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"Oh my god. What was that?!" you exclaimed as you watched the lights above your head flicker.

The only other person in the elevator with you stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, trying to figure out what happened.

"I think we're stuck," he eventually replied as he leaned against the wall. "No big deal. It'll be back up in no time."

Your heart began to race. You always, always, always took the stairs in order to avoid predicaments such as this one. But of course, the first elevator you step into for years would be one that decides to disappoint you. 

"Can you push the emergency call button, please?" 

Yonghwa sighed in annoyance. "Calm down. We'll be fine."

"Well, then can you get out of the way so I can push it?"

He remained statuesque.

You began to ask yourself why you even agreed to enter the elevator when both of you are perfectly capable of using the stairs. The two of you were at the mall since morning and you were very tired, both mentally and physically. However, you weren't so physically tired that you couldn't walk up a few flights. It was a long day, and this was far from the ending you had expected.

"Your laziness is so infuriating!" you finally spat out. "Why did I even agree to this? I told you we should've used the stairs!" You huffed. "Why do I always give in to your ways?"

He tauntingly smiled as you scolded him.

Oh. That's why.

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110 streak #1
Sequel! :) I really like the bad Yong attitude in fanfics!
Demon23 #2
oh shoot. didn't see oneshot. FFALWDAW>