Photos ~for prettyflowergirl~

To Be or Not to Be, That Isn't the Question. ~One-Shot Shop~

Couple: Kim Tori and Park Jungmin

Song: Park Jungmin - Only Me

"Okay, everyone get together in a group!" I said making the current group I was taking pictures for get together in a huddle.

"You know, since you have nine people I want you to have four in the back, three in the middle, and two in the front lying down in a 'y pose'," I said using quotes. Super Junior, the group I was working with, moved the fastest of all the groups I have photo shoots with, but when it comes to the group photo, they can't choose who is going to be in the front. I heard the front door open, due to the bell ringing above the door.

"While I go talk to someone, you guys figure out the order," I said walking away to the front of the shop. I gasped and then took out my phone. I checked to see when my next schedule was and saw that it was them, SS501. I calmed down and put my phone in my pocket and walked to them.

"Annyeong! Welcome back! I have another group here already and I am about to finish up with them. If you would like you may  look around or sit," I said bowing to them.

"Oh, Tori! No need to bow! We all know each other," Hyungjun said eyeing me. I fakely smiled. He knows I hate him, but I don't think he appreciates that I put up with his foolishness, or ertedness.

"Uh, Noona. We have decided on the position!" Kyuhyun said from behind me. I bowed and turned to follow him to where we were previously. I looked at the guys in their position and laughed.

"You guys make the funniest positions!" I grabbed my camera and waited for Kyuhyun to get in his spot and started to take pictures from all different angles.

"Okay make funny faces for me!" I said trying to make them laugh but they kept a straight face. I frowned and thought of something. I puffed out my cheeks and pulled my ear out so I looked like a monkey and made them laugh and I took pictures.

"Alrighty, that is it! Thank you for choosing my store~" I said bowing.

"Thank you!" Super Junior said bowing together. I smiled and lead them out to the front door hugging them on their way out since they were like family.

"Annyeong, if you all are ready you may head back and see the stylist and get ready," I said smiling to the group.

"Thank you Tori," Jungmin said smiling and winking at me and they headed back. I waited until they couldn't see me and fangirl a bit.

"The best thing about being a photographer, I can take pictures of my biases!" I whispered quietly walking to my office. I sat down at the computer to upload the pictures to the computer and look through them. I searched through them all making a folder for all of them and them making another folder with the duplicates of the photos that came out the best.

I heard a knock at the door. I closed the pictures after looking through them and saw one of the stylist in the door way.

"Yes?" I asked politely standing up and walking to the door.

"The boys are ready," she said politely and smiling.

"Send them out then," I said grabbing my second camera and walking near the dressing rooms waiting for them to come out so I could take a picture of them walking out. I smiled as they walked out noticing them wearing their own unique style with hair put perfectly to complement their facial features.

After the photo shoot had ended the guys went back into the styling room to change back into their clothes and leave. I stepped into my office again to upload the photos and do the same thing I did with Super Junior.

"Hey, thanks," I heard from the door way. I looked at my computer turning y head and then shifted my eyes the person who spoke. I gasped noticing it was Jungmin and I quickly stood up and bowed.

"It was no problem, really the only work I did was the pictures, the stylist did everything else," I said smiling.

"Oh, that's not true! Let me look through the pictures with you," he said to me walking over to the computer.

"Okay, but shouldn't you be with everyone else?" I asked him curiously pulling up another chair and scooting mine over.

"No, they are going out to eat and I'm not that hungry," he said sitting down. I smiled and looked at the computer. I moved the mouse to the first picture and started a slide show. We sat there for awhile and watched as the pictures go by on the screen, then without a pause the next album came up, my album of pictures of myself.

"Hey, who is that?" Jungmin said moving closer to the screen. I smiled thinking that the stylist did a good job with the makeup and hair not to notice it was me.

"Wait, that's you! But how did you take pictures of yourself?" He asked still looking at the pictures. My smiled turned into a frown instantly.

"I had someone shadowing me that day, since they want to be a photographer, so I dressed up and said they could take pictures of me," I said explaining what happened that day, "That kid is a good photographer. I hope he follows his dream," I said admiring the pictures, the angle they were taken from, the lighting, and how it was the perfect shot almost every time.

"I agree, he knows how to show your true beauty," he said smiling and looking over to me. I blushed slightly and looked away.

"You know the last time you took pictures of us?" he asked me poking my shoulder making me look at him. I nodded my head.

"And you had a picture of you on the front counter?" I kept nodding my head.

"I took it," he said to me causing me to turn my head.

