
Business is Business


Later that night. Choi and Hwang was eating their dinner/
Hwang's POV
"Hwang. You know what? Sica's now speaking to me. She's not cold anymore. Thanks for you advice."
"Oh. Good for you."
Yeah. Whatever Choi. Hmph.
"And you know what? I'll be making up w/ the times we weren't together. We'll be hanging out again! ^_^"
She was indeed really happy. Her friends are really her vitamin eh?
"I see."
I washed my own dish and didnt wait for her to finish. I'm having my period. And whenever my period strikes, im really moody. Mood swings. 
"Eyy. Whats wrong with you, you seem to be acting different." 
"I'm not. I'm just tired. Hey, what will we do tomorrow?"
"Hmm. You know how to feed the horse today, so, we'll be at the poultry house. We'll be collecting eggs."
"Okay. I'll be going to sleep."
"Yah! It's still early. Let's have some chitchat."
Chitchat? Business partners dont chitchat! Right? Well, dont they? Only friends chitchat! Right? Whatever.
"Business partners dont do chitchat. They do business talks. Meetings. And important conversation. Business partners are formal. We...are business partners. We are not friends. NOT friends. Get that?"
I closed the door slowly so that she'll not get the idea that im mad. Im not mad. Im just being formal. Right? Im right. I know im right.
Choi's POV
Aish. Whats wrong with her? Is she still upset w/ what i told her we're not friends? Aigoo Hwang!
I heard my phone rang. Wooohoooo~
"Hello? Who's this please?"
"It's me Sica. I got your number from Seohyun"
"Ahh. I see. What's the matter?'
"Uhm. Can you please drive me to the nearby town tomorrow? I need to buy some pellets for the chicken and some things. You own that red car in the garage right?"
"Oh. Sure. yeah. i own that. What time?"
"Exaclty at 9:00 A.M."
"Okay. I'll meet you at the mansion then."
"K.Thanks. Bye."
--end of call--
Yay! Me and Sica will be hanging out tomorrow!
The next morning...
As usual, i woke up early to do my exercise and to cook.. ehem.. its the first time i'll cook.
"Hmmm. What will i cook?"
I opened the fridge... I saw bacon! 
So i fried bacon and egg.
"You're cooking?" Hwang asked while scratching her eyes.
"Oh. Yeah! Haha. I cooked this for us. I'm a good housewife!" I joke. But she wasnt smiling or even reacting like before.
"Hmm. Come on. Let me eat it. Im hungry."
"Here, you know what? You are the most lucky person in the world!"
"Because you are the first one who tasted Choi Sooyoung's first cooked dish ever!"
Yeah. She was! Really. I mean, she should be glad and grateful.
"Oh. Okay." She just looked at me and eat again.
AISHHHH! I wish i could yell at her, YAH HWANG! You're privileged because you are the first person who ever ate my home cooked food! I was really ... never mind. I continued eating. Then she stood up and washed her own plate again. I wasnt looking at her. Im pissed. Then i felt a touch on my shoulder...
"The egg and bacon...are good. I appreciate it. Glad you didnt burn it even though its your first time. Just call me if we're going to the poultry house. I'll be changing."
She went to her room.
I was in shock. My heart is beating so fast that i cant explain.
OMG! She appreciated my egg and bacon!!!!! ^____^
After that we went to the poultry house, Seohyun was there.
We taught her how to feed the chicken and how to get their eggs. 
She's learning very fast. And she isnt complaining despite the fact that its her first time. She is really acting professionally and responsibly. I guess the its the "we're not friends" statement made her like this. Im not sure. 
She was counting the eggs that she got, she was smiling while counting. What a sight! ^__^ 
But i just miss the way she smiles at me like that. Again, its the effect of my "we're not friends" statement. My bad T_T. I was standing while waiting for 8:45. I'll be accompanying Sica today ^_^
Seohyun pinched my arm and said something in my ear,
"Yah Unnie. What did you do to Tiffany unnie? What happened? You two are not acting like before."
Seohyun's POV
"I did nothing to her."
"Yah unnie. Dont lie!" Aish! My summer project study would be ruined if they're acting like this! I should do something.
"I said i didnt do anything okay?! Oh. Its already 8:45, i have to go."
"Where are you going unnie?"
"Sica asked me to drive her to the nearby town to buy some chicken pellets."
