Love Drunk

The Mysterious Singer

OMG, Seulong thought, shaking his head, I almost wanted to kiss IU. I have officially gone crazy. How could you think like that, huh Seulong? He tried to erase IU off his mind, but her smile reappeared like magic. Suddenly, he heard footsteps.

"Oppa, are you okay?" Yoona asked with a worried face. Seulong nodded, ignoring whatever Yoona said. Again, IU's face appeared with that cute smile of hers. Seulong shivered, as his heart leaped a beat.

"You are definitely not okay. Are you sick? You're a bit red," Yoona said, placing her hang on his forehead. Yoona frowned. 

"You're not sick. Oppa, what's-" before Yoona was able to finish, Taecyeon had called her. Yoona squealed excitedly.

"BE RIGHT BACK!" she squealed, as she ran to take her phone. Seulong sighed, as he began kicking a can.

"You're Seulong? Im Seulong, right?" a voice came from behind. Seulong gulped and turned around. Taeyang was there, but he wasn't smiling. He wasn't frowning, either. He just had a neutral expression on his face.

"Y-Yes. You must be, uh, IU's older brother, right?" Seulong asked, shaking.

"The name is Taeyang, by the way," Taeyang said. Seulong nodded nervously. Taeyang studied Seulong for a moment, and then slowly nodded.

"Well, nice to meet you," he said simply, as he turned. Seulong stared at him strangely. That's it? Seulong thought. Taeyang began walking, until he stopped next a lamp post.

"Oh, and stay away from Jieun, alright?" Taeyang warned without turning around. He began walking walking, leaving Seulong confused. What? I have nothing to do with IU. IU is just a little girl who is just amazingly cute with those light, pink lips... wait, what am I thinking? Seulong thought, shivering and shaking his head. Yoona hoped next to Seulong, pushing him back in the bar.

"W-Why are we going back?" Seulong stammered.

"Well we're going to a club after this! I just called Taecyeon and he's already there," Yoona explained, as they entered the bar. Yoona quickly snook behind Yoseob and IU and whispered something in IU's ear. IU grinned as she eyed on her brother, who sighed. Then, her brother whispered something, making IU frown. Finally, IU, Yoona, Yoseob, and Seulong were heading off the the club.

"Aren't you underaged?" Seulong asked, eying on IU. IU nodded, but said, "I can drink water, can't I?" Seulong sighed as they kept going to the bar. Once they arrived, they were able to get into the club with ease. Bright light flashed all over the place, and it was dark. Very, very dark. IU held hands tightly with Seulong, who blushed. 

"Why? Are you scared of the dark?" Seulong smirked.

"N-no... It's my first time being in a club. I didn't know that it would be so.... big and loud," IU trembled for a second. Seulong brought IU closer for protection, just in case. Yoseob scoffed to himself, as he watched the two hold hands.

Finally, Yoona and Taecyeon were able to meet, as they drank and drank until they were drunk. They decided to go to the dance floor to dance, leaving IU, Seulong, and Yoseob alone. IU quietly drank her water, as Seulong kept drinking alcohol little by little. Yoseob just drank some wine, eying on IU. IU cleared .

"So... what do you want to talk about?" IU began, looking at the two. When Yoseob was about to say something, Seulong slammed his hand on the table.

"I KNOW!" he shouted, "Let's talk about you." Seulong pointed at IU, who widened her eyes and gulped.

"M-Me? Why me?" she stuttered. Seulong chuckled, as he poured himself another round to drink. He gulped the glass of alcohol, and then let out a big sigh. 

"Why? HA! Cause you're the only girl here. Everyone wants to know about you, right Yoseob?" Seulong asked, glaring at Yoseob. Yoseob blushed, knowing exactly what he meant. He knows that I love IU,  Yoseob thought, still blushing. IU cleared , wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt.

"Okay, so... what do you want to know about me?" she asked, looking at Seulong. Seulong ran his fingers around the rim of the cup, letting out a deep sigh.

