Trip to Jeju Island

The Sky of Love - HIATUS


Like any other days, Ren and Baekho arrived at school in the morning and went over to their shoe lockers. Then they saw a group of students were crowding the notice board along the corridor. Even though I say crowd, they were only around 8 to 10 students there, but it’s enough to attract Ren and Baekho’s attention.   

Baekho made his way to the notice board and Ren followed behind.


“Trip to Jeju Island?” Baekho read a piece of paper on the board that was the reason of the commotion.


It’s school summer holiday trip. They organized it at least once every year but seniors in 12th grade aren’t allowed to join because they will be facing their Suneung(College examination) in autumn. So, basically, it’s the last high school trip for 11th graders. Under the flyer of the school trip announcement, there was another piece of paper with columns and rows, for students to fill in their name if they want to join. So far, there were only 2 names were written down.


“It’s 4 days and 3 nights… it’s only open for 25 students…” Baekho read from the flayer loudly but stopped when he felt Ren tugged his arms.


“Let’s go to class, Baekho.” Ren used his aegyo. He always does when he wants to distract Beakho from something that he hate.


“You are not going again?”


Ren didn’t answer but both of them already knew the answer. Ren never went to any school trip. Not in high school, middle school or even primary school. It’s not that he cannot afford it, but he’s just don’t like school trip. Why would he spend 3 days with noisy schoolmates in unfamiliar places when he can just relax at home and watch the sky all day?


Baekho on the other hand, had gone all of the school trips, or rather he was forced to go by this mother. His mother will exaggerate and accused Baekho being a loner and doesn’t have friends and will even made wild conclusion that Baekho is bullied at school (seems she always forget that his son is the state level kendo tournament’s winner). Thus, even though Baekho didn’t like the idea of being apart with Ren during summer (even though juts for a few days), he ended up going to the trip and this year would be the same as well.        


“Aren’t you guys going?” IU who came from nowhere suddenly asked, startled both Baekho and Ren.


“IU, where the hell did you come from?” Beakho rolled his eyes to the short girl who has her black hair tied into pigtails today. IU gave him her mischievous smile in return.


“Are you going?” Ren asked IU.


“Of course we are going.” Minhyun who also came from nowhere suddenly hugged Ren from the back. He rested his chin on Ren’s shoulder. “It’s gonna be our couple trip” he grinned and posed a V sign over Ren’s shoulder.


“Mihyun ah, aren’t you hugging the wrong person? Your girlfriend is over here.” Baekho pointed at IU who didn’t seem to care at what Minhyun was doing. She was writing her name and Minhyun’s on the paper on board. Baekho didn’t like Minhyun being touchy with Ren. Ren is his best friend, not Minhyun’s, he thought. IU chuckled at Baekho’s reaction.


“Minhyun, you’re going to crinkle my school uniform.” Ren pushed Minhyun’s face from his shoulder. Minhyun was a bit taken aback by Ren’s respond and he let Ren go. Usually, Ren never said anything when Minhyun or Baekho hugged him, he would just ignore. But today, he was cold and Baekho was delight by it. 


“Aren’t you going, Ren? Jeju seems fun.” IU was half asking and another half is trying to convince Ren to go when she stressed ‘fun’. Looking at IU big puppy eyes, Ren has the urge to say ‘yes’ but a second after the urge is gone.


“Yeah, Ren. Let’s go to Jeju together.” Minhyun added as he put one of his arms over IU’s shoulder.


“Maybe next time…The class will start soon, we better hurry” Ren forced a smile and quickly grabbed Baekho’s arm, dragging him to the classroom and leaving the painful sight behind.


It’s our couple trip’? That was more reason why Ren didn’t want to go.





“Ren, you don’t have to go to meet that punk. Just go back home.” Baekho told Ren while he was getting ready to go home.


During the recess time, JR came to find Ren in the class. He told Ren to meet him at the school backyard after school ended today. Baekho advised Ren not to go because he will have his club activities today after school, so he couldn’t go with Ren. Ren somehow knew why JR wanted to see him today, because Baekho wouldn’t able to come. He must have something to tell me alone, Ren thought. Even though he doesn’t like JR so much, but he know him well enough that JR doesn’t mean any harm to him. Moreover, last time, he even went to JR’s house to ask him about the kitten… maybe it has something to do with that?, Ren thought.


“It’s alright. If he tries to beat me, I’ll fight back. I’m strong too, you know.” Ren giggled as he showed off his skinny arms.


Baekho bit his lips. It’s not the beating that he’s afraid of, it’s another thing but he just didn’t know how to explain it to Ren.





Baekho just finished his Kendo club activity for today and he’s still in his Kendo uniform. He checked his cellphone, no message or call from Ren. He sighed, not in relieved but in worry. He wasn’t sure was it nothing bad happened or it was so terrible that Ren couldn’t even call him. He wished it was the earlier one. He decided to call Ren when he gets back home.

When he was going to his shoe locker, then he remembered that he hasn’t written his name for the school trip. He better do it now when Ren wasn’t here. Even though he knows that Ren knew he will always join the school trip, but he feel guilty to actually show to Ren that ‘he is going’. He was afraid that he would hurt Ren.

Baekho went to the notice board and took his pen from his bag. There were more names on the lists compare to this morning. He browsed the list name quickly, just to know who he will spend the 4 days at Jeju Island with. He recognized almost all.


Hwang Minhyun

Lee Jieun (IU’s real name)

Park Jiyoen




Baekho’s eyes stopped at the end of the list name, number 11;


Choi Minki





I'm not familiar with Korean schooling system, I tried google on some facts but if I somehow give false facts, please excuse me ^^;

Next chapter will explain why Ren decided to join the trip... you guys probably can guess already... haha

the chapter after that will be the Trip!!! Which I can't wait to write... will featuring other K-Pop Idols... XD


p/s: for anyone who didn't know, Choi Minki is Ren's real name


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chinnyrose08xanime #1
Chapter 7: godd.. please update soon!
Naomiixx #2
nawww. update soon!
awww... Ren's past is so sad,so hurtful TT.TT
I hope IU'll love him:x they're adorable when they're together:D
Plz update soon:D kamsahamida~
oh god..what was that? o_o ren's father is so cruel grrr...he's not even human, disgusting!
ren needs more him, IU
Naomiixx #5
M is like you know.. like and stuff..
Oh and good story I like it! :D
Update sooon ^^
ForeverKpoploverr #6
Update soon!~ ^-^
wow:) I love your beginning so much:x It's so gently yet so warm :) it's like spring's breath:x It's so fresh:)
Hope you'll update soon.kamsahamida~