Chef d’œuvre/ Finale


Donghae wakes up to a familiar ceiling as expected. He’s definitely in his hospital room, but strangely, nothing is piercing his arms, no machinery connected at all. It surprises him a bit.

He gets up even so, and reaches for something under the mattress, bolting out the door. He walks along the hallways briskly, hoping to reach his goal before it’s too late.

He’s shocked to a standstill with a nurse turns the corner.

He thinks he’s done for, it’s all over, he’s caught and will be confined now, but she walks past him as if he’s not there. Not even a glance in his direction.

He doesn’t understand why, but he thanks the deity that sent him such luck.

No doctors block his path when he goes into Eunhyuk’s room. Questions don’t cross his thoughts however, his mind too focused on the task at hand.

He recoils upon entering—the new room is windowless. But Eunhyuk is sitting up, miraculously awake, eyes boring into a wall as if there really was a window there.

Donghae approaches him and throws his drawings on the bed. The ones he’s kept a little under a month now. Eunhyuk, although only half-conscious, understands, and smiles immediately. Donghae won’t abandon him. His—no, their reality can live.


They’re at the ocean now, rippling mass moving across the shore, inching closer, farther into the sand with every wave. It’s movement is captivating, and Donghae finds it just as beautiful as the sky.

He looks to his right and sees Eunhyuk, looking just like when he met him, glistening brightly in the sun. His wings are fully out now, spread widely, without worry for the rest of the world. Donghae sees them too—and he realizes that the doctors were wrong, so utterly wrong. Eunhyuk does have wings, and that fact is forever irrefutable.

The winged boy in question turns his head, eyes filled to the brim with glee, a smile brighter than the sun gracing his lips. His platinum strands are tussled by the current brought from the ocean waves.

“Let’s have a race!” his gums peek out, and he springs up, “Whoever can swim the most meters in one second wins!”

An amused grin.

“Shouldn’t we count in something smaller, like feet? Can either of us even swim one meter in a seconds?”

“Of course! Wings work underwater too you know, besides, you have fins!”

Donghae laughs, remembering that yes, he does, how could he be so careless as to forget?

Eunhyuk is already running past him to the pearl water and bubbly shores, footprints disappearing on the sand as soon as they come. Must be the wings, Donghae muses.

Staring at the ocean has him rubbing his eyes from sun spots, the amount of silver and gold on the waves remarkable to behold, enticing enough to stare at, even if his eyes don’t approve. He hears Eunhyuk calling his name.

Something strong crashes into him from the side and knocks him to the sand, skidding across the warm coast. The weight is still circled around his waist when he comes to a stop. There’s that fluttering sound again.

He reopens his eyes to a sight more spectacular than the sky or the sea.

A pure white feather wisps on the breeze, tumbling a bit before settling down in front of him.

He reaches out to touch the softness.

But his hand only brushes against air.

A/N: Part of double update~ Ended really abruptly, I'm aware. It's made to be so, although it didn't work as well as I wanted it to. Hope it's not too hard to understand, although so many interpretations are possible XD

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bettykzzz #1
hope you update soon:)
My interpretation is that it came around full circle?

This ending is like a poetic way of redescribing the beginning, when he was hit by the car. Except this time he didn't live, if he ever lived to begin with.

It's like Inception >.>

Tell me, tell me! What was your intended ending?
You you you.. are out to kill me with suspension ><
And Donghae.. is he just dreaming? Or did he die? ;;
This chapter, it's just.. WOW. So many thoughts going around in my head now and I really feel sorry for Hyukkie. Everyone calls him mental but all he wants is to be outside and be who he are.
Please update soon again, I love this story <3
Awww Hyukkie <3 I really do believe you have wings, you're not delusional bby ^-^
And Donghae, maybe you should start paying more attention, though you probably wouldn't have met Hyukkie if not going to the hospital~
123missyevil #6
hii new reader here.. hmm this sound interesting.. can't wait to raed it.. ^^
lovelylovers #7
Yey ready to Read it update soon
And im the first commenter double yey!!
Update soon~~~