Forever and Always ♥

Author Note: Hii again Sorry I'm not updating. =_= I guess no ones reading this anymore TT_TT. But I still want to comtinue before creating another one ^^ weel here is it :] please enjoy ^^. First,! Gosh I finisehd this but AsianFanfics failed on me gaaaahh Im going to start over again, and Second! I just remember what ellora said that the pov's are turining into authornote!! gaaah writing fanfics are hard!!

Your POV :]

while I was walking home I kept thinking how does taemin-oppa knew? How did I looked like? He doesn't talk to me alot now, unlike before I must be stupid!

I got home change my shoes to slippers.

"Im home" I shouted.

"Ohhh Your here ___-ah dinner will be ready. go change quickly" umma said

"neh.." I went upstairs to my room.



I placed my bag in my table as I lay my back on my bed. "Thinking to hard give you big pain HEADACHES" I thought to myself.


I went to the bathroom and Freshen up, changes my clothes and went downstairs.

I saw my unnie watching tv, appa reading the papers, and umma cooking foods.

"Is this a typical family which only been seen on drama's??!"i thought as I went to unnie

"yo!" she wave at me.

"hii unnie what's you watching"  I sat down with her



I got the magazine down the coffe table and I heard the TV Host. "This is the newest Boy band ANGELic! performing today is their new hit single "Promising you"


Mixed emotion filled my heart that time, I slowly look at our tv screen. I saw him dancing as a main dancer. My jaw drop as I saw him how good he dances and how much he improved

"Hey hey don't drool on the sofa! "  unnie said as she saw me my mouth open

then I snap in reality

" Do you know them unnie?" I asked unnie since she like boy bands

"Neh. I just know their leader Max, or also called Changmin. Becasue He's one of the member of his brother's band. It looks like he left the group and create a new group, I guess SME is cool with that, but I like DDB more" unnie said

I opened my mouth to ask more questions, there alot going in my mind. I can't believe I gotten interested with boy bands but my umma shouted "Food's ready!"

"Come on!" unnie took my wrist and drag me to the dinning table

"KAMSAMIDA! for the food!" unnie said and I took my chopsticks

"___-ah eat more... " umma said "Didn't you like the food?" she asked me

" Aniya, I have somehting to tell you" I said as I tremble in nervouness 

"Don't tell your pregnant!" unnie said

"YOU WATCH TO MUCH DRAMA!" I whinned at her

"hehehe! soo what is it"  unnie grinned at you

"I got a scholarship from SME and they want me to train in SM Academy" I closed my eyes as I blurred it out. I didn't know what to say, I slowly open my eyes to see their reactions


As expected my unnia mouth WIDE open, Umma just staring at me, and appa still not paying attention.

"Soo? do you guys agree Can i go?" I said


second time around hahahaha!! :] How hard to make a fanfics and how great the feeling it it read and give comments!

give give me now LOL! hahahaha! anyway Im updating maybe next week.! I got delayed again because I still can't get my visa! I staying here for 1 more week or more! arrgh!

I don't know if it meane good or bad! Good cause more VACATION! hahaha Bad cause im missing out days of school! anyway! I hate this computer! I can't even get my YT porject move on! cause this computer keep on crashing when I tried on uploading videos!! waaaa!

anyway! Don't know when to update this cause No one's reading it anyway! hahaha but I want to finish this before I write a new one~!! hahaha anway thanks all!

OHH guess what! I just cut my hair! hahahaha the short got shorter!!! O_O xD hahahaha

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Michellakiels #2
So great
LeeJinki-s #3
seems interesting
hahahaha thanks soo much.! :] i will
hearts #5
Seems interesting. Keep up the good work. Update soon :D