
Cheating Death


To say that Sungyeol was nervous is an understatement. He was practically jumpy the whole day at school the next day, I mean who wouldn’t get nervous if all of a sudden they’re gonna meet a guy whose existence he never knew of until a couple of days ago? And that that said guy apparently has a huge role in his boyfriend’s life for Sungjong to visit him every year.

The fact that Sungjong has apparently been visiting this L guy every year without him knowing kinda just adds jealousy to his nervousness, and if Sungjong noticed his turmoil of emotions he never said anything.

When school finally ended Sungyeol’s nerves just got a lot worse.

“It just takes an hour by train to get there,” Sungjong said when he and Sungyeol chose a seat in the train.

“Ok,” was all that Sungyeol could say as he looked at the view outside the window to calm his nerves but the beautiful scenery didn’t help one bit.

“Sungyeol-hyung,” Sungjong called as he held the elder’s hands making Sungyeol look at him and see his smile and that was all that Sungjong needed to do to calm Sungyeol’s nerves.

“Sungjong,” Sungyeol started. “Why are you taking me with you? I kinda figured that you’ve been going to L’s alone through the years, why suddenly bring me?”

“I’ve always wanted to take you to L-hyung’s,” Sungjong explained. “Ever since we met I wanted to take you to him, you two would have made such great friends.”

Sungyeol was quiet when Sungjong said this for the look of sadness on his boyfriend’s face pained him, but he did manage to catch an important detail.

“Would have?” Sungyeol asked.

“L-hyung he-” Sungjong started but was interrupted.

‘Next stop is Gwangju. Everyone who is going down here please check all your belongings and proceed to the nearest exit.’

“We’re almost there,” Sungjong said as he grabbed his bag, school bag to be exact cause they went to the train station right after chool to get to Sungjong’s old hometown earlier.. “We better get near the doors or else we’ll miss Gwangju.”

“Y-yeah,” Sungyeol said as he grabbed his own school bag.

‘Do not stand too close to the door as it opens. Please refrain from pushing each other, thank you.’


Once they were out of the train Sungyeol instantly breathed in the fresh air, it’s been a while since he visited the province so seeing lush green trees instead of tall gray building is very refreshing for him.

“I need to pee,” Sungyeol suddenly said making Sungjong laugh at the other’s childish antics.

“The bathroom’s that way,” Sungjong said pointing to the restroom.

“I’ll be back,” Sungyeol said as he rushed to relieve himself.

“Sometimes I wonder if he’s really 20,” Myungsoo suddenly said making his presence known.

“I wonder that sometimes too,” Sungjong whispered so that people won’t think he’s talking to himself crazily. “But that’s one of the many thing I love about him.”

‘Lucky childish brat,’ Myungsoo thought with a small pout.

“You seem childish too Myungsoo-hyung,” Sungjong suddenly said catching the shinigami off guard. “Especially with that pout of yours.”

“I’m not pouting,” Myungsoo denied.

“I bet you and Yeollie would be great friends if you were still alive,” Sungjong said with a small smile directed at Myungsoo.

“Maybe,” Myungsoo said with a shrug, though being with Sungyeol and Sungjong does seem like a nice way to live life. “So is this L guy picking us up or what?”

“L-hyung isn’t here anymore,” Sungjong answered making the shinigami confused.

“Then why are we here?” Myungsoo asked.

“Sorry for the wait,” Sungyeol said as he came back from the rest room. “Did you miss me?”

“You were gone for 2 minutes,” Sungjong said with a laugh. “But yeah, I missed you.”

“Augh,” Sungyeol suddenly sighed wrapping his arms around Sungjong’s waist while resting his chin on the shorter man’s shoulder. “You have to stop being so cute, my heart can’t take it.”

“Can’t help it hyung, cuteness comes naturally to me,” Sungjong said chuckling a bit. “Now let’s go so we can go back home early.”

“So uh,” Sungyeol stammered for he didn’t really know what to say as they started walking. “Where are we going? To L’s house?”

“Not exactly,” Sungjong answered. “We’re going to the beach.”

“Oh,” Sungyeol said a bit surprised at their destination. “Is that where you two always meet?”

“Not exactly,” Sungjong said again. “You see, L-hyung had a really sickly body, I was young so I didn’t really understand it but from what I heard he had a hole in his heart, all his life he’s been in the hospital he really wanted to see the outside you know, especially the sea cause he’s seen pictures in book and he said it looked so beautiful.”

Sungyeol nodded in understanding feeling sorry for L while Myungsoo, for some reason, listened more carefully and intently to Sungjong’s story he doesn’t know why but he feels like he’s heard this story before.

“So we promised each other that when he gets out of the hospital the first thing we’ll do is go to the beach,” Sungjong continued with a small smile. “But L-hyung he… he never made it out of the hospital.”

“Wait, he never made it out?” Sungyeol asked stopping in his tracks and pulling Sungjong’s arm making him stop too and face him letting Sungyeol see the hurt in his face making him hug the younger into his chest. “I’m sorry Jongie.”

“Its fine hyung,” Sungjong said as hugged Sungyeol back and snuggled a little into the elder’s warm chest before pulling away with a small smile. “C’mon, the beach is near.”


A few minutes more of walking hand in hand and then they were in the beach. Except for the coast guard and two families packing up for the day and preparing to go home the beach was almost empty since it was a school day and the sun is almost setting.

“L-hyung’s parents had him cremated then let his ashes free at this beach standing in this spot,” Sungjong explained as he stepped forward and placed his hands around his mouth. “L-HYUNG!!”

