
Business is Business


on the afternoon...
Tiffany's POV
We played cards. Hyukkie and Donghae is still flirting at me. And Choi, she's acting weird. We were playing a lot of games. The last game we played was hide and seek by pairs. We change partners whenever we'll be hiding again. I was partnered with Hyukkie first and Seohyun & Donghae will be the seeker. Choi and Taeng are partners.
"At the count of 10, you should be well hidden! 10...9..." They both started to count.
"Fany! Lets hide on the tree house. Come on!" Hyukkie said. I followed him. He held my hand and we went up the stairs of the huge tree.
"Aigoo! At last i get to sit down!" Hyukkie said.
"Shh. They might hear us. Just whisper." I told him.
"Yah, that Choi of yours is weird? Is she always silent?" He asked.
"Nope. I dont know. I guess she misses Jessica."
"Ohh. Jessica Jung, the one that manages this farm?"
"Yep. You dont know her? You work here."
"Oh. I dont work here. I'm just here for summer. Tae Noona asked me to go with her bribing me to meet Teuk Hyung's hot friends."
"Aigoo! You gay."
"What about you? You're gay too right?"
"What? Im not!"
"Eeesh. You little . Dont deny! Haha"
"Haha. You calling me little is funny. Yah! Why did you say so that im gay?"
"You seem to like your Choi."
OMO. Is it obvious?! Heyyy. I dont like Choi anymore.
"Why do you say so?"
"You keep looking at her. Duhh. Being in a role of being your admirer, i have to look at you all the times. And i had observed that you keep looking at her. Yah, tell me the truth. Im your loyal Unnie."
"Eeesh. Stop calling yourself an Unnie. Its gross. Okay, fine, i kinda like her, okay?"
"Aigooo. Are you jealous of you Choi and Jessica hanging out?"
"Hmm. Kinda' but i forgot about it whenever im with you guys."
"Ohh. You little jealous thing. Dont worry. Your Hyukkie Unnie will do everything for you, just set me up with a date with all your hot friends in N.Y."
"Haha. I thought you are here for me because you just love me! But you want an exchange for hot guys? You!!"
"Haha. But yah, i treat you as a real sister. That Taeng Noona is a bit strong, she's not like you who likes to dress and wears make up. Haha. Your Hyukkie Unnie here really loves you. So, your Hyukkie Unnie here will make that Choi of yours jealous. So that we can discover her real feelings for you, okay?"
Aigoo this gay right here!
"Okay, Hyukkie OPPA!"
"Yah!!! Anyway, ill ask your permission first, if things get complicated, i might kiss you right there. Is it okay?"
"On my lips??"
"Yep. Its not a big thing for me as a woman. You know. So?"
"You? Woman? Haha. Sure. Ive kissed gays before. Not a big deal at all."
"Okay! Coz you might slap me when i will do that. weee. im feel like an actress!"
"Yah! Act like a man in...5...4..3..2..1"
He turned around like crazy.
"Dadam! Hey pretty." He said then winked at me.
"Haha. You are really the best Hyukkie!"
"Yah, they havent found us yet. Lets surrender."
We got down from the tree and they were...
"YAH!!! We've been looking around for you two for a long time!!" Donghae yelled.
"Aigoo! What did you do up there?!" Taeng asked.
"Yah! Fany Unnie. Did that handsome blonde did something to you?" Seohyun asked.
"Yah! My ertness is not extreme. I just stared at pretty Fany, hoped that she's mine and all she did was winked and gave me a killer eye smile. I died there. Okay? And pretty Fany gave me the kiss of life. Now im back again!" Hyukkie told them. Haha. Hyukkie's really funny! I looked at Choi, she was just listening. Still silent.
"KISS OF LIFE?! Fany~ssi! You kissed him?! Have you two already kissed?! I cant believe this!" Donghae said dramatically.
"Haha. Aniyo. Hyukkie's just kidding."
"Okay kids, lets all head home now. I'll cook for dinner. You three, come and join us." Taeng ordered.
We went back to the Yellow house and ate dinner. After, Seohyun said...
"Sooyoung Unnie, you want to go with us tomorrow? We'll be hiking and camping! Wanna join? You can bring Sica Unnie if you want."
"Sounds great. Im in. I'll tell Sica about it."
