Chapter 27

Caramel Candies

-Danielle walks downstairs, rubbing her eyes. Everyone else is downstairs watching TV, playing games or eating-

Zelo: Morning Danielle..

Danielle: Yea.

-Danielle looks at Zelo then notices Ha Young is next to him-

Ha Young: Morning Dani...

Danielle: Morning Ha Young..

-Danielle spots Jong Up out the corner of her eye talking to Natalie, he turns and sees her then smiles-

Danielle: Excuse me..

-She walks over to Jong Up and sits next to him at the counter-

Danielle: Morning Jong Up. -Smiles-

Jong Up: Morning Dani. -Smiles-

Natalie: What's up with you too? I thought you guys didn't like each other. AHA.

Jong Up: What? NO..Aha..

Danielle: Aha, noo.

-Under the table Jong Up and Natalie are holding hands-

Danielle: Come on, Jong Up. I wanna show you this cool new toy I bought.

Jong Up: Ehh?

Danielle: C'mon......

Jong Up: -Raises his eyebrows- Coming.

-Danielle grabs Jong Up by his hand up the stairs, pushes him into the nearest room and kisses him passionately, his hair and raising his shirt. He picks her up and puts her on a desk, knocking things over,left and right. She giggles and starts to tickle him, breaking the kiss-

Danielle: He..Jong Up..why do you like me? I'm not petite and cute like an Asian girl...

Jong Up: Why? Because you're different, you're not all innocent acting and fake. You're not trying to be're y. You're exotic and different..

-Danielle blushes-

Danielle: -Whispering- Liar.

Jong Up: And I like you just how you are. -Smiles-

-Danielle looks up at Jong Up and smiles-

Danielle:C'mere you!

-She jumps off the desk and glomps Jong Up to the floor, swiping another kiss-




OMG SORRY IF IT WAS A SHORT UPDATE. I know it ...BLAH too bad. <3 >:) Hope you liked it anyways. I know you hate me nao. XD LOL.

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I'll update tonight if you guys promise to read ALL of my stories. >:)


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LeeJinki-s #1
rayvhengoldwater #2
hope you update soon
Sincere1041 #3
Chapter 29: Please update soon!(: I love this story so much!!!!! Its just so amazing Gahhh!! Lol okay sorry for being a BIT dramatic but I really love this story with all the dif characters and relationships truly amazing(: I hope you continue xD much love <3<3
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 29: please update soon <3 ;0
rayvhengoldwater #5
please update
rayvhengoldwater #6
Chapter 29: please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rayvhengoldwater #7
omg i am loving this please update
Update soon please ^^