Chapter 7

Caramel Candies

-30 minutes later-

Zelo: I'm winning. I hope you know.

Danielle: I don't care!

-Danielle mixes the batter and stirs it out the bowl-

Zelo: Aish! So messy!

Danielle: Sooooo.

-Everyone walks downstairs and watches Danielle and Zelo make pancakes-

Danielle: I'm going to win. I know it.

Zelo: I don't think so.

-Zelo pours his batter into a pan and sculpts each of them into a perfect circle-

Zelo: Yea, I'm almost done.

Danielle: IT'S NOT A RACE. It's whoever makes the best pancake!

-Danielle stirs her batter wildly out of the bowl and some lands in her hair-

Zelo: Danielle, wait.

-Danielle keeps stirring-

Zelo: Danielle!

-Zelo grabs Danielle's face and puts his mouth on her hair the batter off-

Danielle: Oh...

Zelo: You're welcome. 

-Zelo looks down at his pancakes and sees that they're finished-

Zelo: Finished!

-Everyone still shocked at what just happened, stares at Zelo-

Zelo: Try them! -Smiles-

Calley: I'll...try.

Zelo: Yay! Good!

-Calley picks one up, pours syrup on it, and eats it-

Calley: Woah..that's really good. 

Danielle: Wait, what about mine?! You haven't even tried it yet.

Calley: When you're finished, I'll try it.

-Danielle pours her batter into a pan and shapes her pancakes into hearts-

Danielle: Done. Try one, try one!!!

Calley: OKAY.

-Calley picks one up, pours syrup on it, then stares at it-

Calley: AWW. It's a heart. Well, now we know, it must taste great.

Danielle: Eat it!!!

Calley: Okay. -Takes a bite of her pancake and makes a sour face-

Calley: WHAT THE... Danny! What is in this? 

Danielle:  Sour cream, pancake batter, milk, eggs, and all that good stuff! -Smiles-

Calley: Sour cream?!

Danielle: Yea. Why?

Calley: You don't put sour cream on pancakes!

Danielle: But...I thought you did..

Calley: No...

Danielle: I win...because...I made mine with love?

Calley: Zelo wins.

Danielle: Aish. I'm never cooking again.

Calley: You probably shouldn't.

Danielle: Grr.

Zelo: Sorry, Danielle.

Danielle: I'll beat you next time.

Zelo: Whatever.


Yong Guk: Pancakes!

Calley: You're that guy, I met last night. The one that doesn't know his name.

-Yong Guk looks around-

Yong Guk: Me?

Calley: Yes, hahahaha. You're the only person around.

Yong Guk: Oh, I'm sorry. 

Calley: Why are you apologizing? We can just start over...Here.

-Calley reaches out her hand-

Calley: Now just shake my hand and we are officially best friends as of that moment.

-Yong Guk reaches out his hand and shakes Calley's hand-

Yong Guk: -thinking- Her skin is so soft and smooth.

Calley: You can let go now, best friend.

Yong Guk: Oh...I'm...I apologize.

Calley: Stop apologizing, best friends only apologize if they break each other's hearts. So don't even apologize unless you do. But you have to promise me that you'll never break my heart as long as we're best friends.

Yong Guk: I promise. 

Calley: Pinky promise!

-Yong Guk wraps his pinky around Calley's and smiles-

Calley: I think we're gonna get along just fine. Best friend.

Okay I have a question. If you think I should write my fanfic in story format instead of screenplay format, can you comment so that I know. Because when I write it in screenplay format it feels like the story is shorter and I want it to be long chapters instead of short. So please comment, it would help a lot. Thanks! Bye. :) Next chapter will be up sometime today.

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I'll update tonight if you guys promise to read ALL of my stories. >:)


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LeeJinki-s #1
rayvhengoldwater #2
hope you update soon
Sincere1041 #3
Chapter 29: Please update soon!(: I love this story so much!!!!! Its just so amazing Gahhh!! Lol okay sorry for being a BIT dramatic but I really love this story with all the dif characters and relationships truly amazing(: I hope you continue xD much love <3<3
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 29: please update soon <3 ;0
rayvhengoldwater #5
please update
rayvhengoldwater #6
Chapter 29: please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rayvhengoldwater #7
omg i am loving this please update
Update soon please ^^