Aigoo. Now I cant wait for tomorrow! She'll bring Jessica. She'll be enjoying it, i assumed. Hmph!
"Now, you three should go home and pack your things for tomorrow. Dont worry about the tents. I'll take care of it."
"Okay. We're going now. Bye Taeng, Bye Donghae and Bye MY HYUKKIE."
Hyukkie went to me and hugged me.
"I'll miss my pretty Fany. Bye. Good Night. YAH Hae Hyung! Give up already. Fany's mine now."
"What?! So the two of you are?!!"
"Haha. Not YET! But i know, soon."
"Yah! Hyukkie, dont expect much. Haha." Whoa. This is going too far.
"Yah, love birds, stop hugging. Lets go now Fany Unnie." Seohyun snapped.
We rode our horses. Hyukkie shouted, "I'll call you later pretty Fany!" and waved.
Haha. He's so serious with his drama. 
Sooyoungs POV
We arrived home, me and Hwang put TiPony and SooPony in their shelter. We arrived at home.
"Eherm.. You did enjoy today Hwang?"
"Very much." She was smiling and yeah, her killer eye smiles. If i dies because of it, will she give me that Kiss of life? I wonder.
"Oh. You seem so happy with your Hyukkie." YEAH! YOUR HYUKKIE!
"He's so nice. I mean, there's something in him just makes me smile like crazy."
"I'm glad that your happy."
"Thanks. But Choi, you seem so sad today. Why? You missed YOUR Sica?"
My SICA?! Tsk. I guess my time being spent w/ Jessica implied something on the minds of others. 
"So why are you being so sad? Are you on your period?"
"Haha. Nope." I dont even know why i am sad, all i know is that YOU HWANG is the reason.
"Ohh. I see. Hey Choi, i just remembered, what does a pillow means to you?"
Oh no. A question i cant even answer. TT_TT
"Yeah. Okay, to make it simple.. What do you do with your pillows on your bed?"
"Tug and hug them. My pillows are the witness of me being happy and sad. A witness to my tears."
"Ohh. Come here."
"Wha..What are you doing?"
"You said before im your pillow right? So here i am, your pillow."
She hugged me tighly.
"Bu..But why?"
"Why? You seem so sad."
 She lets go.
"Choi, as a pillow, you can cry over me whenever you're sad. And you can tell me if your happy. Im just here. Okay?"
"Now. I missed that smile. Haha. I'll take a bath first Choi."
WOW. I entered my bedroom. I was giggling madly and like crazy. Now that's my PILLOW! Now i understand what pillow means! AIGOO! 
I grabbed my phone and called Sica...
"Hello Sica?"
"Soo! Why did you call? You missed me?"
"Yes i did. And for that, you have to come with me tomorrow."
"Aigoo. Where?"
"Let's go hiking!!! and camping afterwards. Wanna go?"
"Sure! Who'll be going with us?"
"Seohyun, Hwang and some of their friends. Dont worry, they're harmless."
"Haha. Pabo! Of course. Im going. What time will we go?"
"8 i guess."
"Okay.. I'll just go directly to your house."
"Okay Sica!"
"Good night Sooyoungie~! Bye"
"Night! Bye!"
--end of call--
The next morning...
Fany's POV
Yay! Hiking time! I changed into hiking clothes. I got an SMS from taeng that they'll be here at 8 am to fetch us. I went to the kitchen to drink some milk and eat bread. Someone knocked the door, "Hmm? I thought they'll be here at 8? its still 7."
I opened the door and saw Jessica w/ a bagpack on her back.
"Hi Tiffany! Good morning! Is Sooyoungie awake already?"
"Oh. I dont know. I didnt check on her. Come inside. I guess you should wake her up."
"Oh, Thanks."
She entered the house and put her bag on the sofa.
"Uhm, which is Sooyoungie's room here?" She asked.
"That door on the right."
"Okay." She knocked 3 times, Choi didnt answer. So she went inside.
I sat down on the dining table drinking my milk. I waited for them to go out. 
5 mins... 10 mins.. Aigoo, what took them so long?! What could they be doing inside? TT__TT
20 mins.. Aigoo.. Then suddenly Choi got out from the room.
"Good morning Hwang." YEAH! Its really a GOOD MORNING for you CHOI!