"Ohhh. So you two are good now eh?"
"Yes Seohyun! Im really glad we're good now."
Nae. Nae Unnie. She seems so happy! Hmmm. I looked in her eyes closely.
"Yah! What are you doing?!!"
"Im just studying your eyes."
I see she's happy. But I can't tell! Im a bad...bad observer!
She went to Tiffany Unnie.
"Uhm. Hwang, i'll be leaving. Me and Sica are going to the nearby town to buy something. Wanna come?"
"No, thanks."
"Are you sure? Will you be okay?"
"I'm sure. And why wouldnt i be okay. Duh. Go now to YOUR beloved friend Sica. Your business partner here will be very okay."
WOOOOH! I can smell jealousy right here. Nyahaha!
"Ohh. Uhm, i guess ill be going then." She went to me and said,
"I'll leave you Hwang okay? Please take care of her."
"Sure unnie! I'll teach her how to plant sweet potatoes!"
"Hmm. Sounds good! I'll be going now. I dont know what time will i be going home okay? Bye Seohyun. Bye..Hwang."
"Bye unnie!"
Hwang is not looking and still smiling at the eggs she was counting, but i know deep inside, she's burning! Haha.
Sooyoung Unnie went out at the door. Then i spoke...
"Tiffany Unnieeee!"
"Wanna meet some boys? I know some hottie in the Potato garden."
"Really?!!! Let's go after i arrange these lovely eggs."
"You seem in love with those eggs Unnie. Haha."
"Haha. Im just amazed!"
Sooyoungs POV
I stayed at the poultry house' door after i went out. I heard what Seohyun said. Meet some hot guys in the Potato garden?! Aish Seohyun! I never thought she know some hotties. What if those "hot guys" will make fun of Hwang? Huh?! 
I was hesitating to go to the mansion because of what i heard. But I got a text from Sica..
Fom: Sica
Yah. Where are you?
Aish. I ran to the mansion. She was standing there, wearing a dress. 
"Woah Sica! I've never seen you in a dress before!"
"Yeah. Whatever Soo, come on. Lets go!"
Sica told me the directions since im not familiar with the place.
We arrived in a town market. I parked the car then she went out first. I followed her inside the shop.
"Oh! My dear Jessica! Its been a long time!"
The old fat man greeted her. I guess he's the owner of the shop.
"Yeah. Hehe. I missed you Ahjussi. I want to buy 10 sacks of chicken pellets."
"Okay! Jessica, where would we put it?"
"There's a red car outside. Just put it on the back."
Then the old fat man noticed me, 
"Oh Hi there? What do you want to buy?"
"I came with Jessica."
"Really? You're pretty like her! Yah Jessica, is she your girlfriend?"
Jessica's POV
I hope so...
"Oh. No Ahjussi. She's my friend, Sooyoung." Yeah! Sadly, she's just my friend.
"Oh. Haha. I see. Im sorry."
He and his employee are putting the sacks at the back.
"He's your friend?" Sooyoung asked.
"Yeah. I always went here, so i know him and he knows me. We became friends."
"Oh... I see."
"Jessica. Its all done now. 10 sacks! No less, no more." Ahjussi told me.
"Thanks Ahjussi. Here's the payment."
"Wait here for the change."
"Oh no Ahjussi. Keep the change."
"Oh. Thank you Jessica."
"You're welcome Ahjussi. We'll go now Ahjussi."
"Bye! Nice to meet you Sooyoung!"
"Nice to meet you too. Bye!" Sooyoung waved her hand.
"Where are we going now Sica?"
"Lets go around the market. I miss this place."
"Oh.. Okay. I want to see the place too."
We agreed and we entered the market. There are a lot of stuffs.
As we are walking along the shops, Sooyoung stopped and listened to the old saleslady. I waited for her but she was still listening, then i saw some boots infront of me. She was still listening so i decided to go to her.
"Oh Sica! Come here, i bought something. Give me your hand"
She put a ring on my middle finger.
She was raising her right hand. We have the same rings! COUPLE RINGS?!!! ^^_^^
"These are friendship rings. You liked it?"
NOOO! Friendship ring. T__T, Its okay, at least we have a ring right?
"yeah. I liked it. Thanks."
Sooyoungs POV
Weee. I found some cute friendship ring. I didnt think twice buying it. Sica was looking at the boots.
"You're going to buy one?" I asked her.
