Only BIGBANG allowed

"Hyung hurry~", Seungri told Jiyong to fasten his pace. 

"I know I know~", Ji shake maknae's off with his indifference. It's not like they're going to miss the flight to Yeosu. He hardly had any sleep to be honest last night, he's busy working on his new album, and that's less than four months from now. Jiyong insists that it's going to be out by his birthday, hopefully.

"Noona, did you guys had breakfast before you come to airport?", Seungri ask Sandara who's walking along with them at the airport.

"Ah, not yet, we're going to have them later in the plane. What about you guys?", she's always looking out for them as they're like her younger siblings. 

"Neither did us, ah so hungry~", Seungri complains. 

"Yah, eat all you want after this in the plane, I'm going to sleep.", Jiyong tells maknae.

"Jiyong ah you didn't sleep last night?", Dara ask him as she sees him looking tired. 

"Nah, just for a few hours only. I'm so tired.", Jiyong shrugs and carry his bag passing the customs.

Just then fans are snapping their pictures at the airport. It's hard to give off that friendly vibe when everyone's super tired. Seungri walk over next to Jiyong and whisper,

"Hyung, is it alright?", he ask Jiyong who's blur.

"What's alright?"

"The fans taking pictures of you and Dara noona..", Seungri peer over Dara who's busy with her passport.

"What are you talking about?", Jiyong's frown, 

"Well,,aren't fans gonna post these online, and later SHE will see them..will she be okay?", Seungri explain.

Ji look at Seungri and then makes a face, "So what if the fans take our pictures together? You're in it too, deal with it.", he take away his checked bag and walk to the lounge. 

Seungri's dumbfounded by his hyung coolness. Fine, we'll see how cool you'll be when those two meets, Seungri thought to himself.



After the Yeosu expo performances ends, BIGBANG and 2NE1 are back in Seoul. They're going up to their apartments in the elevator. 2NE1's dorms are in the same building except different floors. 

"Can you hold this for a moment noona?", Seungri ask Dara to hold a plastic bag he carried from the airport.

"God I'm so tired I feel like passing out~", Taeyang rub his mohawk hair. TOP went back to his own villa, so that leaves the four of them, with the other four of 2NE1.

"I wonder how can this elevator hold the eight of of us, what's more with four of us so heavy~", Seungri starts teasing the girls as if they're too heavy for the elevator.

"Yah, you better not be  talking about us~", CL warn maknae as the others laugh. Just then the elevator stops at a floor and the door's opened.

"Noona!", that word automatically comes out from Daesung and Seungri's mouths when they see her standing in front of the elevator. Jiyong's surprised to see her there too. Why is she on another floor anyway?

She look a bit surprised by them but she just smile at them, should I get in? She thinks as there are many people on the lift already.

"Aren't you going in?", Daesung ask her as she hesitates. 

"Ah, it's okay, just go ahead I'll take another elevator, ga se yo *go ahead* ", she tell them to just go. 

"We can still fit in one more person, come on in~", Dara ask her to get on. She look at the others as they smile at her,

"noona you don't weight that much to cause the elevator to fall~", Daesung assures her as she gets in.

The elevator's door closed and everyone's looking at...everyone. 

"Do you live here too? Which floor?", Dara ask her as their eyes meet. Wah, these girls are like dolls. She thought to herself as she's standing next to them. 

"Yes, I just moved in here two months ago.", she politely answers Dara.

"She lives on the same floor with us.", Seungri introduce their neighbor to the girls. 

"Really? Wow I hope the boys don't cause you any trouble.", Park Bom tells her jokingly with a friendly smile.

"Trouble? ahaha..what kind of troubles would we do to our neighbor, we're good right noona?", Daesung smile at her. No troubles huh? Then what about that night you guys came to my house two in the morning drunk? She just laughs it off with the others. 

"No, no trouble at all, they're really nice to me.", she praise them in front of the 2NE1 girls.

"If the boys cause you any trouble, let us know~", CL tells her as she point at Seungri, "especially this guy.", 

"Ah ma ja ma ja *right right* ", Minzy and the others agree and laugh again. 

She laugh at maknae who's being bullied now. Are they always like this? Poor maknae, she can't help but to poke fun at him too. Amidst those laughters, Jiyong's smiling at her who's laughing with the others. He actually thought of surprising her when he sees her later but turns out he's the one who's surprised by her sudden appearance. 

Taeyang notice Jiyong's smiling alone at the back and look at her, it must be her that makes him smiling like that. He couldn't help but to smile too,

"but you know it sure is nice to be be back home, and then get to see your loved one~", he tease Jiyong's who's smiling by himself. The others realize what Taeyang's talking about and instantly shift their focus on those two.

"Like who?", Minzy ask him.

"My loved one, I miss Boss~", Taeyang making his own monologue as the others giggling.

