemin did. She tried to understand me. And she would listen to me and actually talk to ME. Yes, what you did was "love", but I guess sometimes when you love someone too much, it only pushes them away. I love you, and I'm grateful for all that you've done for me, but I think it's time that you give me space and let me live."
His mother stood there in a state of shock as her tears flowed from her eyes. She was at a lost for words, she tried to process everything that was happening. She managed to murmur, "Fine, I will give you this space you long for because I love you. All I ask is that you come back and visit at least once a month." 
Kyuhyun approached his mother and held both her hands in his. "Thank you, Mother."
He abruptly pulled her into a tight hug as his mother continued to cry. Through all the blubbering, she managed to squeeze out, "If you need anything, just call us. You're father and I will always be here for you."
Kyuhyun nodded and then bowed at his mother before rushing over to Daemin. He nearly tackled her with his hug as he lifted her up into a spin. The two packed their belongings and were soon on their way to new adventures and challenges life had to throw at them.
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pandawriter #1
this is really nice!
I got an update for this...did you change something? o.o
last_dance #3
Hahah Love the story! The girl sounds like my cousin XD [scary] :p<br />
hyeamazing #4
Awesome x3 The poster's really niceee! :D And so is the story. Kyuhyun's omma... -shakes head- I'm glad Daemin changed KyuHyun! :DDD
dearkoala #5
Awesome cute.<br />
oh, btw, I will be advertising this story =D
I'm still waiting for more stories from you, pwahahaha~ =D
aw, this was cute mary~ =D
--carnival #9
I LOVE YOUUU. ♥<br />
I was just wandering around the AFF homepage and then I saw <i>this</i>.<br />
For a second, I forgot what this was for. XD<br />
THANK YOUUU. ♥<br />
[ now, I will head off to read after I finish eating lunch. ;O ]