"Yeah. This red ones are cute."
"ohh. Yeah! They are! You should buy them."
She paid inside. I was waiting outside, then i saw a cellphone accessories shop nearby.
One accessory caught my eye. It looks like Hwang! It's a cute mushroom stuff toy. I bought it and attached it w/ my phone. 
I went back to the boots shop.
"Yah, where did you go?"
 "I just bought something. Its lunch now, lets eat! Im starving"
We went to the restaurant.
"Sooyoung, you really havent changed. You still eat a lot!"
"I will never change."
We were chatting about what happened with our lives the time we didnt see each other. I miss chitchatting with Sica. I told her about KyuHyun my loyal admirer in college.
"So, you told me he's hot right? Why didnt you fall in love w/ him?"
"He's too soft! I mean, i like people who are a bit bad and mean."
"Ohh. Such a bad-! Lets order some beer."
Oh no. Im not going ro drink! I still have to drive. 
"Well, I will not drink. Im still going to drive. It would kill the both of us if ill drink."
"Hmm. Okay! I want to drink, Miss! 5 bottles of beer please."
"Woah!!! 5?! Sica, you're insane."
"I just wanna drink okay? Please bare w/ me."
It was already 3 pm in the afternoon. Im still ordering food and Sica is still drinking. She was babbling a lot. About the people she met. 
6 pm. 
She already ordered 20 bottles. She's still babbling. Aigoo. I cant stop her, she's strong. Suddenly, she falls to sleep. At last!
I paid the bill. I paid much since i ordered a lot of food and she orderes a lot of beer too.
I carried her on my back and went to the parking lot.
On the way home, she was talking again w/ her eyes closed.
"Yaaaah. You know who's Sooyoung?!! Yaaaah!"
"Aish. Sica! You're too drunk!"
"YAAAAAH!!! Sooyoung broke my heart did you know that?! Yah! You, who are you YAHH!!"
WHAT?!!! She's totally drunk.
"Shhh. Just sleep there. Okay? You're drunk!"
She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"OMO!OMO!OMO! Sooyoung, its YOU!! i dont wanna see you!! I wanna move on!!"
WTF is she yelling about? She's in love w/ me? No Choi, She's NOT. She's just drunk. I focused on driving since no one will guide me because my guide is dunk and crazy.
Aish! Where am i heading? Its already dark!. Grr.
I stopped at and asked a stranger.
"Excuse me sir, do you where's the way to Soo Farm?"
"Oh. I see your lost. Go straight, then turn right."
"Thanks SIr!"
I followed what he says and luckily, we're home. Sica's totally asleep. 
I carried her inside the mansion.
"Oh!!! What happened?" Mommy Susie asked.
"She's drunk."
"Omo. Key! Come here, carry your sister!"
"Oh. i can do it."
"No. No. You should rest. You should go home now so Seohyun can come back here already. She's been accompanying Tiffany the whole day."
"Oh. Okay."
"Aish! Sica Noona!" Key got her.
I walked to the our house. 
I heard Seohyun and Hwang saying goodbye to 3 people.
"Bye Tae! Bye Donghae!"
I walked slowly. I saw 3 people going out, rode a horse then fled away.
"Bye HYUKIEEEEE!!!!!" Hwang shouted. Tae? Donghae? Hyukkie?!
I entered the house. Seohyun and Hwang are laughing.
"Oh. Unnie! You're home! Have you eaten yet?"
"Yeah. "
"So how was your day w/ Sica Unnie?"
"It was great. You can go home now Seohyunah, Mommy Susie's worried. You havent been home since this morning?"
"Yeah Unnie! Me and Fany Unnie are having a blast at the Potato garden. And... guess what?! Me and Fany Unnie are BFF's!!! Haha"
"Wait...What? You two are bestfriends?"
"YES UNNIE! Right Fany Unnie?"
"Yep! Meet my bestfriend Choi! Seohyun!"
Seohyun posed. WTF wrong w/ them? What's with this bestfriend thingy?
"Im actually Fany Unnie's first friend in Fiore, that made me her bestfriend. Right again Fany Unnie?"
Fany Unnie? Aigoo. First friend?~ Aigoo!!
"Yep! Yah Seohyunah, you should go home now. You should take a bath and change. You smell like soil. Haha" Whoa! Hwang's really laughing hard. I never seen her like this. Im happy that she's happy.