"Hyung, don't you miss Gaho? You miss Gaho don't you? Or it's not just Gaho you miss?", Seungri tease his hyung who's making a straight face.  

"Shi ker ro *Shut up* ", Jiyong told maknae to shut it as he's blushing. Why am I blushing anyway? He look around and sees her standing opposite him. He blushes even more when she smile at him. 

Why is his cheeks so red? She thought to herself as she sees him, and with that red hair..she remembers the other night when they meet after he finished with his schedule. She laughed so hard at his hair, and teasing him about it. And of course he didn't let it go for making fun of him, he made her stayed with him all night long before he leaves for Yeosu. 

Bom noticed at what's going on in the elevator and starts smiling to herself, she look at her who's standing there with a grocery bag,

"Next time you should have dinner with us, okay?", Bom suddenly say that to her as the others look at her surprised. 

"De?", she's blur cause Bom suddenly say that out of the blue. 

"Why would you have dinner with our neighbor?", Seungri ask her.

"Why not? We're girls, girls should stick together~", Bom defends herself. 

"Do you live alone?", Dara ask her again, she just nods as she's confused with what's going on. Ahh so many people talking at the same time which one should I listen to? She scratch her head.

Jiyong watches them and smile. The elevator stop at their floor and they walk out as the 2NE1 girls look on. 

"Bye bye~", the girls wave and smile at them. She bow at them as the door's closed. 

"Why were you on the other floor just now?", Jiyong ask her as he takes away the grocery bag from her hands. 

"I was going up with an ahjumma from that floor, she was carrying a lot of things so I helped. I didn't expect to see you guys just now.", she laugh a little and smile when he hold her hand as they start walking. He smile at her and as he was about to chat more with her the elevator's suddenly opened.

"Seungri ah you forgot your bag!", Dara walk out and hold a plastic bag in her hand. They all stopped and turn around looking at her, and the rest of the girls in the elevator.

"OMONA.", that comes out of Sandara's mouth. The other girls in the lift are also surprised. Jiyong's still holding her hand despite they're all looking at them now. 

"I knew it! Jiyong Jiyong-ie chu ka hae!!', Bom shouts from inside the elevator. She congratulates him in the chaos. 

"What the hell~ mooya igo?", Daesung laughs as these all doesn't make sense. 

"Hyung it's okay if they know?", Seungri ask Taeyang who just laugh and sighs.

"Jiyong knows what he's doing, no worries~", Taeyang say that confidently.

Dara walk to Seungri and give him the bag, she smile at those two who are blushing. Dara giggles and show two thumbs up,

"If it's like this then we really need to get dinner together okay? Don't worry Jiyong ah noona will take care of her when you're busy~", she tells that to Jiyong who's covering his face with his hand. embarrassed of course.

"No wonder Jiyong's so happy whenever he's back here!!", CL too.

"Ah noona~ you're embarrassing me, I got it  okay okay~", he told her to go as soon as possible. 

"Jiyong oppa chuka hae~~", the other girls congratulate and at the same time. He blushes but he's still holding her hand as she try to let go. 

'That was so embarrassing...", he mumbles to himself. She stare at him as he notice,

"They seems nice. I like them.", she smile at him  and starts walking. 

"You like them?", he ask her, she nods, "Who wouldn't like them, they're so nice and pretty too. I heard their songs before, I don't care eh eh eh eh~ ", she waves her fingers dancing to the song. Jiyong laugh at her silliness and smile. 

"That's good.", he says. 

"What?", she ask him.

"The other day when we're at the airport fans took our pictures together. Did you see?", he ask her. She try to remember what she sees online last night. he talking about the airport pictures.

"Yeah I saw them..", she say that in a low voice. He look at her as he's trying to read her expression.

"You're okay with that?", he ask her. She stop walking and look at him with a smile, then suddenly she's laughing. 

Jiyong stare at her, what is wrong with this girl?

"What?", he ask her as he laugh too. 

"Why wouldn't I be okay? It's okay if you have your pictures taken with her. You guys work in the same agency after all right.", she tells that to him.

Jiyong look at her with a smile, he's actually speechless. And then suddenly he's pouting, 

"You...don't you ever get jealous?",

" I do get jealous, but not over that kind of things. I get it. Plus..", she pause before she continue,

"You wouldn't like it if I get jealous.", she look at him with a meaningful smile.

Jiyong stare at her without saying a word, I wonder how she's like when she's jealous..







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Chapter 117: Classic piece. See I got here again after years.
Chapter 117:
Chapter 115: 작 가 님.....보고싶어요... ㅠㅠ
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Chapter 115: authornim... how r you???? Im happy right now
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Chapter 114: Author nim...update juseyo. Jeball..
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Chapter 114: please update soon....
Chapter 88: I miss this moment,, please update again author nim,,,, ㅜ ㅜ
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Chapter 114: Thanks for your update authornim!
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