Video Tape

Lost Memory

"Want to come in?" Thunder asked as he unlocked the door to his house, G.O nodded.

"Thanks for today Hyung, I had a good time." Thunder smiled as him and G.O walked inside his house. They took off their shoes and jackets and put them near the front door.

"Why not sleep over?" Thunder sat on the sofa.

"Alright." G.O walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll make dinner." G.O went inside and started the food.


"That was awesome, thanks." Thunder washed the plates from dinner, thanking G.O for it afterwards. G.O sat on the sofa.

"You looked tired." Thunder sat down next to G.O.

"I am." G.O yawned, Thunder stared at him with a smile.

"What?" G.O noticed Thunder staring at him, he turned his head to look at Thunder, but they just sat there staring at each other.

"Hyung..." Thunder noticed they were moving closer to each other. Before either of them said anything else, their lips touched and they closed their eyes. The kiss seemed to go on forever, but they had to release it. When their lips broke apart they stared at each other with a smile.




Mir was laying in his bed, he hasn't seen Joon since this morning. He was getting really worried, he tried to go to sleep, but he couldn't.

Hyung, where did you go? Mir closed his eyes as a tear slide down and onto his pillow. Mir didn't know how long he had laid on his bed worried about Joon before he finally fell asleep, it felt like hours.


Where did you go? A little boy was sitting outside a house, it raining hard, but the boy didn't care, he was waiting for someone.

Are you coming back? Don't worry, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. The boy smiled, but the rain hid away the tears that were falling down his cheeks.

I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'll be here waiting... waiting for you. He stood up, still smiling he looked around outside for the person, but he saw no one.


Did you forget me?..... I'm still here... You are coming back, right? The boy was sitting on a swing, looking at the ground he cried, it was raining again.

Your not coming back are you?... Why did you leave me? The boy screamed loudly, but the rain drowned out the scream.

I'm all alone...

I don't want to be alone...


Mir's eyes opened quickly as he woke from the dream.

"It was that house... The little boy was standing outside that house I saw yesterday. Mir quickly got out of bed and got dressed, he put on his shoes and jacket, leaving the house afterwards without eating breakfast.

"Doesn't look like anyone lives here." No lights were on in the house. Mir walked up to the front door and knocked, no answer what the door opened slightly. Mir walked in looked around, there was a little funiture left the house. Mir looked around the house and saw nothing strange, he entered one of the rooms upstairs, the bed was big and very nice. Still nothing strange in this room, he left after checking the whole room, he entered the one next to it. The room looked normal too, it had to two beds. Mir looked around and on one of the beds was a video tape, he picked it up and read the label, it said 'I'll miss you'. Mir took the video tape with him and looked around the room some more, everything seemed fine so he left the room.

"I'll watch this at home." Mir looked at the video tape before leaving the house.


As Mir walked closer to his house, he saw someone standing outside it.

"Hi Mir!" Joon smiled as Mir walked closer to him.

"I was wondering why you wouldn't answering the door."

"Hello Hyung." Mir unlocked the door.

"What's that?" Joon pointed to the video tape in Mir's hand.

"I found it at some strange house." Mir walked into the house and Joon followed.

"I'll make breakfast, it's very early." Joon walked into the kitchen and left Mir standing by the television. Mir put the video tape in the tape player next to his television, he sat on the sofa as it started.




G.O was sleeping on Thunder's bed, Thunder was cleaning the house before he went to sleep. Thunder was cleaning his room, there was an old desk he had in the corner of his room, he never touched the desk but he liked it very much. He opened the drawer to clean the inside.

"What's this?" Thunder found two photos inside the drawer, both photos showed two people smiling.



Near the end, maybe only like two or three more chapters. ^^

I should be able to finish this story tomorrow.

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such a sweet story~ :) joonmir 4ever!
Oh gosh, so sad! :( But it was a very good story^^
Can't wait till the next chapter! I really want to know what's on the video tape o_O!!! XD
omo~!!! the truth soon will reveal XDD
i wonder what did mir forget?? o-o
Aww so cute! I wonder what Mir should remember... :D
upsate soon. :)
I love the chapters! Please update soon!!!^^