"Yah Fany Unnie!! Okay, ill go now. Bye Sooyoung Unnie and goodbye my bestfriend Fany Fany Unnie! Mwaaaaaah!!!!" Omo. She hugged and kissed Hwang on her cheeks. =_=.
"Bye Seohyunah!" Hwang kissed back on Seohyun's cheeks. +_+. 
I dont know what im feeling <|3??? 
Seohyun went out. Hwang was sitting at the sofa looking at her camera.
"Hey. You had a great time huh?" I asked her.
"Hell yeah. This is the first time i enjoyed staying here in Fiore. Now, coming here is not boring at all. Will you take a bath?"
"N..not yet."
"Oh. Great. I'll take a bath. By the way, we cleaned the house today, so, you can just rest now."
We? Those people helped her huh? And... first time she enjoyed staying here in Fiore? What about those times we were together?! Aigoo. T__T
Seohyun & Fany's day
Fany's POV
Aish. They'll be spending time together. 0_0
"Tiffany unnie! Lets go to the potato garden now. I'll teach you how to plant!"
"Oh. Great! Lets go!"
We went to the huge field of Potatoes!
"What a lovely sight!!!!"
"Yah, you love potatoes?"
"Sweet potatoes unnie, SWEET POTATOES!"
"Now, to start, lets go the garden house and get some materials."
We went to the garden house. There was this short blonde girl who was arranging stuffs.
"Taeyeon Unnie!"
"Oh hey Seohyun! You'll be planting sweet potatoes again?" The short girl asked.
"Yep! Ill be teaching my friend right here. Oh by the way, Taeyeon Unnie, this is Stephanie Hwang. A huge investor of our dear farm. She's with Sooyoung Unnie."
"Oh. Nice to meet you Stephanie Hwang. Im Kim Taeyeon, i take care of all the plants here in Soo Farms."
"Nice to meet you too. Just call me Tiffany. My bestfriend in states is Taeyeon too. But she's tall. Haha. Just kidding."
"Oooh. Seohyunah, you're friend right here's making fun of me. Aigooo!!"
This Taeyeon right here is sure cute! 
"Dont mind her Tae Unnie! Now let's plant! Will you be helping Unnie?"
"I will! I'll show Tiffany im a shorty w/ a skillful hands!"
"haha. You're so cute Taeyonah!" I told her.
"I know."
"You look like an egg! Just like the eggs i got from the poultry house awhile ago."
"Haha. Enough Unnie's you just met and you're fighting already! Bad Unnie's"
Taeyeon and Seohyun told me everything about planting. Taeyeon is sure brilliant.
"Whoa, you are a fast learner Tippany!"
"I know right. And hey, its Ti-FFFFanny. okay?!"
"TiPpany. No. i want TiPpany more."
We were really enjoying planting. Seohyun me and Taeyeon are running and playing. I become a kid again. This would be perfect if Choi is here. She should be enjoying right now... HMPH! who cares?!!
"Unnie's! Lets go home now. Its already noon!"
"Oh, lets go to our house then. I'll introduce you to my cousins." Taeyeon suggested.
"GREAT!!" Me and Seohyun agreed. Soehyun and me gets along pretty well. We're like sisters ^_^
There's a village in the Soo farm! Cute houses align. It was like a small subdivision.
We arrived at the Yellow house.
"Noona! You're back! I already cooked lunch!" A guy smiling so wide opened the door.
"Oh. You're the best Eunhyuk! You're like a housewife!"
"I wish!" What?! i WISH?! is he GAY?!
"Oh by the way Hyuk, this is Tippany Hwang. An investor of this farm and, Seohyun, you know Seohyun right?"
"Of course i know her. Right Seohyun?"
"Yeah Hyuk OPPA!"
"Dont call me OPPA! Call me Unnie! Hey Tippany! You're pretty! Im Eunhyuk. Call me Hyuk Unnie"
"Ugh! Please Hyuk, you look so manly! You even have those abs and you are handsome. Your dad doesnt know about this yet. Dont let people call you Unnie. Its embarrassing!" Taeyeon lectured Eunhyuk.
"Aish!!!!! OKAY! EHem.. Tippany~ssi, call me Hyuk."
"Haha. You're so funny. Its Tiffany by the way, Taeyeon just call me Tippany."
