

The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing


I open my eyes slowly, feeling the sun on my face, I don’t remember been so tired. I got up and sit on the edge of the bed; somehow all my strength was drain. I could feel the cold floor under my feet but I didn’t care.

Nothing makes sense since she left

I decide to go to the convenience store before going to my job. I grab my clothes and change slowly; at the end I didn’t have any rush now.

“Tae tae hurry up we’re going to be late”

I turn my head; I guess it was my imagination again, hearing her voice calling me. Her sweet voice calling my nickname, a nickname only she could use for me. 

(I'm singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I'm singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh



I start walking in the sidewalk, I feel like everything was going to fast…everybody was moving so fast and I was stuck in the same moment of my life.

“Good morning, can I help you?” The old lady behind the cash machine surprise me

“Ah, I’m just looking for milk and coffee” I answer with a monotone voice

“Milk is on the end of this hall and coffee is at hall number 5” The old lady smile and sit again

I went for the milk, but something caught my attention on the way, it was a bag of pink marshmallows.

“Tae tae can you bring those pink marshmallows with you? You know I love them baby”

For an odd reason I grab the bag and continue my way towards the milk, I took the coffee and keep walking towards the old lady. She was looking at me with such a warm eyes I couldn’t stop thinking on her again.

“Thank you for coming, I hope you have a wonderful day young lady” I just smile softly to her

Under the same sky, at different places
Because you and I are dangerous
I am leaving you
One letter difference from stranger
It's cowardly but I'm hiding because I'm not good enough
Cruel breakup is like the end of the road of love
No words can comfort me
Perhaps my lifetime's last melodrama
Now it's final curtain is coming down


I sit on my desk, looking at the bunch of projects on it, I sigh while looking at the window. I was tired and blue. I still was sad after what happen.

“Taengo you need to finish Mrs. Jung project” My friend Yuri was in front of me looking me with a pity look.

“Don’t look at me like that” was my only reply

She just come closer and hug me tightly, I hug her back but again the only think I could think was hugging her. Melt me inside of her arms.

“Everything is going to be fine sweetie” Yuri try to comfort me

“I don’t know”

I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even with my eyes closed, I can't feel you

The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing


“You should rest a little bit baby, don’t you overwork yourself, it’s okay”

I was sitting in my office looking at a blue print, the house I’ve designed…our house.

“You didn’t like the bathrooms, you prefer nice bathrooms” I mumble to myself

“We could use a cute purple on the curtains Tae tae, with a huge pink kitchen”

“You don’t know how to cook baby” I reply to the voice with a throbbing pain in my head

 “I could learn, don’t be mean with me Tae” Her cute pout always make me smile

“I’m sorry baby, I will pay you the best cooking classes” I smile feeling the hot tears on the back of my eyes.

(I'm singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I'm singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh


I open my eyes and found me alone in the office, I was alone again. I stood up feeling that throbbing pain even stronger in my head. Like something was wrong, like I was wrong.

“Taengo? Are you okay? I heard you mumble” Yuri grab me by the shoulders

“My head is hurting me a lot, why it hurts so much Yuri?” I was crying now

“Taengo” Yuri’s voice was filled with sadness

How am I supposed to do this without you, why do you have to leave so early, why?

“Taengo, you kno what day is?” Yuri’s voice pull me out my trance

My head start to feel pressure, everything was coming back at me, her image was the most persistent thing.

“I forget” I reply while sitting on the chair again grabbing my chest

I feel like my heart has stopped beating
You and I, frozen there, after a war
Trauma, that has been carved in my head
Once these tears dry up, I will moistly remember my love
I'm neither painful nor lonely
Happiness is all self-talk
I can't stand something more complicated
It's no big deal, I don't care
Inevitable wandering, people come and go


I let Yuri drove me to the place, how could I forget the day, my promise to her.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Yuri pull over in front of the place

“I need to, I’ll be fine ok?” I just smile to her and leave the car

“I love the pink lilies Tae tae, don’t you love them?”