Sungyeol jumped a little shocked at the younger’s sudden outburst.

“L-hyung!” Sungjong yelled again. “Remember Sungyeol?! The guy I was always talking about?! He’s finally here to meet you!”

“Um… HELLO!” Sungyeol yelled beside Sungjong not really knowing what to say. “I’m Lee Sungyeol! It’s nice to meet you!”

“Guess what hyung!” Sungjong yelled excitedly. “I’m finally together with him! I finally confessed the other day!”

“I confessed first!” Sungyeol added making Sungjong laugh.

“Listen hyung!” Sungjong yelled. “I might not visit you every year now! I even almost forgot about today! I’m really sorry hyung! But I’m really happy rights now so don’t worry about me!”

Myungsoo just looked at Sungjong and felt his heart about to burst with every yell the human is making. Tears then started to stream down his face and he knew right there and then that Sungjong is talking to him, because he is L.

The shinigami couldn’t take it anymore as tears flowed freely on his face he pulled Sungjong into a tight hug silencing the human.

“Myungsoo-hyung what are you-” Sungjong’s sentence was cut as he felt the others tears seep through his sleeves.

Why is Myungsoo crying?

Shinigami’s can cry?

Why did Myungsoo suddenly hug him?

 Why was he crying?

“Oh,” Sungjong whispered to himself as he clutched at Myungsoo’s back as if his life depended on it. “L-hyung.”

“I’m sorry Jongie, I,” Myungsoo couldn’t finish cause he didn’t know what to say.

“Shhh,” Sungjong shushed Myungsoo gently. “Its okay hyung, I should be the one to say sorry, I must have worried you a lot with my crying.”

Sungyeol, though not knowing or noticing what was transpiring between the shinigami and his boyfriend, could only see Sungjong crying and reaching his arms out like he was holding something very dear to him and he just knows he has to do something to stop the tears flowing from his boyfriens’s eyes.

“L-ah!” Sungyeol suddenly cried catching Sungjong and Myungsoo’s attention as they turned to look at him. Sungyeol then suddenly knelt on the sand and bowed to the sea. “L-ah! We’ve never met so you probably don’t know what kind of person I am but I am telling you I am a nice guy! And I promise you that I will take care of Sungjong and always make him smile! So please leave him to me!”

Sungjong could only stand there with big eyes and a fast beating heart where as Myungsoo laughed a little as he stepped forward to kneel in front of Sungyeol who was now staring at him, even though the latter didn’t know it.

“I know,” Myungsoo said. “You’re gonna take care of him for me right? You better keep your promise Lee Sungyeol.”

With that said he gently poked Sungyeol’s forehead just as a strong wind blew on Sungyeol’s face making him interpret it as Myungsoo’s approval.

“Thank you!” Sungyeol cried bowing again before looking up towards the sea. “I won’t let you down!”

“Let’s go Sungyeol-hyung,” Sungjong said as he reached out a hand for his boyfriend with a gentle smile on his face.

“Let’s go,” Sungyeol agreed with his own smile.


The train ride home was filled with comfortable silence between the three of them and not once did Sungyeol let go of Sungjong’s hand.

“I’ll walk you home,” Sungyeol offered when they got to Seoul for it was pretty dark already.

“I’m not a kid you know,” Sungjong pouted but nonetheless let Sungyeol lead there to his house, their hands still entangled.

“It was nice meeting L,” Sungyeol started with a fond smile as if he really did know the guy.

“I just know you two would make such great friends if he was still here,” Sungjong said with a smile.

“Maybe,” Sungyeol said as they waited for the go signal to cross the road. “Though I think I’ll be more good looking than him.”

“Maybe,” Sungjong said teasingly making Myungsoo chuckle a bit as they started crossing the road. “L-hyung was pretty handsome when we were kids, who knows how good looking he could become if he grew up.” He then took a quick side glance to Myungsoo both of them shared a knowing smile.

“Are you saying that I’ll be uglier than that guy?!” Sungyeol cried accusingly though his eyes shone with amusement, squeezing Sungjong’s hand a bit.

“I’m just saying that- SUNGYEOL-HYUNG WATCH OUT!” Sungjong cried as a car’s bright lights suddenly took a turn towards them making him push Sungyeol out of the way letting go of his hands turning to the bright lights until all he saw was darkness.

“SUNGJONG!” Sungyeol cried  as he rushed towards Sungjong’s body on the ground, his hands soon covered by the younger man’s blood.




I have nothing to say

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This was so amazing! I am glad I found this story. Though I wish Myungjong had gotten together, yeoljong is cute too
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 16: Wow i finally finished reading the story... It really is a beautiful story... I love it!!!
Chapter 16: I'm so glad I found this fic! It's rare to find yeoljong fics such as this one. It's really cute and light. I love the simplicity and sweetness of the story. I find it really hard to follow stories with heavy plots and complex situations. I like how it ventures a bit into the angst dept. but it still keeps the mood light.
It wasn't that angsty but I seriously got teary-eyed at a lot of the scenes.
Thank you for this. Thank you for your hardwork! :)

Btw, I really love the ending. It's perfect. ;>
Chapter 16: TAT.......... I'm crying !!!!! This was so Amazing :3. Thanks for writing this story!!
Chapter 3: Me too and i'm 18 years old T^T.........
Chapter 1: Here in South America is pan too :3
Omg this was amazing Poor Jongie :D
I will read this story ;D
I'm excited!!! :3
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: i laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !