Thank You Hyung

Cheating Death


It was already 2 in the morning when Sungjong woke up again. He slowly sat upright then looked around him just to see his mom sleeping on the only couch in the room while his dad lay asleep on the floor in a futon right beside Sungyeol.

Sungjong had to smile at the sight Sungyeol sleeping soundly, mouth a bit open and not a single scratch on him it also made him want to sleep next to his boyfriend too, he was just about to do that if not for a certain shinigami appearing before him and stopping him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Myungsoo asked with authority but he couldn't help but smile, he was glad to see the younger one okay.

"To sleep with Sungyeol-hyung," Sungjong replied equally glad to see the shinigami.

"Don't you think you're a little young to do that?" Myungsoo said with a smirk making Sungjong blush at the implication.

"I-i! Yo-you know what I mean by what I said!" Sungjong cried stuttering but he remembered to keep his voice down, the people around him must have had a stressful time cause of the incident.

"Suuure," Myungsoo sad in a teasing tone making Sungjong pout. "I'm still not letting you out of bed."

"Why not?"

"The doctor said you're in a lethargic state," Myungsoo explained. "So you might suddenly fall unconscious on your way to Sungyeol's side."

"Oh," Sungjong said, well that explains why he suddenly out while talking to his mother earlier.

"So lie back down," Myungsoo smiled. "You need more rest if you want to stay conscious."

"Ok," Sungjong obliged as he lay down obediently. "Myungsoo-hyung?"


"Thanks," Sungjong said with a loving smile, if he was still alive Myungsoo's heart will have skipped a beat but in his dead state all he could do is stare at the younger's smile and return it with his own.

"For what?" the shinigami asked for he honestly didn't know.

"When we were young, even though you were the one who's sick, you took care of me more," Sungjong said. "And now I'm just really glad to see you again."

"I'm happy to see you again too Jongie," Myungsoo said as he held the other's hand who entwined his finger's in return.

"Your hand is so warm," Sungjong smiled squeezing the other's hands a little.

"I'm dead though so I don't-" Myungsoo stopped his sentence for Sungjong fell unconscious again, a smile still gracing his lips.

As Myungsoo looked at Sungjong's smile he knows that he wants to keep the younger that way and he knows that he's the only person who can keep Sungjong smiling like that -well there's also that tall chodding but Sungyeol can think of ways to make Sungjong happy himself- but Myungsoo knows that the only way he can be reassired that Sungyeol will make Sungjong smile is if he does something about his charge's time of death, he just doesn't know what.


Sungjong woke up again at around 12pm that day and this time -at last- Sungyeol was around and fully awake.

"Sungyeol-hyung," Sungjong said softly but it still made Sungyeol jump and almost drop the food tray that the hospital has provided.

"Jongie!" Sungyeol cried happily rushing over to hug the younger male but abruptly stopping. "You might get hurt."

"I'm not fragile you know," Sungjong laughed as he hugged Sungyeol by the waist and resting his head on the elder's broad chest. Sungyeol had to smile at the younger as he hugged him back before grabbing a chair to sit right next to his lover.

"I'm really sorry Jongie," Sungyeol said while looking at the injured boy and holding his hand. "I should have seen that car coming, I should have pushed you away earlier, I should be the one hurt not you, I should-"

"Hyung will you stop it!" Sungjong cried. "How do you think I feel right now huh? I risked my life for you and al you can say is that you should be the one who's injured and not me? We both didn't see that car coming so will you stop blaming yorself! Please..."

The room became silent and Sungyeol wanted to hit himself for making Sungjong go into the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Jongie," Sungyeol said softly as he getly wiped away a stray tear away from the other's cheeks. "For saying all those things earlier, I'm just glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay too hyung," Sungjong said with a smile that Sungyeol feel's he hasn't see in ages.

Sungyeol then leaned in close then gently placed a kiss on the other's lips. He felt Sungjong's smile get bigger through the kiss before he pulled away and showed his own smile.

"I love you hyung," Sungjong said before falling unconscious again as his head landed on Sungyeol's shoulder making the chodding wince a little before chuckling as he gently placed Sungjong back to his lying position.

"I love you too," Sungyeol whispered as he kissed Sungjong's forehead before going back to eating his lunch.


The day then passed on pretty uneventful. Sungjong's friends came to visit him making the room crowded all afternoon and even when they left it was still crowded from all the gifts they brought for him. Sungjong didn't wake up again for the day but the doctor daid not to worry for his vitals were perfectly stable and well.

All throughout the day though Myungsoo was anxious. He alternated from following Sungyeol around the hospital and staring at Sungjong's sleeping form but none of the constant moving and Sungjong's peaceful face helped calm his nerves.

Then when night time came he could almost -almost- feel his long stopped heart beat out of nervousness for he knew that the time has come for him to go to heaven and ask for the impossible.