I feel the pain in my head getting worse but I clench my fist trying to hold me but without harming the bouquet of lilies I had. I knock on the door softly. Feeling heavy.

“Yes?” A tall boy appear on the frame door, he look tired like me

“Choi Siwon?” I ask softly

“Yes, it’s me” He seem so lost and dirty

“Your special delivery sir, a bouquet of pink lilies” I feel the big lump on my throat

“Thanks” I could see the tears rolling down his face.

I just smile and turn away I feel like someone had sit on my chest, I couldn’t breathe.

“You don’t need to keep doing this…you don’t need to hurt yourself like this” His voice make me turn

“Tae tae will you promise me that? That you always bring them a bouquet of pink lilies? Please”

“I promise to her…I can’t broke my promise” the hot tears start to roll on my face now.

“Daddy, who is it?” A little girl push him and stare at me

“Stephanie don’t be rude” His voice was full with love

“Sorry, you’re my mommy’s friend, she told me a lot of you” She was smiling now

I feel how a little warm feeling was involving me, that eye smile, she got the same eye smile.

“Sweetie this young lady needs to go, say bye” He was been somehow jealous again

Can I blame him?

“Bye Tae tae” the little girl smile and leave me standing there

I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even if you have left, I'm still here

(I'm singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I'm singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh


I start walking towards the street feeling lighter. The pain of my head was slowly fading. I get in the car again with a soft smile.

“How was it?” Yuri seem so concerned

“She is the live image of her” that was my only reply while Yuri just start the engine

It seem like an eternity, been just sit at the car while Yuri was driving. I could feel that weird throbbing again making me feel dizzy. I just sigh and try to let go of the lingering sadness of my heart.

“I love you Taeyeon” that beautiful eye smile, only for me

“I love you too” I mumble back

It feels like I’m going crazy, hearing her voice, seen her everywhere every time, feeling like she is here with me like always.

“I don’t care about your past” I remember I said that to her

“But I’m a bad person Tae” her face cover in tears

“You’re not, you were a victim of the unlucky events, you’re the most beautiful thing in this world” I remember I was crying now

“Don’t leave me, never leave me Taeyeon”

“We’re here, are you ready for this?” Yuri pull me out my trance

Again tonight, underneath that blue moonlight
I will probably fall asleep alone
Even in my dreams, I look for you
And wander around while singing this song

I got on my knees in front of the grave, all the sadness start to go out of my body, the guilt and the frustration of my own impotence. How could I forget what happen? How could I live?

“Tae tae, hurry up, we’re going to be late. I want to surprise Stephanie and you know Siwon and Heechul always get mad when we’re late” Fanny was screaming at me

“I’m ready baby. I was thinking that, maybe it’s time for us to have our own baby…don’t you like the idea?” I back hug her tightly while kissing her shoulder

“But you really want us to give that step Tae? You know that I decide to help Siwon and Hechul having Stephanie but if you’re not ready we can wait” Fanny turn and kiss me on the forehead

“I’m ready, we’re ready” I kiss her on the lips

I was driving carefully because it was raining hard; Fanny was talking to Siwon telling him the good news. I have to admit I was jealous of Siwon, he had a beautiful baby girl with Fanny, even if Fanny just give him a pair of eggs, for me it was too intimate. Also the little girl call Fanny mommy. I want to have that too.

“Yes, Taeyeon it’s very careful Heechul, don’t worry” Fanny touch my cheek lovingly

“I love you” I mumble to her

“I love you too baby” Fanny was smiling at me

I didn’t have time to react; it was matter of a second when the other car impact us. I try to grab Fanny but I came for the windshield, I don’t know how much time pass before I could move again, I could feel blood on my face but I didn’t care. I stood up and went towards the car, I pull Fanny out. She was bleeding from , I lay her on the cold concrete and broken glass.

