o n e

Love at First Hiccup

- Infront of Daehyun's House -


Daehyun panted & panted, also the seniors

"I'm tired." Daehyun mumbled, the seniors nodded & said

"Us too." 

All of them panted hardly, while Himchan & Yong Guk was watching at the side.

"Daehyun, told you to use bike but you weren't listening." Himchan said & Yong Guk nodded, eating popcorn.

Daehyun & the seniors ignored them, still panting. 

"Yah, Jung Daehyun! If you ever, did it again, you're gonna pay for it." The oldest one said, while all of the seniors walks away.

"Why are we chasing him if we can just fix our bikes?" The other one mumbled. 

Daehyun sat down in the grass, still panting. Himchan & Yong Guk stared at him, weirdly.

"Dude, are you okay?" Both of them, said. Daehyun nodded, he stood up & get inside in his house. Himchan & Yong Guk, look each other & shrugged the thought off & continued eating.





Daehyun opened the door, & quickly go to the kitchen.

"Oh, Daehyun. You're home." His mom spoke as she was slicing vegies. Daehyun opened the refrigerator & grab a water & drink it all. Daehyun smiled & wave at his mom.

"I'm home, mom." Daehyun said, smiling meekly. His mom look at him & said 

"Isn't it obvious? Well, go prepare the table." Daehyun pouted but followed.


Later on, dinner's ready. All of them sat down in the table, eating quietly.

"So, Daehyun, any news from your school?" His dad asked. Daehyun's 12 year old brother named, Byunghyun, said

"Did you have a hot with this y ing named Anya?" He said, smirking. Daehyun, choked in his food, making his father get a glass of water, quickly as ever & make Daehyun drink it all.

"Hey, Byunghun, use another language. That's bad for you, you're still 12." Mrs. Jung said, while glaring. Byunghyun nodded & said

"Yes, mom." He turned his direction to Daehyun & speak, in French.

"Did you have a hot with this y ing named Anya?"

Daehyun, spit his water, infront of his father, making Mr. Jung wet. "PFFFT!" 

"What the hell, Daehyun?!" His father shouted. 

"I'm so sorry, appa." Daehyun, apologized while glaring at Byunghyun

"Nah, it's okay." Mr. Jung said while smiling while Mrs. Jung sat down there, shaking her head.


Later at night, Daehyun washed himself & was about to go to bed, but when someone called.

"Yobosaeyo?" Daehyun answered.

"Dudeeee!" Himchan & Yong Guk replied.

"Our school is having a party tomorrow at 8pm & guess what?" Himchan said.

"What?" Daehyun replied. 

"Anya's going to be there." Yong Guk said.

"Well, duh, it's the whole school who's gonna party. But, anyways, I'll go." Daehyun said, a little excited to see Anya.

"Greaaat! See you tomorrow!" Himchan & Yong Guk bid goodbye & Daehyun, turn off the phone call & slept.





Yo ! This is my first update in my story .

Hope you all love it .

Please don't forget to comment, comments are always loved <3

To my subscribers, Saranghae~ <3

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@curlybluebunny ; /laughs/ Same here <3
& I also love L.Joe & I couldn't think any name, so I chose Byunghyun. /laughs/
Thanks anyway <3
This is a very cute story, I'm loving it already ♥

"Did you have a hot with this y ing named Anya?" OMG WTF BYUNGHUN. Somehow, I imagined Daehyun's younger brother is L.Joe from Teen Top xD
@nnoikiki ; /chuckles & nods/
Such a naughty 12-year-old boy. xDD