Chapter 2

Caramel Candies

Gong Yoo: I hope you guys enjoy it here, the maids will you to your rooms and will answer any questions that you have.

Carmen: Please guys, enjoy your time in's a beautiful place, you'll like it. -Smiles-

Daisey: Thanks for having us in your home Gong Yoo. You're really cute, I can see why my sister loves you so much.

-Carmen blushes and Gong Yoo sweeps her up in his arms, hugging her-

Natalie: AWWWWWW...oh my gosh that is so cute. You guys are adorable.

-Gong Yoo smiles and takes his hands out of his pockets-

Gong Yoo: Where did you guys learn Korean?

Bria: Oh, Carmen sent us a tutor a couple of months back. She was really good so I think we learned well.

Gong Yoo: You did all that, Carmen? 

-Carmen blushes and hides her face with her hands-

Carmen: -whispers- anything for you..

-Gong Yoo looks at Carmen and grabs her, kissing her forehead-

Gong Yoo: -whispers- I'd do anything for you Carmen...anything.

Carmen: Okay, you guys can go away now. -Carmen giggles and runs away, Gong Yoo close behind her-

Danielle: Giggity giggity!!!!

-Carmen turns around and blows a rasberry at Danielle, Danielle turns to look at the maid standing next to her-

Danielle: What's your name?

Maid: Ailee, Miss.

Danielle: You don't need to call me Miss, I'm probably no older than you are.

Ailee: I'm 18, Miss..I mean...

Danielle: Danielle, my name's Danielle. 

Ailee: You're Ms. Carmen's sister? 

Danielle: Yep, out of the 8 of us. I'm the youngest or the maknae I think it's called in Korea.

Ailee: Yea, it is. -Ailee smiles-

Ailee:...Come on, we have to get you changed before the other guests are here.

Danielle: Other guests?

Ailee: -Ailee smiles- Come on.

-Ailee runs down the hall, Danielle running after her. Ailee stops in front of a large white door with roses embroidered on it and opens it revealing a large black canopy bed, a huge walk-in closet, sheer curtains, and a make-up counter.-

Danielle: God...this is beautiful.

Ailee: Yea, I guess Mr.Yoo can afford this kind of lifestyle. He's an actor you know. 

Danielle: I see.

-Ailee sits down on the bed-

Ailee: To be honest, at first..I thought your sister was a gold digger...that she was after Mr. Yoo for his money and looks..maybe because she was..

Danielle: Black...because she was black..yea, I know. Koreans aren't used to seeing a black person and when they encounter one they go by what they've seen on  television or hear in the media. It's okay..I won't get mad. You seem to calm me even though I don't know you.

Ailee: But as she started coming over more and more she would talk to me...I didn't want to like her..since I always had a little crush on Mr. Yoo myself. -Ailee looks down, blushing- But..I grew out of it and learned to love her..she's kind to me and always gives me days off and encourages me to do what I want...your sister, she is very pretty. 

Danielle: Aww, she doesn't think so. 

Ailee: AIGOO, no..she should. Mr. Yoo only dates the prettiest women. But this is the first time he's fallen for a foreigner now he's engaged. He must really love her.

Danielle: He better, or I'll kick his .

Ailee: Ahaha you have quite a temper, Danielle. 

Danielle: Only when I'm around my other sister's. 

-Ailee begans to ask why but stops herself, she drags Danielle over to the walk-in closet to pick out something to wear-

Ailee: What would you like to wear?

-Danielle stares at the huge closet in awe and closes her eyes-

Danielle: Uhm...I don't have great pick.

Ailee: Me? You sure?

Danielle: Please.

Ailee: Okay, this one. -Ailee points to a lime green dress-

Danielle: Perfect, now you pick one.

Ailee: WHAT? Uhm...Danielle, I'm not allowed to..

Danielle: Pick one..if you get in trouble, I'll take the blame.

Ailee: That one.

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I'll update tonight if you guys promise to read ALL of my stories. >:)


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LeeJinki-s #1
rayvhengoldwater #2
hope you update soon
Sincere1041 #3
Chapter 29: Please update soon!(: I love this story so much!!!!! Its just so amazing Gahhh!! Lol okay sorry for being a BIT dramatic but I really love this story with all the dif characters and relationships truly amazing(: I hope you continue xD much love <3<3
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 29: please update soon <3 ;0
rayvhengoldwater #5
please update
rayvhengoldwater #6
Chapter 29: please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rayvhengoldwater #7
omg i am loving this please update
Update soon please ^^