

It was raining hard that day. It felt like a storm was already on its way but still, I go to him. 

I already know that it's wrong; we had an agreement. We are doing this fake relationship for our own benefits: to stop my ex-boyfriend from chasing me, while for him, to make sure that the girl he loves will be happy and save the failing relationship.

I knew from the very first day that he loves her; I actually admired him because he does his best, going as far as having a fake relationship with the ex-girlfriend of his love's current boyfriend just to see her happy.

But the longer the supposed relationship last, the more I realize that the admiration that I once felt for him is turning out to be the very thing that will hurt me.

But still, I go -- to him, always running to his side because no matter how hard I try to tell myself that he wouldn't love me, there's still this tiny little hope that's inside my heart.

The hope that he'll soon look at me.

I was already standing on his doorway while shaking the water off my umbrella. His house is quite, still-like. The rain almost felt surreal, I can the raindrops, but I can't hear any of it.

"Cea?" his voice called. His voice, I recently realized made my heart stop. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Where are you. Your house is empty and cold, no wonder you got sick." 

Of course I know where he is. I slowly walked into his room taking my time. It's for my sake really, thinking that the moment I see him too soon, all the feelings I'm trying to hide will be suddenly known to him.

He smiled, the moment he saw me.

Oh god, oh god, please tell him don't smile at me like that. Please....

"Hey." I said. "Hungry?"

"Yeah. Can you cook me that thing again?" he asked, his voice faint. He must be feeling really, really weak.

"What that thing?" I asked, not getting what he's saying at first. "That soup?"

"I think we're thinking the same thing, so yeah." 

"Okay. I'll go to the supermarket because I know that you have nothing in this house. I will be back." I said as I turn back and walk to the door. Then his hand grabbed mine, though weak, managed to pull me back. 

Half of my body fell on top of his.

"What?!" I shrieked. 

"Be back quick. I have something to tell you." He answered. He cupped my face with his hand and then slowly, softly, he planted a kiss on my forehead. 

I closed my eyes, trying to feel the heat of his lips on to my skin, the only proof that what happened was real.

The tiny hope started to flame. Maybe he does feel the same way towards me too?


I came back from the supermarket, I left him teasing me about going all red while I jokingly hit him. My heart sings with joy. Along the bliss I am feeling, the skies stopped raining. I feel estatic as I ran back to his apartment.

The moment I opened his door though, the tiny hope that turned into flame started to weaken.

There's an awfully familiar pair of shoes in his doorway. 

I walked into his room and even before I reached the door, I heard their voices, faint, but I could tell whose voice it is.

She's here. The girl he's in-love with is here.

A bile is already rising in my throat, I tried to swallow it, but I can't.

I slowly opened the door and looked inside. I can clearly hear her crying.

And then, I saw something that made the tiny hope completely died out.

He kissed her. On the lips.

Surely a kiss in the forehead versus a kiss on the lips tell it all, doesn't it?

I ran away. As I do, tears started falling. 

The rain has went away, but the storm has come.



Lead girl : currently empty, APPLY :D the name I used for the prologue was Cea, but tentative.

Tao : The Lead Guy, he conspired with the lead girl for a fake relationship to save Krystal and Lay's relationship.

Krystal: Tao's childhood bestfriend, and currently going out with Lay.

Lay: the Lead girl's first boyfriend from many years ago. Has gone out with different girls but still hanging on the Lead girl. Krystal's boyfriend.

Se hun : Lead girl's bestfriend, grew up with her in the same apartment complex.

Sulli : Lead girl's friend from school who got really close to her and Sehu.


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I can't wait ^^ Hwaiting<3