Jung Yong Hwa's Journal #1

If Tomorrow Never Comes

                      I'm here now at the bus station. I'm waiting for my bus to go. Maybe in this time you're still sleeping. I can still imagine you sleeping in my arms. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you..Believe me I don't want to leave you but I have to,I don't want you to get invovle in our problem..I love you I love you I love you..i'll come back for you I promise with all my heart..I love you..Bye for now my bus is going..take care and don't look for me...

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myjoyce1986 #1
please update more soon and make it long chapter please
S-loveskpop #2
yes..Kim Hyun Joong is the main lead,thanks for subscribing me:)
Hyun Joong is the mean lead, right?