"Neh Jongie," Myungsoo whispered to the sleeping boy, it was only him, Sungjong and his mother who's reading a book. "I'm gonna go and ensure your happiness, it's the least I can do for you."

He looked at Sungjong hoping for a response but just as he suispected the younger boy continued sleeping.

"Wish me luck," Myungsoo said as he kissed Sungjong's forehead before disappearing.


As soon as Myungsoo got back in heaven he directly went to his superior's cloud. The head shinigami's cloud, like all the other room's here in heaven composed of a large white door inserted in a fluffy white cloud as an exterior. As a sign of respect Myungsoo knocked three times on the door and waited for it to be opened for him and he didn 't have to wait long for the double doors to swing open so he can step inside.

"Myungsoo-sshi," the head shinigami greeted him while smiling - well at least Myungsoo thought he was smiling from his tone, no one ever really saw the head shinigami's face for it was covered with a cloak, no one knows his name either.

"Shinigami-sama," Myungsoo greeted with a bow before sitting on the chair the cloaked man pointed to.

"What bring you here?" the head shinigami asked. "Your charge is still alive so surely you have not come here to ask for another assignment."

"No sir," Myungsoo replied. "But it is about my charge, Lee Sungyeol."


"I was wondering," Myungsoo started a bit shakily for he knows what he's going to ask has never been heard of before. "If we could postpone his death for another time in the future."

"Myungsoo-sshi," the elder started. "I am sure you know that what you're asking for right now is impossible, when a person's time comes we know there is nothing we can do even if our charge is young, we can't let our emotions get the best of us."

"Yes, I know what I'm asking for is impossible and I'm just taking a risk here but," Myungsoo stopped a moment. "But I'm not doing this for Sungyeol, I'm doing this for Sungjong."

"Sungjong," the other mused. "Sungyeol's lover who was your childhood friend, or should I say love."

"Yes," Myungsoo admitted.

"Myungsoo,"the head shingami started gently. "I'm sorry to say that even if you let Sungyeol live it still won't erase your regret of leaving Sungjong."

"No, you don't understand," Myungsoo stated. "My regret isn't leaving Sungjong! It's making him cry. He made me so happy when I was in the hospital and all I did in the end for him was make him cry, if I take Sungyeol, the guy who's making him smile now, I'll make him cry again and I don't know if I can handle that."

The room was silent after Myungsoo's outburst and he felt like he just bought a ticket to hell. After an hour -it was just about 30 seconds but Myungsoo felt like it was an hour- the head shinigami spoke.

"I see," the head shinigami mused. "Myungsoo, I'm sure you know that other than the safe travel of souls here to heaven and proteecting them from regrets we have a bigger job, and that is to avoid the creation of more regrets."

"Yes," Myungsoo replied a bit unsurely for he didn't know where this would lead.

"And regrets are made by having dark, depressing or tremendous regrets," the shinigami explained. "And sometimes even souls can suddenly turn to regrets when their regret is doubled."

"Does this mean you'll listen to my plea?" Myungsoo asked hopefully. "That you'll stop Sungyeol's death."

"No," the head shinigami said making Myungsoo's hopeful smile disappear. "Lee Sungyeol is still your charge so you're the one who's gonna stop his death."

"Oh thank you sir," Myungsoo said happily. "Thank you so much."

"But you can't tell him he's destined to die Myungsoo," the head shinigami said strenly. "You know that that's a big no."

"Yes sir," Myungsoo said before he bowed. "Thank you again sir."

"Myungsoo," the head shinigami called him before he made his way out. "Lee Sungyeol will be your last assignment."

"Why sir?"

"I think your time as a shinigami is enough," the elder shinigami said in a happy tone. "If all goes well with Sungyeol spend the day tomorrow with Sungjong, I'm sure he won't be the only one glad to see you."



gonna end this in two chapters and then a happy epilogue :D

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This was so amazing! I am glad I found this story. Though I wish Myungjong had gotten together, yeoljong is cute too
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 16: Wow i finally finished reading the story... It really is a beautiful story... I love it!!!
Chapter 16: I'm so glad I found this fic! It's rare to find yeoljong fics such as this one. It's really cute and light. I love the simplicity and sweetness of the story. I find it really hard to follow stories with heavy plots and complex situations. I like how it ventures a bit into the angst dept. but it still keeps the mood light.
It wasn't that angsty but I seriously got teary-eyed at a lot of the scenes.
Thank you for this. Thank you for your hardwork! :)

Btw, I really love the ending. It's perfect. ;>
Chapter 16: TAT.......... I'm crying !!!!! This was so Amazing :3. Thanks for writing this story!!
Chapter 3: Me too and i'm 18 years old T^T.........
Chapter 1: Here in South America is pan too :3
Omg this was amazing Poor Jongie :D
I will read this story ;D
I'm excited!!! :3
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: i laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !