
Tell Him


All her intentions to stay away flew away when she got news of Heechul’s appearance at Kim Ramyeon. After receiving Shindong’s text at noon, her concentration was shot and all she could do was just operate on autopilot. The only thing on her mind was what Heechul wanted with Donghae. She hadn’t seen Heechul since Ki Hwan’s wake and somehow she had a foreboding premonition about it. Shindong couldn’t give any more information as he himself didn’t know what had transpired between the both of them.

Jung Soo welcomed her distracted air as a reprieve from the tense atmosphere that had dominated his office lately. It was during these times when he wondered why the hell he had picked a female as his assistant. Of course, he forgot it was her spunk and the fact that she would never bow down to being seen as the weaker that made her such a great worker but he couldn’t help but be ist and link her moodiness to PMS. The anchor, on the other hand, was more than curious what had happened to the assistant producer’s forceful drive that made for a rather uneventful end to the workweek. The lunch they had worked magic, just as Jung Soo wished and she had been more accepting of the ideas he brought to the table. However, Amber was simply lacklustre in her efforts to brainstorm that Friday.

A little past 10, the three-men team finally wrapped things up. “Boss, can I leave now?” Part of her spirit seemed to return and Seunghyun glanced at her, interested at the slight upbeatness.

“Yes, Amber. You did well this week. Thank you for your hard work. Go shoo.”

Clutching her Balenciaga city, an extravagant present that her mother had gifted her when she first started work – “But all the celebrities have one, darling!” – she dashed out of Jung Soo’s office, zipping the bag on her way out.

“Man, she’s in a hurry.” Seunghyun remarked at her departing figure.

Jung Soo grinned wickedly, “Perhaps she has a date. Want to get a drink?”

“Not tonight, I already have plans. But after our first show, we will go out and get wild.” The anchor promised the older man as he too walked towards the door.

Thank god for overtime taxi reimbursement, Amber thought as she stood by the road right outside the broadcasting station, looking out for available cabs. “Where are all the taxis?” She grumbled, forgetting it was a Friday night and every other taxi driver was out in the city where the business was. So preoccupied she was with wanting to get to Kim Ramyeon as soon as possible that she didn’t see the convertible pull up alongside her until the driver honked.

“Need a lift?” Poking his head out of the window, Seunghyun made the offer.

“I’m going to Hongdae. Is it on your way?”

The blue-haired man shrugged, “I’m meeting friends at 11. I got time to spare.”

When she was safely in the car and buckled up, Seunghyun asked, “So you live in Hongdae?”

“I so do! Where do you stay?” She was still a little awkward with Seunghyun and although they had plenty to say to each other at work, she found herself struggling to make polite conversation when her mind was frazzled – worrying about Donghae was proving to retard her ability to be sociable.

“Gangdam.” He named one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in Seoul.

Letting out a whistle, she was impressed. “A fancy car, a place in the most expensive area in town – you must be a hit with the ladies.”

“How did you guess?” He liked how she was so frank and sometimes spoke like one of his male pals when they were trading stories about their conquests of the opposite .

“You have a reputation. The girls were twittering all about how fabulous you are before you started work here.”

Keeping his eyes on the road, he couldn’t resist asking about her own opinion, “And what do you think?”

Turning to look at Seunghyun’s side profile, she forced herself to concentrate on what was going on, after all, he was giving her a ride, “I still can’t get over your blue hair, to be honest.”

“You’re rather straightforward, Amber,” He said appreciatively, like a fresh gust of wind, he added silently.

“That’s nice to know.” Amber smiled, wondering whether it was a wise idea to let her guard down with this new person. As naïve as she could be sometimes, work was a whole different jungle from play - she had learnt this the hard way in her first year at the TV station. She had unwisely told a colleague what she thought of another co-worker and word spread like wildfire peppered with a lot of other untruths. That mess took plenty of explaining to get out of.

“Going straight home on Friday night?”

“Are you mocking my lack of a social life?”

Smirking, Seunghyun said smoothly, “I wouldn’t dare to, just wondering how a girl like you doesn’t have a date lined up.”

His passenger laughed. “I really am not one of those girls that line will work on, but thank you for thinking that I could be one of them.”

“I wouldn’t pick you up like that.”

“Then how would you, Mr Choi?” Amber quipped, it was easy to banter with the driver now that she just said whatever that came to her mind.

Braking to stop for a red light, he looked straight at her, “Are you flirting with me, Amber Liu?”

“I wouldn’t dream to!” She replied with a laugh, yet her face started growing hot and was relieved when he shifted his gaze back to the front.

“Where should I drop you off?” He changed the subject abruptly, in the same way his vechicle shifted into second gear.

After following her directions, the convertible stopped at a quiet street. “Thanks!” Amber expressed her gratitude and slammed the door shut. She sprinted to Kim Ramyeon and pushed the sliding door to one side in haste. The restaurant should have just sent off the last customers – it was almost closing time.

Her line of vision fell on the ramyeon chef who was standing behind the counter. “Hae! I heard Heechul was here this afternoon. What did oppa want?”

Even though he was interrupted by the sudden noisy intrusion, Donghae nonchalantly tilted his gaze up. That was the way he was, whenever he was fully focused on whatever was at hand. “I see someone has been keeping you up to date with what’s been happening here.” He said pointedly, staring at Shindong now, who was trying to hide behind the stack of dirty bowls unsuccessfully. “If only he would be as hardworking at his actual job.”

“Am, you are finally here! We haven’t seen you for so long.” The assistant chef emerged behind the pile, choosing to ignore his boss’ dagger looks.

“Oppa! I’ve only been away for less than two weeks, I think.” No really, I’m not keeping count, she internally convinced herself. But things seemed to have changed in just 14 days, Amber realised as she finally took stock of her surroundings.

In her usual seat sat Jessica, with impeccable poise like the ballerina she was. She smiled hello at the newcomer. Dropping her eyes to the ground for second, she regained her composure and bowed back in greeting. This restaurant had been her second home for the longest time but now as she stood uncomfortably near the entrance, facing a bemused Jessica, Amber never felt so much out of place.

“How are you, Amber?”

“Hello Jessica, I’m fine.” Making her way to the row of chairs, she attempted to make eye contact with the chef, only to have him return his attention to dicing spring onions. “Here for dinner?”

Jessica twittered, a faint blush spreading on the apples of her cheeks. “Yes, kind of. Donghae oppa and I are going to watch a movie later.”

Donghae? Watching a movie? The sudden ringing in Amber’s ears rendered her speechless. Since when did Donghae go on dates? Have they been meeting up since the start of Hyukjae and Hyoyeon’s wedding preparations? Why didn’t Donghae tell her about it? He was a grown man who had needs, her inner voice scolded her, and it’s none of your business who he goes out with. He’s just your best friend and older brother, he doesn’t owe you any explanation. All these were not news to her, yet it hurt to see it right before her - the beginning of something probably beautiful between Donghae and Jessica.

“Unnie?” Luhan’s voice broke through her internal struggle. “You’ll be having your usual?”

Shaking her head at Jessica and the apprentice who were looking at her expectantly, she said, “I just dropped by on my way to meet my friend. I need to leave now.” This was crazy. Why the hell was I running away as though I don’t belong here, she thought to herself. But I can’t stay here, she reasoned internally. Amber knew her insides would break if she had to continue seeing Jessica sitting in her seat perfectly naturally.

The truth was, she had been replaced. Sneaking one more glance towards Donghae, she tried to smile as brightly as she could before taking her leave. She ran out without another word. Not even caring anymore about the Heechul incident even though he hadn’t provided any explanation.

“Unnie was such in a hurry that she forgot to close the door.” The young boy commented as he slid the door shut.

Putting away the bunny fishcake that he was actually slicing, Donghae eventually said to no one in particular, “I guess she won’t be having her Amber Special today.” His straight face didn’t give anything away, you had to scrutinise hard to see the disappointment in his eyes - his mood had pepped up at the first sound of Amber’s voice. Despite him chiding Shindong, he had thought that Amber would finally have a meal at Kim Ramyeon, the restaurant just didn’t seem the same without her presence, only to see her rush off again as though she had a ghost on her tail. That girl … he was starting to not understand her at all.