I just nodded. She went inside the bathroom. After a while, she got out from the bathroom. I was still sitting on the dining table. I was looking at my camera. 
"Psst. Hwang, what are you smiling?"
"Ahh. Hyukkie's face here is funny."
"Oh. I see." She said silently. >:D
"Hey. Smile!" I captured a picture of her.
"YAHH! I wasnt ready! I'll change first then afterwards you take a picture of me, so that you'll see my real beauty."
"AIGOO! Whatever Choi!"
She entered her room. Jessica was still inside her room...and she's going to CHANGE?! T__T
After a while, Choi went out, she's wearing the scarf i gave to her ^__^
Jessica followed her. They both went to the kitchem and grabbed some milk and bread. They sat infront of me. I looked closely to their fingers to see their "Couple Ring" and yes, they have it both T__T
Choi was teasing Jessica, "Yah! Look at your face, there's much milk on your mouth!" Choi said.
"Then you wipe it off!" WHAT?! THIS BITC---!!
"If i could just drink that, but i cant! Its already on your face."
"Then you just clean it whatever way you want." Aigoo. I cant help looking at them anymore! Where's my Hyukkie!!!!!! Suddenly the door opened and.. HYUKKIE's here!!!! He..i mean, He's really my savior! He just saved me from this two flirting lions.
"Pretty Fanyyy!!! I brought something for you!!!"
"Hyukkie! What is it?"
He revealed something hidden on his back.
"A sunflower just for my pretty Fany. Just like this sunflower, you really shine on me. Haha"
"Aigoo!!! Thanks Hyukkie!! I liked it." I hugged Hyukkie.
"Wow! You are so sweet! I envy you!" Jessica said. YEAH RIGHT JESSICA!! HE's SWEET! 
"He's really like this. Hehe. Oh, by the way, Jessica, he's Eunhyuk. Taeyeon's cousin."
"Oh. So you're that Taeyeon's cousin? Hmm. I see. Are you uhm..lovers..??"
"Yeah. Im Taeyeon Noona's cousin. Lovers? I hope so. Haha." Yeah. Great Hyukkie!!
I looked at Choi, she wasnt smiling. NYAHAHA. Revenge is SWEET. You know.
Taeng entered the house. 
"Yow Guys!! Oh, hi Jessica. Come on. The car's ready. Lets go. Dont forget anything."
Taeng is the one driving the car. We arrived at a Hiking spot.  
"Taeyeon!!" The ahjussi yelled.
"HyunSuk Ahjussi! We're here. Please take care of our car."
"Sure. Call me if you need help. Here's the radio. You know the way already right? You've been always here, i see, Lee Teuk's not here?"
"Yeah. He's abroad. Thanks Ahjussi, we'll go now. Bye."
"Be safe!"
"Yah. You always went here with LeeTeuk?" I asked.
"Yep. Hiking is our past time. Now, all of you, let's come with partners. Since we're 7, ill go alone."
"No Taeng Unnie. Lets go together!" Seohyun said.
I saw Jessica clinged to Choi's arm. AISH!
"Fany~ssi, lets be partners." Donghae said.
"No! She's mine Hyung!" Hyukkie protested.
"Aigoo. Ppany is really in demand with boys. Okay, the three of you, go together. Ppany, please stop them if they fight."
"Haha. Sure Taeng. Please take care of my bestfriend, she might do a Psycho thing with the nature."
"Yah Unnie!!!"
"Aigoo. lets go noe. Follow me. Remember to stick with your partners..kay?"
"Okay ahjumma!!!"
Sooyoungs POV
We all followed Taeyeon. We were walking on a rocky wood. we are following Hyuk, Donghae and Hwang. Suddenly, Hwang tripped off! I quickly ran to her.
"Hwang! Are you okay?"
"Unnie! Are you okay?! Seohyun stopped and went to her too.
"Not quite. My leg hurts."
"Yah! Both of you. You should watch for Hwang! What kind of partners are you!"
"Its okay Choi, its my fault."
She was trying to get up, but she falls again. I offered her my hand and she grabbed it ^__^
"You cant walk."
"I'll carry her." Hyuk said. NOOO! Let me carry her!!! >__<
"No! I'll carry her!" Donghae argued. Aigooo, This guys really likes Hwang. T_T
"I said it first. Come on Hwang, ride on my back. Hyung! You carry her bag! My bag too!"
