Together Again

The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.

I’m sorry but this cell phone is currently powered off.

You let out a frustrated groan as you snapped your phone closed in anger.

You were supposed to be hanging out with your friends tonight. The plans had been made days in advance and everyone had reassured you that they would be coming. However, after being at the meeting place for the last two hours ALONE, you were beyond angry. You called every single one of them but no one answered.

Tired of waiting, you left and went home.

Some tv and a nap sounded nice.


Shinwoo was concerned when he reached your apartment. The lights were on but you weren’t answering. Luckily, you had given him the passcode to the lock. If you weren’t home, he could at least turn off your lights so it didn’t waste electricity. Shinwoo typed in the passcode and when the keypad let out a confirmation beep, he went inside.

He slipped his shoes off by the front door and counted the pairs that were there. All of your shoes were there so he knew that you had to be home. Shinwoo called out your name but there was no reply. He walked over to the television that was still on and turned it off. Around the area, there were snack wrappers and an empty glass. He sighed slightly before he cleaned it all up.

After he cleaned up your front room and kitchen, he made his way to your small bedroom. The small lamp by your bedside was on and the bedroom heater was on. Shinwoo knew then that you were sleeping. His eyes went over to your bed and he immediately smiled when he saw your sleeping face. He quietly made his way to you and kneel down on the ground beside you.

Shinwoo called your name softly as he began to your hair. Your sleeping face looked so peaceful and he didn’t want to wake you up. But he knew if he didn’t, you would be upset at him later. Eventually, you began to stir. You let out a small groan and rubbed your eyes. You looked at Shinwoo and gave him a sleepy smile.

“You’re back…”

Shinwoo brushed the strands of hair out of your face before placing a kiss on your forehead.

If there was one person that Shinwoo didn’t mind taking care of for the rest of his life, it was you.

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shmur_itskurry #1
Chapter 6: Aww out of all of the scenes i loved CNU and Sandeuls' hehe daebak! :D
kpopfan_13 #2
They are sooo cute!!!!!!!!! You are such a good writer.
I like ALL of it!!!
especially the Jinyoung and Baro!
didzzz #4
it was really great!!!
i really like this ^____^ nice job