

Sungmin gaped as he saw his older brother kiss Donghae, wasn't he afraid of cooties? Sungmin immedietly asked himself. With so many questions and not enough answers Sungmin ran off to the smartest person he knew, Kyuhyun.

"Kyu!!!" He called as he knocked on the door of his neighboor. He huffed as his friend did not open the door, and just took the emergency key from underneath the matt. "Kyu!" He called once he opened the door. He knew his friend was home... probably just playing that Starcraft game again.

He ran to his friend's bedroom, and opened the door without any warning. Kyuhyun was in fact playing Starcraft, and hadn't even noticed he had barged in. Pouting SUngmin came up with a plan, and quickly acted on it. Smiling he covered up his friend's eyes so he couldn't see the screen anymore, and pushed off the other's earphones.

"Guess who?" He asked childishly. Kyuhyun just sighed and paused his game, "What do you want Min?" He asked upset with the other. Sungmin upon hearing the question, remembered why he was here. "Kyu I have some questions that need answers." He said blushing embarrassed.

Kyuhyun shut his laptop down, and offered Sungmin a space on his bed. "Alright what is it?" He asked. Sungmin blushed a little more, "Well, I saw my brother kissing Donghae, and... Are you alright?!" He stopped when he saw Kyuhyun smack his forehead. "Yeah... just continue." He assured.

"Okay, so after that I thought to myself, yesterday he told me about cooties and how you catch them from kissing. And then today he just goes and kisses Hae, so will Hyukkie catch those cooties?" He asked, wondering why Kyuhyun had started blushing.

"Well... no you mostly get cooties from icky girls... and Hyuk is just a idiot so just ignore him." He told his friend. Sungmin beamed, "Really you mean he is cured?!" He asked happily.

"For the most part yes." Kyuhyun said, sighing. Sungmin let out a small squeal and hugged Kyuhyun tight, "Thank you Doctor Cho." He teased slightly. "Ao Min you wanna tell me why Hyuk told you about cooties?" He asked actually curious as to why the older would tell Min about them.

Sungmin blushed, "Ah, well, you see.... I have someone I really like, and I asked Hyuk to help me. Hyuk said a kiss usually works, but beware of cooties." He said really embarrassed now. 

Kyuhyun was beyond pissed, "Well did you tell her how you feel?" He asked, the anger seeping into his voice. "No I haven't... I was scared about cooties, but you told me they were only for icky girls." He said beating around the bush.

"So she must be perfect." He said the jealousy blinding his mind. Sungmin rolled his eyes. "Well I would hope he would be since he is my own personnel go to person when I need help." He explained hoping Kyuhyun would get it.

Kyuhyun calmed down as he heard those words and looked quite dumbfounded, "You mean me?!" He asked shocked, "No, I meant that lamp behind you. Yes you, you idiot." Min said smiling.

Kyuhyun was so happy that he kissed Min on the lips. Sungmin looked shocked at first but relaxed a little bit before pulling away. Sticking his tongue out he told Kyuhyun, "Ewwww, now I have Kyuties." 

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ewww!! i really wanna have that kyuties tyuuu!!
What is cooties exactly??
Sooo adorable!!!!! Omg~~~
SuperMaknae #4
'Kyuties' okei that's adorable :33333
xiangyun98 #5 kyute of them...:)
aww... so cute...<3
cyyQM137 #7
so cute ;)
so Kyute <3 :D
loveSungmin #9
So Kyute ♥