Chapter 4

Caramel Candies

Carmen: Oh my God, where did you come from Calley?

Calley: Do you really want me to answer that?

Carmen: NOO..Ahahha. 

Calley: Hi ho, everyone! My name is Calley Morgan, least mature of the Morgan sisters and also the oldest. Nice to meet you all.

Gong Yoo: Calley, meet some friends of mine Bang Yong Guk and Zelo of B.A.P.

-Calley smiles and waves at each of them-

Calley: You're a handsome young thing, aren't you?

Zelo: Me? 

Calley: Yes, you. -Smiles- 

Zelo: Thanks. -Zelo looks down-

Calley: So if that's Zelo, must be Yong Guk.

-Calley looks up at Yong Guk, reaches out her hand and shakes his-

Yong Guk: am Yong Guk. Yea.

Calley: You okay there?

Yong Guk: Uhh, yes.

Gong Yoo: Well, let's gather in the serving hall for dinner, everyone.


Gong Yoo: Your seats are already arranged so find your name and please sit down.

-Danielle finds her name and looks to see who she'll be sitting by-

Danielle: Ze-lo?

Zelo: That's my name.

-Danielle looks up to see the curly, blonde haired boy standing beside her-

Danielle: I...your name's pretty all.

-Zelo looks at her then sits down in his seat-

Zelo: Thanks, what's your name?

Danielle: It's Danielle. 

Zelo: Oh, I've never heard that name before. 

Danielle: I've never heard Zelo before..

Zelo: How old are you?

Danielle: I just turned 16.

Zelo: I'll be 16 in October! Everyone is older than me.

Danielle: So...nothing is wrong with being young. 

Zelo: I guess.

-Front door opens and the sound of boys voices fill the dining hall-

Himchan: Gong Yoo, we're here! Sorry we're...late.

-Jong up, Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae stare at the girls all around the table-

Gong Yoo: Gentlemen, please look for your names and have a seat.

-Jongup sits down in between Alicia and Danielle, Daehyun sits next to Bria, Himchan sits next to Daisey, and Youngjae sits next to Natalie-

Jongup: name is Jongup.

Alicia: Alicia.

-Jongup picks up his name and proceeds to cut the steak in front of him, but the knife slips out of his hands and cuts Danielle's arm.

Danielle: you have any bandaid's?

Jongup: I am so sorry! Mianhae. Minahae. 

Danielle: It's fine....

Zelo: Let me help you with that! I don't want you to hurt yourself again.

Danielle: I didn't hurt was that guy..not me.

Zelo: Shh..let me go get you a bandaid. 

-Zelo walks into the kitchen and opens drawers, cabinets, and cupboards looking for a bandiad-

Zelo: Found one! Let me see your arm.

-Zelo takes the bandiad out and grabs Danielle's arm-

Danielle: OUCH. Yah! What are you doing?

Zelo: I'm blowing on the cut.

Danielle: Why?! Can't you just put the bandaid  on?

Zelo: I'm just trying to help you...

-Zelo puts the bandaid on and walks back to the table-

Danielle: -aside- Thanks...

-Danielle walks back to the table-

Gong Yoo: So now that everyone is back to the table, we have a few announcements to make.

Carmen: SHINee and B.A.P will be performing at the ceremony after our wedding.

Gong Yoo: That means that they should be over everyday until the wedding to make sure that they are ready to perform for our 3000 guests.

Carmen: Actually if any if you feel more comfortable staying with us for the next few months we have several guests rooms, so you can make yourself at home.

Gong Yoo: Any takers...please speak now.

Himchan: I DO!

Jongup: Me too!

Zelo: I will, but only to prepare myself for the wedding.

Gong Yoo: Anyone else? Is that all?

I do.




This is not the end of the chapter. I'm just going to sleep, I'll finish this chapter and do more tomorrow, night night my little B.A.P Babies! :)

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I'll update tonight if you guys promise to read ALL of my stories. >:)


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LeeJinki-s #1
rayvhengoldwater #2
hope you update soon
Sincere1041 #3
Chapter 29: Please update soon!(: I love this story so much!!!!! Its just so amazing Gahhh!! Lol okay sorry for being a BIT dramatic but I really love this story with all the dif characters and relationships truly amazing(: I hope you continue xD much love <3<3
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 29: please update soon <3 ;0
rayvhengoldwater #5
please update
rayvhengoldwater #6
Chapter 29: please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rayvhengoldwater #7
omg i am loving this please update
Update soon please ^^