"Oh. Okay. Tiffany~ssi. Please Tiffany~ssi, dont dare to fall in love w/ me. I dont like girls."
"Whoa! Okay Hyukkie!"
"Hyukkie?! I like that Tiffany~ssi!"
"Yah! Stop that. Lets eat now. Hyuk, where's your Donghae?"
"He's asleep."
"Okay lets eat first. Have a seat Seohyun, Ppany."
"Ppany?!" I yelled.
"TiPpany is long!!! Ppany's short. I'll call you Ppany. Lets eat!"
Aish this shorty!
"Yah!!! You dared to eat w/o me! How could you!"
"Donghae!!!" Seohyun shouted.
"Oh! Seo! you're here! You! Who are you!?" He asked me.
"She's Tiffany Hwang. An investor of this farm. Fany Unnie, he's Donghae, Taeyeon Unnie and Hyuk's cousin."
"Hi Donghae. Nice to meet you."
"Hi Tiffany! Lets dig in!"
We all ate together.
After, we played cards. They were really fun! We even put make up on both of the boys and have some little fashion show. Both of them are gays. But they're really manly. They just dont like girls. So it was comfortable being around w/ them. It was already 4 pm. 
"Unnie, lets get back to the ranch now."
"Can we go? We'll let you ride on horses. The ranch is a bit too far from here." Hyukkie said.
Each of them ride on the horse. I rode on Hyukkie's back and Seohyun rode on Donghae's back. Taeyeon was so cool riding on her little Pony.
"Yah Taeng! You look like your horse! Haha" I teased Tae. All of us laughed,
We arrived at the ranch. In the house, we still played. We played spin the bottle.
Hyukkie lead the game.
"This is a weird game. This dare lasts for a week. So, do you all dare?!"
"Okay, I'll lead the game."
"Whoever the bottle points will be dating Seohyun in a week!"
He turned the bottle and it landed to Donghae.
"Yah!!!" Donghae yelled. 
"Its just a game cuz. Act like you like Seohyun! haha" Tae laughed.
"Next is. Seohyun's BFF!"
The bottled stopped at me.
"Yayyy!" Seohyun rejoiced.
"Well, it seems you're bestfriends already."
"We're not~! Unnie! Lets be bestfriends for real."
"Sure! haha" Now i got a bestfriend who i thought a huge rival. Funny.
"Now, this will be my lover for the week!"
He turned the bottle and it pointed to me.
"AISH! I cant imagine having a girlfriend. Its creepy!" 
"Hahaha." We all laughed.
"This one will be our bridge!"
He turned the bottle again and pointed to Taeng.
"YAH! Bridge is the owner! Nyahaha" Taeng laughed wickedly.
"Yah Noona! We'll report it to your Teukie that you're bridging two lovers!" Donghae teased.
"Teukie? Who's Teukie?" I asked.
"Teukie's, Taeyeon Noona first and last love. Now. Now. Look at Taeng Noons, she's blushing. Haha"
"Wow!!! Really? One boyfriend since birth and you're still together?" I asked. I was amazed.
"Yepppp! <3 <3"
"Aigoo Noona. She remembers her love again. AIgoo! Hey, its already late. We'll be heading home now. Horses dont have headlights!" Hyukkie said.
"We're going now. Lets hang out tomorrow and the next next days." Taeng said.
"Bye Tae! Bye Donghae!" We bid our good bye.
"Bye HYUKIEEEEE!!!!!" I shouted. 
Then Choi arrived.
//KYAA!! I'll try my best to review my work before posting. lol. I have a lotta errors. Hope you enjoyed!
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i miss this fic >_


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 25: They are married how cool ^^
Glad I found this story
YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 23: Hahahaha I will never forget about the "gay points" XD
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 3: That's gay XD
ShikMush #4
miss u authornim,hope to hear from u soon
RFShip9389 #5
Chapter 25: I already read it three times and it never bored me...
that's cool~~~
this is the first fanfic i have finished reading ever.. and i must say, it's really good.. u r an amazing writer. this will forever remain to be one of my favorite fanfic of all, and of course you, as my favorite author.. looking forward to your future stories..
authorjjang is indeed jjang!!~ ^_^
Just finished reading.
OMG! So cute~ >.<
Adyfahjgdkljiga!! SooFany!!
Author, you are sooo amazing :D
finish reading~
amajjang author!!!
right now i'm so torn between soosica and soofany>.<