“God, you got to pull yourself together.” Amber muttered to herself, stomping her feet. Being so sensitive about Donghae’s blossoming love life was going to ruin things - if she wasn’t able to come to terms with this issue, it would spell the end of their friendship. It was just that no one, not even Hyukjae, had ever come between Donghae and herself.

And somehow, her feet brought her one step and another step forward till she found herself outside L unknowingly. Leaning against the lamppost, she stared into nothingness. What did she have to do to feel normal around Donghae again? She hated having to run away like that – as though she had something to hide.

It was closing time for L too and even though he was the boss, Myungsoo wasn’t excluded from cleaning up. Wiping down the tables was his duty, that his barista and waiter never let him forget was the slackest job. A slight movement outside caught his eye. Through the window into the darkness, he caught sight of her, the same girl he had been thinking of on and off for the past few days. Without another thought, he rushed out of the café.

“Hey Amber, what are you doing here?”

Myungsoo startled the girl from her reverie. “Oh hi!”

Peering at her under the dim light, he asked, “Did I forget our date? We’re having dinner tomorrow, right?”

Yes, Amber had agreed to a second date with Myungsoo. Initially, she had been taken aback by the boy’s willingness to leave the café without his supervision during the café’s busiest period and didn’t want him to go out of his way just so they could meet. However, his earnestness moved her and moreover who could say no to a face like his? She certainly couldn’t.

Coming closer, the forlorn expression on her face was unmistakable. “Are you alright?”

No, I’m not, Amber thought to herself, but what can I tell you? “Work.” They were just starting to get to know each other, this one word lie wouldn’t hurt anybody. She really needed a friend now. All this time, it had been Donghae who had always been there for her – to wipe her tears when she cried, to pick her up when she fell, to listen to her complaints – and now, when he was the cause of her frustration, she had no one. And this boy right before her now, was gazing at her fondly. She did like Myungsoo but could she like him enough to make her heart beat fast?

“It’s tough. Work is so hard.” A single tear escaped the side of her eye. Instinctively, her fingers brushed it away. It was hard, just what the hell was she doing?

The boy with her saw it and cupped a palm on her cheek. “Everything will be fine, it will be over soon OK?” 

She nodded, appreciative of him being here with her. Yes, it will soon pass.

It must mean something for her to come to him when she was this unhappy right? Myungsoo didn’t want her to be upset, and tried to comfort her in his own way. His arms reached around her and pulled her towards him. He barely knew this girl yet all he wanted was to console her and keep her safe. 


fatty_acidMayor: Hi! When you mortgage your property, it means you are using your home to secure a loan from the bank and if you aren't able to repay the monthly repayment instalments, the bank has the right to take ownership of your home. Business has been bad and the restaurant is not making enough to pay its staff, bills and suppliers, so Donghae has to find some way to get extra cash to continue to stay in business. Hope this explains things! :)

YuuYuu: Yes, the poor boy has to. I decided to add in some other non-romantic drama in this story so it won't be so fluffy, hopefully it's working out. :)

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Chapter 23: Awww. Sad. I hope you update this one. Beautiful story, author :)
sucafraliex #2
will you update your stories please :)
Lostsoullost #3
I hope you update all of your storiws some day
Chapter 23: This story is really good :)
Chapter 23: Hope you can update this soon! ❤️
Ambeoya #6
authornim, are you not gonna update this anymore?? DDD:
ShidaM #7
Chapter 23: Lol Hae, y u so stupid?! My poor Hae has been so blind for so long. Now we'll see if he'll really let go and hope it works out. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE!
Lukber #8
Chapter 23: thank you for the update
Ambertastic_baby #9
Chapter 23: You have no idea how excited I was when I saw that this had been updated. It's been a really crappy day so far, so this definitely brightened me up. Well, only so much, because poor Donghae. It's good to see how he feels about this though, since we've seen more of Amber's perspective. And yes, Hae, things can get so much more worse. He's so lucky to have Hyuk and Hyo as friends. Where would he be if he didnt have even them.
Great update! Definitely excited for more (and it doesn't have to be this particular fanfic c; )