
Just Some Drabbles





Putting down my book, I reached for my phone, a smile on the edges of my mouth. Only one person would text me this late at night, knowing I would still be awake.




From: Cho Kyuhyun

Hello? Seohyunnie? Are you awake?



To: Cho Kyuhyun

Of course. Is there something you wanted?



From: Cho Kyuhyun

You. Want to go for a walk?



To: Cho Kyuhyun

…This late? It’s two in the morning. Get some sleep, aren’t you tired?



From: Cho Kyuhyun

I’ll take that as a yes. Meet me in front of the building in five.


I slipped on a pair of sneakers, and tiptoed out of my room. Shutting the door carefully so I wouldn’t wake Hyoyeon, I nodded at the guards and took a step outside. Taking a deep breath, I savored the taste of the summer air.


My heart skipped a beat as I suddenly found myself staring into deep, brown eyes. Kyuhyun just laughed, slipping his hand into mine, and gently dragging me along the street.

“I thought you usually slept at midnight, no later? It’s healthier, is it not?”

“…I, um, I…couldn’t sleep.” I blushed, averting my gaze.

“You’re a terrible liar, Seohyunnie. Were you waiting for me?”

“…” Unable to think of anything to say, I walked faster, feeling a gentle breeze on my face. I was no match for Kyuhyun, though. Quickly outpacing me, he grabbed my hand and dragged me onward again, until we arrived at a park.

“Have you ever wanted to escape all this stress, this constant competition, this non-stop cycle of training, performing, and training more? Run away, leave all this mess behind?” He helped me clamber onto our favorite tree. Snuggling into his warm embrace, I shook my head.

“No, never. Maybe I’ve thought of it, but there’s too many memories for me to just leave behind. Besides, what would happen to my eight sisters? To fourteen brothers, to the rest of this S.M. family…to you? I could never just ‘escape’, that would be far too selfish. Anyways, it’s fun to sing, dance, and the feeling of having fans is just wonderful!”  A chuckle escaped Kyuhyun’s mouth.

“Typical answer from you, Seo. You’re too selfless! Don’t sacrifice yourself for others, and leave yourself with nothing…but yes, I have to agree. It’s fun to sing and dance, but why do you need fans? You have me.”

I poked him in his chest.

“You’re too cheesy, Kyu. Now, let’s get back before someone finds us.”

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great one the seokyu.
I agree with @MusicChibi, you're a good writer.
Write more. :)
Aww, Seokyu! I love them! <333
So adorable. Ack, this maknae couple<3
I loved the texting conversation. "Is there something you wanted?" "You."

*unleash the fangirlism*
quexiyun #4
@MusicChibi: TY SO MUCH ;~~~;
@SAPPHiREDREAMs: ...XD I'll (hopefully) get around to writing HyoHyuk eventually.
Aw, Hyoyeon. T^T
Somehow, I thought Hyukjae would be incorporated OTL XD