I Missed One, I’m Not Missing This One.

I Missed One, I’m Not Missing This One.

25th December 2010. 01:50am


After finishing up with the JYPNation Team Play concert, Taec had found that he had five missed calls and 10 unread messages. Most of them were from his friends and family wishing him a Merry Christmas. He replied back to all 9 messages except for one. It was an unknown number but he knew who it was from, and he couldn’t help but feel a tiny smile spread across his face.

Maybe, just maybe he had kept his promise after all. He had promised him and the rest of s one thing; that they would always spend Christmas together. No matter where they were, they would spend it together, as a family.


That convenience store. Now. Come alone.


He didn’t understand why he would want to meet now out of all times. Wasn’t he supposed to be back home with his family, instead of here, asking him to meet up at the dawn of Christmas morning?

Sighing, and without any further questions, he packed up his belongings and told s he had to pick something up for his family. He didn’t need them asking why he was going out at this time of night or who he was meeting. He had contemplated about meeting him again and he had gone over the different types of possible scenarios that could’ve happened. He had finally decided to just meet him, and without a second thought, before he could change his mind, he grabbed his belongings and left.

When they first debuted in 2008, Taec still remembered what happened during this time of year. They spent Christmas together, all seven of them, and vowed that no matter what, they would always spend Christmas together. That had all changed during that fateful September of '09 when he left and didn't even come back for Christmas.

It wasn’t his fault, of course it wasn’t. Taec knew that if his hyung came back it would just add fuel to the already raging fire. He knew his hyung was watching when they won at the Mnet Asia Music Awards, they had mentioned him on stage, they left him a spotlight during their Again & Again performance and left him messages on his cell phone saying to hurry up and come back, that they missed him and they needed him.

Taec reached the convenience store that he told him to meet him at. He and his hyung used to go here whenever they couldn’t sleep. They would sneak out in the middle of the night, sit on the stools and look out the window. If they were in the mood to talk, there would usually be snacks and a few bottles of beer involved, if they weren’t they would just sit there in a comfortable silence, embracing each other’s presence. Sometimes the other members would join them and they would just sit there, for who knows how long, until they felt tired enough to go home and catch a few hours of sleep before needing to go to their packed schedules in the morning.

He found him still seated in the same stool a year and a half ago, holding that same drink, with that same packet of opened snacks. The only thing different was the air that surrounded the two. Taec took his seat next to the older male and he passed Taecyeon a drink; he still remembered what Taec liked.

They didn’t say a word to each other as the two just sat there, drinking and eating. It was almost like old times again, but in a way it was different. Why? Because Taec knew this wasn’t going to last. This was probably the last time they would meet up this way again, they had been doing this for the past few months now, whenever his hyung came back to Seoul but for some reason, Taec felt like this was the last time that they were going to do this. He suppressed a sigh and decided to keep that thought to himself. He didn’t want to waste his time with him like that.

“I heard the concert was a big hit.” The older finally said.

“It would’ve been bigger if you were there.” Taec replied, keeping his gaze out the window.

“Do the others know you’re here?” He said, trying to ignore Taec’s comment.

Taecyeon shook his head. “No, I told them I had to pick something up for a family member.”

“You could’ve told them the truth you know, bring them along. I miss them, they’re my boys.”

“And risk Minjae-hyung finding out and punishing us AND you, I couldn’t do that Jay.”

“Are you guy’s spending Christmas together?”

“Yeah,” Taec took a sip at his drink. “We’re filming Show! Music Core. You?”

“I’m going back to Seattle. My flight’s in an hour.” There was a sudden tug at the bottom of Taec’s stomach.

“Is that why you called to meet me here?” Jay didn’t reply. “I see. Well you shou—“

“Taec.” His voice stopped Taec from getting up. “Here.” He passed over a brown paper bag.

“What is it?” Taec asked as he peered inside the bag. A smile began to creep on his face as soon as he saw the contents of the bag. “Why are there six?”

“I don’t need to get one for myself do I?” Jay teased which earned a light-hearted chuckle from Taecyeon. “My ride’s here, I gotta go.”

“Already?” Jay didn’t answer as he stood up, emptying the remaining contents in his bottle.

Jay turned around to face Taec as he stood half in, half out of the convenience store. “Tell the others I miss them and Merry Christmas. Make sure they behave ‘cause their hyung and leadja are watching them.” He walked out before popping his head back in again. “Oh, and Happy Birthday Taec in advance. I miss you too.” And with that his hyung was out the door and entered his car. Taec watched the car drive into the distance until it could no longer be seen.

He sat down and took the alone time to empty the contents of the brown paper bag. There were six packets of dried mangos, each with a note attached to it for each individual member.


