Dare || Kyung

Mixtape || Collection




Truth or dare?”


You quirked an eyebrow at Kyung, staring at him for a confused moment. “What?”


Truth or dare?”


You surveyed your surroundings. Walking around the bustling streets of Vietnam for some good ol' street shopping wasn't exactly your idea of a good place to play this game. In fact, knowing Kyung, it was borderline dangerous. “Kyung-ah, you want to play truth or dare here?”


He nodded simply, dropping the arm he had around your shoulders to your waist. “Yep.”


Oh, what, the scenery isn't enough for you?”


Well if you mean right beside me then...” He trailed off, throwing you a playful smirk.


Oh, shut up,” you scoffed, elbowing his ribs. “Okay, fine, I'll bite. Umm... Truth.”


He groaned. “Ugh, babe. That's boring. You're supposed to pick dare.”


Then why would you even give me the option?” you wailed, smacking at his arm.


Laughing, he s an arm around your waist. “Alright, alright. Fine. Truth then.” He hummed for a long second. “Are you enjoying being here? Even though I'm making you miss school to be with me?”


You stopped in your tracks, looking up at his suddenly serious face with an eyebrow raised. “Kyung...”


He turned to you with a shrug. “I know how much you hate missing classes.”


You touched his cheek with a soft laugh. “Of course I'm enjoying being here. Kyung, I'm in Vietnam... with you. How could I not enjoy it?”


Leaning down, he touched his nose to yours, rubbing them together with a smile. “Good. I'm glad you're here. Otherwise it would've just been me with my members for way too long.”


You rolled your eyes. “You're lying. You love being with them. I can only imagine what kind of mess you would've gotten yourselves into if I wasn't here. You would've let yourself get dragged to that club, wouldn't you?”


He choked out a non-so-subtle laugh of guilt, rubbing the back of his head as he started walking again. “Alright, my turn! Ask me!”


Shaking your head, you jogged to catch up to him and tucked yourself underneath his arm. “I don't need to ask. I know what you'll pick.”


Do it anyway, babe. Rules of the game.”


Fine~ Truth or dare?”


He glanced down at you for a dramatic pause before nodding decisively. “Dare.”


Ooh, I'm so shocked~” The two of you walked together in silence for a while as you tried to come up with a good consequence. He decided to play this game, but you wanted to win. And come back with proof to show the rest of the guys.




With a devious smirk, you tugged on Kyung's brilliantly yellow sweatshirt, urging him to stop as you reached into your purse for the headphones he'd asked you to hold on to and your camera. Whipping them out, you held the headphones up to his face, unable to contain your excitement. “Alright, I have a good one!”




You know, I thought I loved you... But now...”


You clicked your tongue to interrupt the lies, playing with the zoom of the camera to focus on his face. His bright hair and his obnoxiously happy sweater stood out pretty well against the backdrop of the dark street, so it wasn't hard to spot him. Still, you didn't want to miss a single second of this. You were quite sure s wouldn't want to either.


Why are you recording this, you evil woman?”


Because I'm showing Jiho, and we're gonna enjoy it together.” You pointed at him with a grin. “And also because I'm gonna enjoy using it against you for the rest of our lives.”


His eyes narrowed at you. “I don't wanna get married anymore.”


You feigned a pout. “Aww, but Kyung-ie~”


Pssh, whatever, ___.” With a groan, he pulled the headphones from around his neck, fixing them over his ears with a glare towards you. “Let's just do this.”


You nodded. “Lead the way~”


You last track of how long you followed him around. It might have been around two hours, or even closer to three, but you couldn't bring yourself up to care. Because it was a lot of fun.


You followed Kyung around, filming intently as he danced to the music blaring in his headphones. All over the Vietnam streets. You weren't even sure what he was listening to, but whatever it was had him wiggling down the streets in his own adorable version of the dougie. Despite the stares from various store owners, the giggles and confused looks from fellow tourists, and the head-craning from those driving by on their mopeds... he just kept on dancing. You suffered from a lot of secondhand embarrassment, and more than once you bowed apologetically to a passerby for blocking their way.


After all, he drew a lot of attention and collected a crowd. It was kind of hard to miss the guy shaking in his yellow bunny sweater with his white headphones strapped over his burnt auburn hair. Especially when he came up to you and danced in your face – which he did to more than one person.


At one point, he even ended up dancing with another shopper. Then, despite your screams of protest and claim to defeat, he dragged you out of the shopping area and danced on top of a median. In spite of the burning blush on your face, you kept on filming. Because how the hell could you miss out on something like this?




Like it was completely normal, like he didn't just make a spectacle of himself, Kyung finished off the adventure by traipsing casually over to a random blue chair, setup out in front of a food stand. People glanced curiously over at him, some having seen his dancing but most just looking at your camera. With a suppressed chuckle, you caught one final shot – him crossing his leg over one knee and leaning back contently, the serious draw of his face making you snicker as you ended the video.


Oh, my God...”


He took the headphones from his ears, leaving them hanging around his neck. The wink he gave you just made you blush even harder and laugh even more. “I love you.” He made no move to stand, even as you walked over to him and puckered your lips. With a roll of your eyes, you bent down and dropped a kiss on his flattened mouth. “Okay, you win. Is that what you want to hear?”


He shrugged, squinting up at you and poking his lips out for another kiss. “I don't know. Are you happy with your footage there, evil woman?”


Hey, you were the one who suggested this game.” You held up your camera with a smirk. “And yes, I am quite pleased with these videos.”


Do you think you're gonna use that against me?” He stood up, sliding his hand into your hair and on the back of your neck. He pulled you forward for another kiss, acting completely oblivious to the staring all around you.


Under normal circumstances, you would've been more conscious about it. But after everything else he'd done to draw attention to himself... well, this was way lower on the list. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back with a giggle. “I wanted to use it against you, but something tells me it's not really gonna work.”


No, I don't think it's going to either.”


You know what though?” You untangled yourself from him, tucking the camera carefully back into your purse with a grin.




I think Jiho and Jihoon are still gonna enjoy seeing it~”




end note: He made this difficult. xD But Kyung's teaser was awesome~ :3 He's adorable. Also, I've seen it floating around that the guy dancing with him (in the black shirt) was U-Kwon? I'm not really sure it's him, so I just wrote it in as a random guy... which is even more awesome. xD

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Announcement: This oneshot collection will be closed after the 50th chapter is posted. (: I'll be opening specific group ones later on! (:


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144 streak #1
Chapter 17: This one is really so sweet and quirky, I really love that you did Sunggyu like this!
144 streak #2
This is such a great collection! The characters and the stories are well-written as well.
Silverdeathbat #3
Chapter 30: Payment is one of the most arousing Kris Smits I've ever read. I can't tell you how many time I've reread it so far!
Chapter 48: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ it's been a while since I last read KaiSoo! ♥
Chapter 47: Oh gosh....My mind! XD
Chapter 46: Uggghhh.. I got my nose bleeding. XD
Chapter 45: Awwww....Krissus! How cute and sweet. :">
Chapter 44: I know....I love you more! ♥
Chapter 43: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Daehyun! :">
Chapter 42: And why not? Well.....i'll reconsider it. Lol xD