Hearts and Kisses

B1A4 Ver. 2.0: Humanoid Robots


Baro found Min Jun exactly where Mi Ra said he would be. The bar was intended for teenagers, so he had no problems getting in. He found his target easily, lounging on one of the velvet sofas, one arm carelessly slung around some girl and the other holding a glass half-filled with golden liquid.

He thought of charging right there and then, but decided against it. He only came here for Min Jun. No sense in making other people suffer for what one jerk did. He headed back out, taking cover in the dark and waited for Min Jun to come out from the bar.

It couldn’t have been more than an hour. Soon he saw Min Jun’s group walking out, laughing at something one of them had said. They walked past him, barely registering his presence. He however, heard every word.

“Man, that girl was pretty. What a waste. You should’ve just given her to me, if you’re tired of her.”

Min Jun laughed. “You wouldn’t want her, she’s too boring. Too innocent. She’s no fun at all.”

“And we all know what your definition of fun is,” another one teased. They all laughed.

“So you never scored?”

Min Jun scoffed. “I wasn’t that interested.”

“Ooohh..Min Jun’s touchy…”

Baro followed the group silently, clenching his fists as he listened to them. They kept on talking about Mi Ra, how she looked while Min Jun told her, in a voice that could be heard by everyone, that he didn’t want her anymore. Soon Min Jun broke off from the group and headed down a dark alley. Baro followed suit, making no effort to disguise himself or hide the fact that he was following Min Jun, who was so drunk it took him a couple of minutes to realize he was being followed.

“Who are you?” Min Jun asked.

Baro stepped into the lighted part of the alley.

Min Jun squinted. His expression cleared as soon as he registered Baro’s face. “I know you. You’re…Baro, right? Mi Ra’s friend.”

“And I know you too,” Baro retorted. “You’re the jerk who dumped Mi Ra.”

Min Jun smirked, and Baro’s hand itched to wipe that annoying expression on the guy’s face. “Why are you here?”

“You shouldn’t have hurt her like that.”

“Hey, no offense. I’d been meaning to dump her for a while anyway. And besides, it’s her fault, coming up to me like that, demanding to know why I was with someone else. I ignored her calls and messages. Can’t she take a hint?”

“Aren’t you man enough to tell her, instead of just disappearing?” That was what irked Baro the most. He was glad they broke up; he just didn’t like how it happened.

“Why do you care?” Min Jun’s annoying smile grew wider. “Ah, I get it. You like her, don’t you?”

Baro froze.

“Yeah, you do.” Min Jun laughed drunkenly. “Wouldn’t blame you, she’s pretty. Smart, too. I got high grades because of her. Did everything I asked her to— projects, homework…It was useful, having her around. Smart, but stupid at the same time. She didn’t even realize I was just using her.”

“Stop,” Baro warned. Hearing Min Jun talk about M Ra like that brought a new, dangerous emotion to surface.

“She’s not really my type,” Min Jun went on, obviously unaware that Baro was struggling to keep himself in check. “But I kept her around, just so someone can do my work for me. If you want her though—“

Something in Baro snapped. He grabbed Min Jun’s collar. He hated the way he talked about her, like she was some object he used and got tired of, so he disposed of her like some worthless junk. Mi Ra, who had been near tears at the very thought one of them might be lost. Mi Ra, who smiled and ate the cake he made, even though it was messy and sloppily-made. Mi Ra, who chose caps for him, who smiled and laughed, and made him feel something for the first time since he awoke. Mi Ra, who he wanted by his side more than anything else in the world.

His fist collided with Min Jun’s face, and it made him feel better. He made no move to control himself. Each time his fists connected with the jerk’s face he felt himself calm a little. He only let go when Min Jun started crying. Baro threw him to the ground, looking at him with disgust.

“Don’t ever talk about Mi Ra that way. You have no right. You don’t know her.”

Min Jun whimpered, crawling on the ground and trying to get away. Baro took one step closer, then stopped. There was it again, that heat in his chest. Only it wasn’t a pleasant warmth right now. It was more like a raging flame, burning him from inside out.

“Go,” he rasped at Min Jun, who was beginning to stand. “Go and don’t bother Mi Ra again, or you’ll be in a much worse situation.”

Min Jun looked at him, and seemed to get the message. The guy limped down the alley, leaving Baro alone in the dark. Baro grimaced as the heat in his chest began  to rise. He fell to his knees as the fire began to spread throughout his whole body. The heat kept rising, and his vision started to become blurry. He thought of Mi Ra then, wondering if she was still crying. Was she looking for him right now? Was she worried, the same way she had been when Jinyoung got lost?

He slumped to the ground, groaning as another wave hit him. His chest felt heavy. It also felt like it was growing, expanding, until it was about to burst. Through everything he kept Mi Ra’s face before his eyes, struggling to keep that image clear. He blinked, but Mi Ra’s face kept getting more and more fuzzy. The light from the nearby streetlight became fainter and fainter. As darkness engulfed him, his ears registered a new sound.

A raindrop against the roof.

A stone against the wall.

The rhythm of a drum.

The beating of a heart.



*Mi Ra*


I paced back and forth, wringing my hands, biting my lip and glancing at the open door every five seconds. It was nearly dawn, and I haven’t slept a wink all night despite the fact than in a few hours, I should be heading to school. I was worrying about Baro, who had suddenly disappeared sometime last night and hadn’t come back since. None of us saw him go out, so I assumed he must have left when we were all in the kitchen. I had been crying my eyes out, all because Min Jun broke up with me. They all tried to cheer me up. Except Baro, who took one look at me and turned to stare at the TV. I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and everyone followed, except him.

