Clash of the Torn


You, Lee _________ P.O.V.: 



My only goal in life... is to bring fortune to my family. 

My family who hesitates when buying food and paying the bills. 

Their only hope is me, and I have to help them. 

Altough I've always been good in studies, everyone told me to give up. 


Because everything thinks that I'd end up with a good, wealthy husband. 

But who has the time to wait?  Waiting in the fast-pace 21st century is useless. 

Why would I throw away my pride by taking my husbands money? 

I want to do things by myself.

Achieve by myself.

Independence is what I rely on. 


Kim Jae Joong P.O.V.




Why am I one of Korea's biggest stars? 

Because this is the only thing that I can do. 

Where does my money go? 

Straight into the pockets of loan sharks. 

All of it. 

Dead parents.

A sister in hostage. 

I need to pay them back.

Before It's too late.

I've always been like this.

Helping others by myself. 

Achieve by myself. 

Independance is my virture. 



What happens when two troubled souls collide? 

Will they repel one another?

Or will they stick together?


Please Comment! 
This is my first time writing a fan fiction, so critques are welcome! :) 

Btw... please don't judge my story on its visual presentation haha... 


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