“Tae…it hurts so much, I guess its karma right? For yelling to you all the time” She was joking even in this situation

“Fanny…” I was crying so hard

“You think I’ll go to heaven or hell, for been such a bad person in the past?” Fanny was touching my face with her hand

“I don’t care about your past” I grab her hand and kiss her

“But I’m a bad person Tae” her face cover in tears

“You’re not, you were a victim of the unlucky events, you’re the most beautiful thing in this world…You were confuse Fanny, you weren’t a bad person, you choose me baby, you never broke my heart…Fanny you’re the most wonderful person in this world, please just hold on” I could feel the temperature leaving her body

“Don’t leave me, never leave me Taeyeon” she got cold after saying this

“Fanny…please don’t die”

“Tae tae will you promise me that? That you always bring them a bouquet of pink lilies? Please, to Stephanie and Siwon? Please Tae tae” that was her last breath

“I promise”

(I'm singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I'm singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh

I open my eyes slowly, feeling the sun on my face, I don’t remember been so tired. I got up and sit on the edge of the bed; somehow all my strength was drain. I could feel the cold floor under my feet but I didn’t care.

Nothing makes sense since she left.

I went to the kitchen to make coffee, I sit on my living room when certain thing caught my attention. I got up quickly and grab the bag. I open it and sit again in the couch with my coffee.

“I love pink marshmallows”


“I don’t know, just like you, they just make me happy”

I feel hot tears on my face; I could feel a lingering feeling of sadness in my heart, like something was wrong. So I stood up and went to my room, I grab the portrait in my boudoir. She looks so beautiful on our wedding day with her light pink dress.

“Don’t leave me”

“I won’t leave you, never Fanny…I miss you so much”

(I'm singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I'm singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Big Bang's Blue 

Author's Note:

So, this is my Taeny version for Big Bang's "Blue", hope you guys like it. This was a request for banh_onlyTae, hope you like it :D

I was thinking in write a Taeny, Yulsic, Hyoni, Kryber, Soosun and some other couples I like, with some songs of BB, 2ne1, Tablo and Gummy (basically YG family songs) but I need to have a lot of time so, this will be one of my future projects.

---- Danni out ----

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@dhyraa: Thanks for comment and yeah is indeed a sad story...
To be honest, I imagine a background to Fanny and Tae, but then that become this, so the bad person thing just got stuck in my head but, it was kind of because Fanny give Siwon and Heechul?, It was Heechul? XD I don't remember, an egg so they could have the little kid on this story without telling Taeyeon and then they have a fight and then taeyeon said something like she didn't want kids anyway...but yeah, all that got stuck in this sick little head and I didn't put it in the story...There you go xD...sorry if is not what you thought, but thanks for comment, for liking the story and to take the moment to ask me something
*bows* thank you very much
TaenyKryberYoonsic #3
good fic Dandan^^ but can i ask why Tiffany said that she was a bad person???
so, tiffany has passed away and that little kid is them child .. such a sad story author.. I still can feel taeyeon lost .. good job author ^^
Hahaha very well then, I like the idea to spread my stories in other languagues, and yeah call me the way you want it, is just that I kind of freak out for other thing xD, but yeah, I'm happy you liked the story :D
banh_onlyTae #6
Anyway, I would like to call you Dan, I think it's cute somehow lol. I'm girl too, so I will call you Dannie hehe
banh_onlyTae #7
Oh yay ! Blue ~~ I'm sorry Dan, I didn't even know that you wrote this fic =.=. I'm gonna translate this fic toooo ~! After I translate "The Melody Of Life". Gonna bring your amazing fiction to my lovely V-Sones in Vietnamese!!
Thanks for noticing the flower detail :D, also I've write another stories if you want to read something else by me
That's what I want, that you and all the people feel the love between the characters :D
EMT0304 #9
hiks..sad but still feel their love
Oh my gosh, that was heart breaking.
It was amazing at the same time xD
You def have to keep writing. I loved the plot.
The flowers was a nice touch :)