"What?" I asked quietly looking at him.

"You heard me, I took it. You were beautiful then, and you are still now," he said taking my hand. I blushed and watched him.

"Thank you," I said slowly trying to comprehend what he was saying.

"Kim Tori, I like you, will you be mine?" he asked still holding my hand in his and the other holding my face. I could feel my cheeks burning up and his eyes on me. I smiled and looked at him in the eyes.

"Yes, Park Jungmin, I will be yours," I said smiling. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We sat like that for awhile until his phone rang. I let go and watched him answer it and frown.

"I need to go, I'll call you later, alright?" he said turning to me and kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded my head and waved to him goodbye. I sat in my chair spinning around in it waiting for the next group to come, Miss A.

It has been three months since Jungmin asked me to be his. He was starting to call me less and talk to me less. The only thing I had to look at of him was a photo that I had taken of him and me on my phone. I smiled remembering the day that I took this. We were at the carnival, our first date, and we were waiting to ride the Ferris wheel when we got really bored and decided to take pictures of ourselves. It was my day off and his, not doing anything at all, being bored until we met up.

I snapped out of my memories to hear the front door of the shop open. I went to the front of the store and saw SS501 again, but without Jungmin. They all looked glum and they walked up to the counter.

"Annyeong, welcome! I don't have you guys scheduled for today..." I said trailing off looking at the calendar on my phone.

"We know," Hyungjun said harshly looking up to me. I frowned and looked at them puzzled.

"Then why are you here?" I relied coldly aiming towards Hyungjun. I stood there waiting for a reply and saw him pull out a letter.

"Don't read this until we leave, but know that we won't be coming back here as group to take pictures, only solo pictures if we come back," he said to me slipping the letter onto the counter turning around and walking out the door. I waved to the rest of the guys and they waved back with frowns. I watched as they left.

I picked up the letter and started to read it.

"Due to me not liking you anymore, I have requested that we do not come back to your shop anymore. I am sorry but your services are not required by SS501 anymore," I read aloud and watched as tears fell from my eyes onto the paper. I looked down at the bottom of the letter to the signature, "Without Love, Park Jungmin. P.S. We are over." I put my back up to the wall and leaned on it. My heart was falling slowly in my chest, beating slower than it ever has. It was being buried behind all of what I thought was love, but it was hate. I got my phone and called him.

"Park Jungmin! How could you do this? You cut off all communication with me and then decided to write me a note that you don't like me and are breaking up with me? Seriously?" I said angrily over the phone to him.

"I missed you too much," he said quietly.

"You think I didn't miss you? I have been waiting for a call for two weeks and nothing came. I am here looking at your picture wondering if you will ever call me, if you will ever come back. Is this really a one sided relationship," I said pausing. Tears were streaming down my face, "And if it is, who's side was the love? Do you know that I stayed up late waiting for you to call because the possibility of you having late practice?" I questioned him, wiping my tears walking back into my office.

"Tori, how could you think that I don't love you still? I couldn't call you due to practice and I thought I was hurting you to much, so I decided to do the best of both of us and stop the pain," he said with hurt in his voice.

"You breaking up with me cause more pain than ever. I could wait forever just to hear your voice, and I wouldn't get hurt."

"I'm sorry, I thought you were getting sad, and hurting because of our seperation... I didn't know," he said trying to make up for his mistake.

"It's alright Jungmin, I understand."

"Good, Tori, I still love you," he said as the door to the shop opened, "Please be mine, again." I looked up to see him standing at the door with an apologetic look on his face. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. I heard him chuckle and then wrap his arms around me but he pulled back.

"Wait, this means yes right?"

I looked at him, "Yes, babo!" He hugged me again and smiled. We sat in the front of the store until my next appointment came and laughed at people who randomly passed by the store.

A/N: Here you are prettyflowergirl !!!

I hope you enjoy your story :) Remember if you don't like it then you can always make me redo it!

Please message me if you don't like it and what you don't like about it :)

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Hey guys :D working on prettyangel25 's one shot^^


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CUTE!!! :) I am requesting AGAIN!!! :)
Wow that was crazy O_o
Kai cheated on her
HimChan being an
I really really liked it THANK YOU SOO MUCH ^^
Wow, 7 years is quite long though and they still holding their promises! His character indeed gentlemen though and well organize his things.
The whole story you wrote it beautifully in every scenes.
I enjoyed reading it and Thank you so much!!!!! :)
good job! it's really awesome! :)
so excited ^^
whats mary sue ._. im dumb. lol.