The enemy

If Tomorrow Never Comes



--_o ZzzzZz






                                                           "Neh?"Dara's class time again and she forgot all about it..

                                                            "Dara wake up now.."her umma said.

                                                             "Umma,5 more minutes' She said..then closed her eyes again..

                                                              "Dara,'ll be late now for school..wake up now and take your breakfast.."Her mom said then went away..tsk!!! she can't do anything but to wake up. She glanced at her clock..




                                                           oh's 7:00 already her class starts at 8:00..She hurriedly took her bath and change..

                                                           Tsss..I'm already late..oohh..crap!! dara thought..

                                                            She heared her schoolbus..

                                                            Strange,the schoolbus should left me already she thought again..


                                                            She went inside the schoolbus and then the most annoying creature welcome her..

                                                            "Hey!! here comes, Fatty!!"Lee min Ho shouted. Her worst enemy ever.Min ho didn't do anything but to and make her mad.."Good morning,Fatty"

~_^    -------> Dara


^_^   --------> Lee Min Ho


                                                             Dara just raised her eyebrow. Tsk!!I Everytime I see his face i always be annoyed..Very much..she thought..

                                                             "What's good in the morning when I see your face" she said annoyed..

                                                             "tsss.."Lee min Ho sat beside her" Miss me?"

                                                             'excuse me1!! Miss you?! Never!!;she said soo annoyed. Lee Min Ho just laughedand get close to her more..

                                                             "Don't deny

                                                              "Tsk!!can you not pout it's so yuck! it did't suit you and yes we didnt saw each for 2 days Saturday and Sunday.Thats the only days that i'm not annoyed'she said

                                                               "Ouch!!" He acted like hewas hurt . "Don't be like that,Fatty!"

                                                               "Can you not call me Fatty 'coz first of all i'm nt fat!'she said now mad..

                                                                "tsk!1 You're fat!' he insisted.

                                                                "No i'm not!!"




                                                                  'No Im.not!!'

                                                                  'Yes you are'

                                                                  'no way!'

                                                                  'yes way!!"

                                                                  "tsk..hard headed you are'

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myjoyce1986 #1
please update more soon and make it long chapter please
S-loveskpop #2
yes..Kim Hyun Joong is the main lead,thanks for subscribing me:)
Hyun Joong is the mean lead, right?