"Well, do you know how to keep a favor?" he asked, staring at his empty cup. IU nodded.

"Then do these three favor for me," Seulong said, staring deeply into IU's eyes. He raised his index finger first.

"One, why are you so annoying? Can you stop being annoying?" Seulong asked, annoyed. IU widened her eyes. I'm annoying? Could Yoona be right that I was annoying? IU thought nervously.

"Two!" Seulong continued, raising his middle finger, "You talk to much when you're near me. Or you either chase after me. Seriously, stop stalking me!" IU bit her lips. I never stalked him! IU thought.

"Last but not least, THREE!" Seulong said, finishing up his sentence, "Can't you stay away from me? Not only me, but my life? Can't you run away and chase after someone else? I want you out of my life." That last sentence broke IU's heart. Her heart was shattered into little pieces, as Seulong began leaning near IU's face.

"Can you do that for me?" he whispered, as IU scrunched her nose from the alcoholic breath. She nodded slowly. Seulong smiled while his lips smacked onto IU's, kissing her hungrily. IU didn't kiss back, though. I've always wanted Seulong to kiss me, IU thought, as tears began escaping out of her eyes, But not like this. I didn't want him to kiss me with all his hate of me.

Yoseob widened his eyes as he pulled IU away from Seulong. She began to sob, as Seulong winked at her. Jerk! Yoseob thought, glaring at Seulong.

"Remember! You... promised..." Seulong said, as he collapsed.

"Come on, IU, let's go," Yoseob whispered, taking IU outside of this club. Yoseob made sure to tell Yoona that they were leaving, but Yoona was drunk.

"Oh? But the party just started!" Yoona exclaimed, kissing fiercely with Taecyeon. Yoseob slowly stepped away from the sight, feeling sick. Once they got out, they headed to the park. At the park, IU began sobbing on Yoseob's chest. Yoseob blushed, as he raised a hand to pat IU's back.

"It's okay, IU. Stop crying," Yoseob said softly.

"I was a fool! I was a jerk to think that he would actually love me!" IU cried, gripping tighter on Yoseob's clothes. All Yoseob did was pat IU's back. Then, IU looked up at Yoseob with teary eyes.Seulong means everything to her, he thought, She's really happy with Seulong. But then she's happy with me, too, but not as happy with Seulong.

"Why didn't anyone tell me about this? Why didn't anyone tell me that I had no chance to be with Seulong?" IU asked, staring deeply into Yoseob's eyes. She began crying on his shirt again, while Yoseob stared at her. For the first time, Yoseob wanted IU to be with Seulong. Seulong was IU's first love. She did everything she could to be with Seulong. If I truly love IU, I should make her happy, even thought I'm upset. IU, I'll promise that I'll get you with Seulong so you can be happy...

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@mydeardeerlu: Thank you! ^_^ This is one of my earlier (actually, my first) IU story (and one of the earliest IU stories written), so I really treasure this. :)
I love all the guys she could possibly be paired with too
Cute! IU Is perfect
@nyhkkm123: I definitely write more about IU! >_< I think more than half my stories are about IU. <3
nyhkkm123 #5
this story is so cute. I hope u write more about iu
@hoihoi_miho: Btw, Min Ah plays the bad girl in this story so… yeah… ^^;;
@xxw00uxx: Thank you! ^^ Well, I'm planning for "A Rush of Reasons" to be the end of my IU fanfics. :) In the beginning, I wrote IU fanfics because there were around 8 stories of her and I was a huge fan. When IU became famous, though, her fanfiction tag became 8 to over a thousand! That's why I'm planning to take a break for writing IU fanfics next year or something. :P
xxw00uxx #8
Chapter 19: make more ui ff unnie please ... ;)
xxw00uxx #9
Chapter 19: dione reading .. i love all your story specially iu's ff .. ;)
@ashini1997: A long time ago, when I was writing this story, the poll was voted as IU and Seulong couple :3 As time passed by and more people began to enjoy IU fanfics, the poll rose up and became IU and Yoseob couple :)