"Yah! Thats abusive. Carry your own bag!"
"Uhm. Donghae, let me carry Hwang's bag. So you wouldnt be burdened."
"Thanks Sooyoung." He handed me Hwangs bag. At least im helping her ●︿●
"Thanks Choi! Now, go to Jessica. She might trip like me." She shoved me away T__T
I went to Jessica who was just staring.
"Yah, you seem to care much for Tiffany."
"What?? Uhh.Yes. Because she's under my care. Her father trusted me w/ her. Whatever happens to her, i would be the who'll be blamed. That's all."Well, that's just one of the reason.
"That's just it?"
"Yeah! Why are you asking?"
"Hmm. Nothing."
At last, we arrived at the camping site. It's a great place. There's a waterfalls beside.
"Yayyyy!! Lets all play in the water!" Donghae said.
"YAH!! Not yet! Let's build our tents first. Here, i brought 3. You can sleep with your partners, but Ppany. You choose where to sleep. Not with those two ert guys." Taeyeon said.
Please. Hwang, choose our tent!
"I'll go with you Taeng. I wanna sleep with my egg tonight!" Hwang said. π_π Hwang~ah! You're my pillow, how could you! T__T
"Yay! My bestfriend is sleeping me w/ Taeng! OMO! its a tonight!" Seohyun rejoiced. 
"YAH!!!" Both Hwang and Taeyeon yelled at her. 
What about foursome? Can they join me in? = ̄ω ̄=
But its okay, i get to sleep with Sica ;-)
We were building our tents. Sica got a cut on her right arm from the branch of the tree.
"OUCH!!!!" We all went to her.
"Jessica, are you okay?" Taeyeon asked.
"Omo! It's bleeding! Unnie Put something to cover it, it should stop bleeding." Seohyun said as she pointed on the scarf around my neck. Omo! No!>_<¦¦¦ No one will stain my precious scarf! I looked at Hwang. She was staring at me. I looked at Sica, she was in pain. OTTOKAJO!!!
Sica is already crying in pain. So I decided to use the scarf that Hwang gave to me. I wrapped it on her wound. I looked at Hwang. Her face was serious. Omo. 
"Is it still hurting?" Hwang asked Sica. I bet she understands. I hope so.
"A little bit. Thanks Sooyoungie." Sica said. I nodded. I carried her on the bench of the campsite.
"Rest here. So that the pain will go away." She nodded.
I went to our tent. Aigoo. I need help! I cant do this alone! ::>_<::
"Need help?" I felt a hand on my right shoulder. OMO! It's Hwang ╮(╯▽╰)╭
"I was really looking for one. Is your leg okay?" I asked.
"Yep. Taeng massaged it awhile ago. And amazingly... it wasnt hurting anymore. That egg of mine is a something!" She said. Egg of mine?! Hmff.<(`^´)>
"Egg? Why do you call Taeyeon an egg?"
"Because egg is a fragile thing. When you look at it, you like to hug and cuddle it, but you should be careful. Even if its hard on the outside, it is fragile and can easily be broken. Im her egg too. haha. That explanation came from her. I was the one who called her an egg for the reason that i like to cuddle and hug her. But she said about the fragile thing. She's brilliant."
"Ohh. Yeah. She's right."
"Yah Choi, dont tell anyone okay? Taeng is my girl crush."
"Girl crush?!" WHAT?!(⊙o⊙)?
"mm-hmm! You know, i guess its normal for girls to have girl crushes too right?"
"Y..yes." (・へ・) NOOO!!!!!
"So Choi, you must have a girl crush. RIght? Tell me! Who?"
"Yes. But i wont tell you." NO WAY HWANG! <(`^´)>
"YAH!!! I told you mine you should tell me too."
"Why would i? We're not friends. Right?"
"I know. Its a business secret then. Please. Please! Or else i would guess!"
"Go! Name names!"
"Oh. I know. YURI! Coz' you said before she's the one you want to sleep with!"
"Hell No."
Then she whispered to my ear.. "Jessica?"
"I got you! I knew it! I knew it!"
"Yah! I havent asnwered yet!"
"Okay answer now."
"Im telling the truth."
"But why wont you tell me?"
"Coz you'll not believe."