Yah Kim Junsu, you better give Taecyeonnie some more room in that shared room of yours. He may not have a lot of stuff but two drawers is not enough for that big-teeth, big-eared giant. I also watched you on Happy Together 3, why don’t you act like that on all the other programmes. That’s the Jundyu I know but Bangsong Man? Really? Well actually it is quite fitting as you “broadcast” your singing voice practically everywhere. I want to see you act like that Daegu-man we know and love more on shows okay?


Yo Khun. You got married and didn’t invite me to your wedding. I thought we were friends; I even texted you Happy Birthday and that got practically broadcasted everywhere. But that Victoria wife of yours kinda freaks me out sometime. I mean, like really? And I thought you had a bad temper. You better not be neglecting your hus-wife Woodongie now or Imma have to hunt you down and show you how it’s done in Seattle bb.


I’m sorry I left you alone in that big room Junho bby. I heard there’s only one bed in your room now even though you share it with Woodougie. He’s still sleeping outside huh? Aish that boy, but they say it’s good for your posture. Maybe that’s why he can bend his hips so back. Anyways if you’re ever lonely just call Jaebeommie-hyung okay and I’ll do whatever it is. You can always ask Taecyeonnie to take you to that convenience store as well araso? I’m proud of how far you’ve come Junho bby, you’re more confident and getting more screentime yay!!


Woodongie~are you upset that Khun-hyung has a wife now? You shouldn’t be because you know you’re the only one for him ;) and if not you always have Junho bby or you’re Jaebeom-hyungie =D. I hope you don’t get sick as much next year, you always have vocal knots it makes your hyung’s heart hurt =( And why didn’t you tell me about that girl, you had to reveal it on Happy Birthday to the whole nation without uttering a word to your members?! No wonder you were so secretive hmm? I could’ve helped you… we could’ve all helped you but you should’ve came to me bby.


Tyansung-ah, do not eat your hyungs mangos. This packet is especially for you, and I found the fullest packet so you wouldn’t have to steal your hyungs. Okay? These are yours so don’t take your hyungs araso? Make sure your hyungs feed you properly and don’t let you go hungry; I don’t want the maknae to go hungry just because this hyung is not there. I saw Taecyeonnie on Fox’s Butler and saw how well he cooked so get him to make you some food okay? Jay-hyung misses you~


Why are you reading this?


Taec’s eyes widened at the first sentence his hyung wrote to him.


Yah Ok Taecyeon, these are private messages to my boys so why are you reading them all. I knew I should’ve called all of them to come to the store so I could give these to them in person but no~ I was stupid enough to just call you. Ahh, I guess what’s done is done. Knowing how nosy you are I couldn’t trust you to notread these messages… well I hope you’re happy with what I wrote! It doesn’t matter if you like the others’ messages or not because they’re for them, NOT you. This one is for you… so I should divert away from the lecture and on with the message. Uhh… I can’t believe you dropped my Junho bby so many times that in the end he couldn’t do the stunt for your comeback. Tsk tsk Taec, if dropped me during our Again & Again stunt, you would’ve never seen the light of day Taec. But I still love you, I miss you too. Your larger-than-average teeth and big ears, and those OkPotterglasses you always wear… to which I still don’t know why you don’t get new ones. I should get Tyansung-ah to sit on them *evil*. And stop stalking on them idol girl groups Taec, it’s bad for your already messed up reputation kkkkkk~ joining them fan cafés and all *shakes head* <33 you bby


Taec had a permanent smile on his face after reading what his, their hyung had to say. He was shocked, to say the least, that Jay had actually kept up with 2PM’s lives and schedules. That he watched their performances and appearances on various shows. And that he still about his glasses. So what if they made him look like the Asian Harry Potter, they worked just fine and it had sentimental value. (“Pfft sentimental my ” as Jay would comment) but nevertheless Taec would read that note over and over again and would never tire of it. Although Jay wasn’t spending the whole of Christmas with them, these presents and notes had enough Jay Park Swagger to them that it felt like he was there.

Maybe this Christmas wouldn’t be so bad after all.




I hope you enjoyed this random one-shot. I have no idea what genre this goes under LOL.
Merry Christmas Everyone <3 Lucky

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Exquisitely #2
great story <3
Plmokn #3
Good story
joahlee #4
Ohhh <3 <br />
That was so sweet :)
rosered #5
Aww~ this is so sweet. If only it happened for real. ):
JjongIsMyBias #6
awwwwwwwwwwww<br />
i wish that we could see all seven of them together<br />
on stage again so we could get a proper goodbye stage
violinlover66 #7
SO sweet. I love Jay and Taec :)
This is so sweet, especially all those little messages.<br />
I miss seeing 7 of them together. :'(