It wasn’t until midnight that I noticed he was gone, after running down from the rooftop after a rather embarrassing encounter with Gongchan…

I went up to the rooftop, wanting some time alone. The cold bit at my cheeks and nose, but I didn’t care. I needed some time to think. I thought of what had happened with Min Jun. I thought about what we had, and I slowly realized how wrong he was for me.

He hated the things I liked. He always insisted on his own way of doing stuff, not even bothering or caring to ask for my opinion. He was only sweet when it served him a purpose, like when he wanted me to do his homework or project. When he introduced me to his friends, it was more like showing off. We never had an actual date, one when we could just walk and talk about random things, silly things that, actually, make huge impact in a relationship.

He was all wrong for me. And the worst part of it was, I refused to notice because I had been too convinced that we were okay, we were great, and we were perfect.

I sighed, and my breath made a foggy little cloud in the frigid air. Someone hugged me from behind, and I flinched at the sudden contact.

“It’s just me,” I heard Gongchan say. “Are you okay now?”

I nodded. His arms wrapped tighter around me and his chin rested on my shoulder so that our cheeks touched. He actually felt warm, which surprised me. He pulled me closer to him, and I felt myself relax in his embrace. I felt the most relaxed when I was with Gongchan. I felt comfortable around him. I often thought that if I had a younger brother, I would want it to be him. He was innocent, sweet and gentle, always ready to greet me with a smile and a hug. He brightened my day with his laughter. He really was like a puppy, full of energy, boisterously jumping around me, eager to try anything and everything.

“Mi Ra?”


“You don’t have a first kiss yet, right?”

I pulled away and stared at him, my mouth hanging open. “Y-You! How did you know?”

He laughed, totally unconcerned. “I read your diary.”

I was too flustered that I couldn’t find the words at first. That diary contained all of my deepest secrets. I poured my heart out in that little book—all my hopes and dreams, my wishes and fears.

“I want my first kiss to happen with someone special. Someone who I care about, and who feels the same way for me.”

I recognized the words, because they were my own. He was reciting one of my diary entries. He smiled and went on.

“I want it to happen on a clear night, with the sky dotted with bright stars. I want it to be gentle and sweet, something I would remember forever.”

“H-How dare you-” I could hardly get the words out; I was too embarrassed and annoyed.

He looked up. “I think this night perfectly fits your description.”

I was confused by his line of thinking. I looked up, too. He was right. It was a beautiful night. There were no clouds in sight, and the stars winked in the distance. I looked at Gongchan, surprised to see him leaning in, smiling lightly. He slipped a hand on my waist, and a few moments later, his lips touched mine.


My brain screamed at me to pull away and start tearing him to pieces, but the rest of my body stayed where it was. After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled away, still smiling. I stared at him, barely comprehending what just happened.

“There. Now you have a first kiss.” He smiled and winked.

I kept on staring.


I stopped pacing, feeling blood rush to my face. I buried my head in my hands. What was I doing? I should be worried about Baro. I shouldn’t be thinking about Gongchan and that…that…

“He’ll be back, don’t worry,” Jinyoung reassured me, patting my head. I looked up at him and nodded, then looked away. My face still felt hot.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked. “Your face looks very red.”

“I’m fine,” I muttered. I caught Gongchan’s eyes, who was sprawled on the carpet beside Sandeul, reading a magazine. He winked at me and smiled. I went back to burying my face in my hands. Darn that face. How could I have thought he was innocent?

“Baro’s back.”

We all turned at Shinwoo’s voice. Sandeul ran down the steps and I quickly followed, the others trailing behind me as well. Baro didn’t look too well. He walked slowly, sort of dragging his steps. His shoulders slumped and his face was a little gray around the edges.

“Where’d you go off too?” Sandeul demanded.

Baro waved him off wearily and headed straight to me. “You’re not crying anymore.”

I nodded. “What happened to you? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he answered, but his voice sounded tired and worn-out. “Yeah, I’m f-“ He took a step forward.

And collapsed right into my arms.

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Will update on CNU's birthday.


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Chapter 23: I LIKE THE ALTERNATE STORY LINE! Put CNU with Mi Ra ^^
Chapter 23: New reader here! And PLEASE GET JINYOUNG BACK!!! I ship Jinyoung x Mi Ra! And just to let you know when Jinyoung was 'taken' by Jungsun I nearly died. Seriously. Jinyoung is my bias and I can't stand if he continues going out with Jungsun. So please...unless you want me to really die.....get Jinyoung back.
serendipitous #3
New reader here
Please let Jinyoung back.
And please update soon
New reader!! :)
Okay well, not new, but I finally caught up to the latest chapter! ^^
It seems like you haven't upated in a while :S
Please update soon author-nim!! ><
milkycouplesaranghae #5
I.LOVE.IT!and i dont mind if jungsun ends up with jinyoung^^ please update soon!^^~
If anyone wants to vote for Sandeul, send me a PM.
The poll only had space for four choices, so I couldn't put Sanduckie in.
nooo i no like jungjun!!! it wold be better if all B1A4 were together!! oh and by the way why wasn't sandeul part of the choices on the poll you posted???
Bugsbunnee #8
You should make the characters try to get the keychain so that jinyoung would go back to his friends. It will make ur story more adventurous and I think jungsun should be an antagonist .
I'm okay with Jungsun being with Jinyoung BUT...
She should become great friends with Mi Ra, and know the whole situation about Jinyoung being a robot and stuff like that.

Coz to me... A girl with 5 different guyfriends is kinda weird.
Then again, I feel that each of them should have someone they truly like. In the end, it's all up to you! =D
@Marshmallow3424 Yes it's my lifelong goal to pursue the BaDeul love lol