"Because it's you." OMO! DID I JUST SAID THAT?!!!Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
I looked at her. She was staring at me blankly... OMO. OTTOKE!?
"haha. GOT YOU!" I joked. hhaaaigooo!(~_~メ)
"YAH! You really got me! I almost believed it! Aish."
"But what if its real?"
"I'll kiss you." Q_Q jeongmal!? Jinja?!! I shouldnt have said that i was just kidding.~T_T~ I looked at her blankly.
"NOW. GOT YOU! haha!!" AISH!!! she really got me.
"Haha. You're funny Choi."
We were almost done with our tent. Then she looked at the two boys who were done already building their tents.
"Yow guys!! You're amazing! You're done!"
"Yeah! We'll be catching fish for lunch. I'll catch the biggest fish and offer it to you Pretty Fany!" Hyuk said.
"Offer? Haha. Thanks Hyukkie!" Donghae and Hyuk went to the waterfalls and catched fish.
"You and Eunhyuk. Your relationship is quite good." I said. Omo.
"Not just quite but very good. Haha. He's a something too. He cares like a real brother..." BROTHER?!! So... to Hwang.. he is just a BROTHER!?? ~^O^~ HAHAHA. OH YEAMEEEN!
"or a lover..perhaps? Haha." She continued. T____T NO!!!
"Hey! You're still wearing that bracelet i gave to you."
"Oh. Yeah. I cant get rid of it. It seems you tied the knot very tight." Same as my feelings Hwang! This bracelet represents my feelings. You tied it tightly that i cant get rid of it.
"You can cut it..." she said.
 Wait..WHAT?!! CUT IT!?! You want me to CUT it? Hwang! Why are you like this. TTT____TTT
"..if you want. It's you choice Choi. But thanks for keeping it. Im glad. ^_^" yeah Hwang. YEAH. Hmph.
"No. I wont cut it. Im not getting rid of it. Because..i...i like it."    I..I like you Hwang. Omo. Did i just admit that to myself?! Im gay T_T
"Yep." I just nodded.
Seohyun's POV
Wahaha. I can hear Fany Unnie and Sooyoung unnie talking! And from my Psycho vibrations...Sooyoung unnie is really falling for Fany Unnie. 
"No. I wont cut it. Im not getting rid of it. Because..i...i like it."   Aigoo Sooyoung Unnie. Just tell her you like her! The jealousy act was really working. Hmmm. Therefore, i conlcude, the more you are jealous, the more you love the person. 
 YEY! a lot of developments for my project! And ill be the greatest love psychologist everrrr!!!! ~^O^~
"Oi, yah, Seo! Why cant you hear me?!" Oh. I didnt notice Tae unnie calling me.
"Oh. Yeah unnie? Wae?"
"Are you on drugs or somethin?? You're smiling like crazy."
"Aish unnie!im just thinking about my project."
"Is it going well?"
"Nae unnie! But we need to make Sooyoung unnie admit to Fany unnie. Ottoke?"
"Hmm. Truth or dare, tonight. We'll be making a campfire... how is that?"
"That sounds good unnie. Cant wait!"
////sorry guys for all the errors. I just read the whole fic and yeah, lotta errors! (Embarrassed). I didnt update last night! Lels. I was thinking of ending the fic but i decided id rather complicate the story than ending it. Right? Because you might kill me i had a lot of thoughts kinda bothered. Better hold your tears on the next chap. Lol. I'm sad just thinking what would happen on the next chap. So, wait for my next update ∩__∩
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i miss this fic >_


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 25: They are married how cool ^^
Glad I found this story
YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 23: Hahahaha I will never forget about the "gay points" XD
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 3: That's gay XD
ShikMush #4
miss u authornim,hope to hear from u soon
RFShip9389 #5
Chapter 25: I already read it three times and it never bored me...
that's cool~~~
this is the first fanfic i have finished reading ever.. and i must say, it's really good.. u r an amazing writer. this will forever remain to be one of my favorite fanfic of all, and of course you, as my favorite author.. looking forward to your future stories..
authorjjang is indeed jjang!!~ ^_^
Just finished reading.
OMG! So cute~ >.<
Adyfahjgdkljiga!! SooFany!!
Author, you are sooo amazing :D
finish reading~
amajjang author!!!
right now i'm so torn between soosica and soofany>.<