What's a Parent?

The Mysterious Singer

"Yoseob, remember! Music room after school," IU whispered in Yoseob's ear during lunch. Yoseob sat down on the table and nodded with a smile. As the were eating lunch, someone sat between Yoseob and IU.

"Hello~" a familiar voice sang. IU and Yoseob looked up from their lunch and saw Seulong there, smiling. 

"Um, hi," IU greeted awkwardly. Yoseob raised an eyebrow. What is he up to now? Yoseob thought.

"OPPA!" Min Ah's voice shouted as she jumped on Seulong. IU and Yoseob scooted over. Now, IU and Yoseob were sitting together, facing Min Ah and Seulong, who were sitting together. Min Ah began snuggling on Seulong's arm.

"Oppa, I thought we were eating with your sister and everyone else!" Min Ah said in her cute voice. Any ordinary boy could fall for her voice, but Seulong didn't.

"It's tomorrow, Min Ah. We didn't really want to meet up," Seulong said, rolling his eyes. Min Ah pouted, as she glared at IU. IU shivered, feeling very awkward and uncomfortable. Why is she glaring at me? I did nothing to her! IU thought. Yoseob saw this and glared back at Min Ah.

"Oppa, I don't like them! Let's move!" Min Ah hissed. Seulong frowned at Min Ah.

"What's wrong with you? You wouldn't let me hear your singing, you're hogging all over me, and you're acting jealous!" Seulong snapped. Yoseob and IU eyed each other, showing an 'Uh-oh' expression.

"I am not jealous! I don't like her, though," Min Ah pointed at IU, sticking her tongue out. IU gasped, as she felt deeply hurt.

"What did I do?" IU managed to ask.

"You're causing problems for my Seulong!" Min Ah shouted, getting up. IU's eyes widened. So yesterday... what he said.. was true? IU thought, turning pale. 

"IU, all you alright? You're turning pale," Seulong said, getting up to help IU.

"Oppa, don't fall for her tricks! She just wants your attention!" Min Ah said, pulling Seulong back.

"YA! You can't tell me what to do! It's also called helping people!" Seulong said, pointing at IU who was turning paler by the minute. Suddenly, she began to feel dizzy. She was shaking, even though when she tried to stop.

"You get fooled too much! Can't you see she's faking?!" Min Ah argued.

"She's really fainting, Min Ah! If you can prove that she's not fainting, then I'll leave her alone! But if I know correctly, she's really fainting!" Seulong yelled. Min Ah angrily stared at IU and stormed toward's her. Then, she pulled IU's hair, who screamed.

"AHHH!!!" she shouted, as IU struggled. Her face was getting paler faster, but Min Ah didn't notice.

"What are you doing, Min Ah?!" Seulong shouted, pulling Min Ah away. IU turned to Min Ah, and then Seulong. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was tired.

"See? She's faking! She's staying up!" Min Ah pointed out. It was true that IU was staying up, but she was staying up because the pain had alerted her.

"Yoseob," IU said weakly, "Take me to Taeyang oppa..." Suddenly, IU collapsed on the floor, as everyone began gathering around her. Yoona appeared in the crowd, and gasped.

"Seulong oppa! What did you do?!" Yoona asked, glaring at her brother.

"It's Min Ah's fault--"

"Everyone, move it!" Yoseob shouted, piggy-backing IU. Everyone took at least 3 big steps away from IU and Yoseob, as he began to run towards the nurse's office. Seulong pushed Min Ah away and followed IU. Why am I following her? Why am I so worried about her? She's just another girl who just fainted! But why am I so worried? Seulong thought, as he felt different emotions in his heart. He continued to follow Yoseob, who was about to arrive at the nurse's office. Seulong arrived at the room, but didn't go in. He was scared. What would people think of me, now? Seulong thought, as he looked at the room, Do I like IU?

A few minutes later, Seulong entered the room, and saw IU lying on a bed of the furthest corner. Seulong approached to her, as saw Yoseob staring at her worriedly. Seulong cleared his throat awkwardly, making Yoseob jump.

"Ah, Seulong," Yoseob said, examining him. Seulong sat down next to Yoseob. He folded his hands, while Yoseob continued to stare at IU.

"I.... have a confession," Seulong said seriously. Yoseob raised an eyebrow.

"What confession?" Yoseob asked. Seulong gulped. I guess I really do have feelings for IU. Just say that, okay Seulong? Seulong told himself mentally. Seulong took a deep breath.

"I guess I--" Before Seulong could continue, IU slowly woke up. Yoseob sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Yoseob said, grinning at IU. IU smiled back, while Seulong stared at the two with jealousy. 

"I'll get the nurse, alright?" Yoseob said, standing up. He left to chase after the nurse, leaving IU and Seulong alone. IU blushed nervously, her heart leaping a beat. OMG! I'm alone with Seulong oppa! >.< This is a dream come true!~ she squealed. Seulong stared at her with a red face. She so cute when she looks sick, too ^^ Seulong thought, forcing himself to smile. 

"You look better when you smile more," IU complimented. Seulong blushed, feeling really awkward right now. I really do like her a little, hm? Seulong thought.

"I do?" Seulong asked, still smiling. IU nodded weakly. The two started a friendly chat, until the nurse and Yoseob came.

"Okay, Jieun, what's your parent's phone number?" the nurse asked. Yoseob slapped his face, as he groaned in frustration. IU titled her head a little, throwing the nurse a confusing look.

"What's a parent?" IU asked. Seulong widened his eyes, opening his mouth. Man, she is not the smartest person in the world, Seulong thought, continuing to stare at IU.

(A/N: Hello~ So I was just looking at my pole, right? And IU will be coupled with Seulong. So if you were looking forward to an IU/Yoseob couple, I'm sorry. If I finish this fic, then maybe I can write an IU/Yoseob couple. Anyways, I saw on one of my poles that 46 people wanted IU fics ^^ I suggest to those who voted and have an account try to make some IU fanfics ^_^ It's just a suggestion and encouragement! :D Well, I'll try to update sooner. BB!)

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@mydeardeerlu: Thank you! ^_^ This is one of my earlier (actually, my first) IU story (and one of the earliest IU stories written), so I really treasure this. :)
I love all the guys she could possibly be paired with too
Cute! IU Is perfect
@nyhkkm123: I definitely write more about IU! >_< I think more than half my stories are about IU. <3
nyhkkm123 #5
this story is so cute. I hope u write more about iu
@hoihoi_miho: Btw, Min Ah plays the bad girl in this story so… yeah… ^^;;
@xxw00uxx: Thank you! ^^ Well, I'm planning for "A Rush of Reasons" to be the end of my IU fanfics. :) In the beginning, I wrote IU fanfics because there were around 8 stories of her and I was a huge fan. When IU became famous, though, her fanfiction tag became 8 to over a thousand! That's why I'm planning to take a break for writing IU fanfics next year or something. :P
xxw00uxx #8
Chapter 19: make more ui ff unnie please ... ;)
xxw00uxx #9
Chapter 19: dione reading .. i love all your story specially iu's ff .. ;)
@ashini1997: A long time ago, when I was writing this story, the poll was voted as IU and Seulong couple :3 As time passed by and more people began to enjoy IU fanfics, the poll rose up and became IU and Yoseob couple :)