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Part 2:


She just chuckled, "Oh, so Eunhae is real huh?"




I immediately looked at her. How did she know? Luckily, we already reached to her apartment.


"How did I know?" She smirked. "You might not know, but I'm a Haehyuk fan. After joining to this dating show, I prove that HaeHyuk is real.  I'm so very happy! That my otp is reaaaaal!"


Oh I never knew that this is how a haehyuk fan act.


"Is it that obvious?" I asked her.


She just rolled her eyes, "Well, you may fool other people but not us haehyuk fan, and I could really sense that you're having a love quarrel."


I just sighed.


"And I want to warn you with that Eunseo girl. You know, haehyuk's fans wouldn't like when you get really attached with her especially your Hyukkie." She winked at me and left my car.


I started to drove back to our dorm.


When I reached to our dorm, everyone doing their own thing.


I looked around and I noticed that my Hyukkie is presence is not here .


I approached Sungmin hyung, "Hyung, where is Hyukkie?"


"Yah! Lee donghae! This is your fault!" I was shocked when hyung shouted at me.


"Huh? My fault?" God, don't tell me that Hyukkie said something to Sungmin hyung or did he burst his anger to me at Sungmin hyung?


"You..you!" I gulped. Sungmin hyung can surely kill me with his death glare. "Because of you! Kyubear get angry of me!"


"Huh? So it's not because of hyukkie?" I asked confusedly.


"What the heck are you talking about? I don't care of your hyukkie there and that! Kyunnie is angry at me because of you!" Sungmin hyung non-stop rant. He's always like that when he is on the top his patience limit and add to up his frustration.


"Yah! Don't talk about my hyukkie like that!" I answered back. I didn't noticed that almost the members gather at the living room to witness our argument.


But sungmin hyung just smirked, "Oh yeah? And you dare talking like that after giving a drive that Sena girl!" My eyes got widen. "You're shocked, donghae? Why? You thought we didn't know what errands you're going to do after the film? You thought Eunhyuk wouldn't caught you? Of course, you wouldn't know! And you also don't know that MY BESTFRIEND, LEE HYUKJAE that he was already now on his musical venue! Because his boyfriend give a home ride instead of driving his OWN boyfriend for his schedule! I don't care what your ing mind have now but don't you dare make Eunhyu cry again! If this is your new year resolution then I'll advise to you break up with my bestfriend."


I want to shout again at Sungmin hyung but my energy drained especially when lots of eyes is staring at you.


I just sighed and turned around to faced the  door. But before that, I caught leeteuk hyung who was about to speak but shooked my head to sign him not to tell them anything. Yes, he knows what really happened but I told him not to tell them what errand I'm going to do since I know that Hyukkie may think different and I'm sure that they won't see us, unfortunately it happened.


I left our dorm without saying anything to them or answer what Sungmin hyung said. Honestly, I really did forgot that Hyukkie had a fame today.


Maybe I'll calm myself while waiting for Hyukkie. I'm waiting here inside my car that parked outside at the venue's entrance. I could see from here all our fans outside the venue and it seems that they also waiting for my Hyukkie. Luckily, my car had a super tinted windows so the fans can't see me.


After waiting a hour, his musical was already ended. Actors and actresses already going outside and seems that Hyukkie is not yet going out. But after a while, fans began taking pictures and half-shouting indicating my Hyukkie is out now. I looked for him from inside my car since I can't go outside, afraid that fans that would make a chaos. Lee Donghae fetching Lee Hyukjae. Of course, fans would really love that but at the same time it would risk our career since there's some people didn't like this kind of relationship.


Finally, I spot him staring at my car. Well, I'm sure that Hyukkie already know that I'm the one inside of this car because he was already walking towards my car and without second thought, I ride at my car.


"I'm --" my words got cutted because butted in.


"What are you doing here?" He asked me coldly.


"Look, I think --"


"Let's go home now. I'm already tired." He didn't finished my words again instead he told to go home. What the heck his problem?! I know I have a fault but can he listen first to my explanation?


I didn't argue back because I sensed that fans are still staring at my car where Hyukkie ride.


When we reached at the dorm, the usual loud and noisy dorm turn into a silent dorm when we entered. But we didn't bother about it. Hyukkie just walk straight to our room and I followed him.


Once we entered to our room, I started to confront him,


"What is your problem, Lee Hyukjae?!" I shouted at him. I didn't mean to call him in his full name but I can't control myself tonight. I know, I'm frustrated right now.


"No, Lee Donghae." My eyes got widen when he looked at me with smirk. "I think I'm the one who must ask you, What is your problem?"


My stubborn self striked again. "Answer my question!"


"Why should I'm going to answer your question?" He questioned back.


"Because I'm your ing boyfriend!"


He just chuckled, "My boyfriend? Oh I  nearly forgot that. I thought I'm not, since you're playing around with other girls."


"Huh? You even dare to accused me? Who do you think you are? A perfect boyfriend? A perfect boyfriend who didn't informed his boyfriend his whereabouts even just a text he can't just do that." I said mockily.


"Why you just forget it? Why you still bringing up that subject! As if you also didn't do it."




"What is this?" He showed me our schedule. Oh, so he knows already.


"Our schedule." I answered him calmly.


"I'm not asking you what is this really for. I'm asking you, what is this YOUR schedule for your date with Eunseo with Leeteuk hyung and Sora-shi?!" He asked me angrily but a tears started to flow from eyes.


"Yes, it's my double date with them. Why? Is there a problem with that?"


"Why didn't you inform me your schedule?!"


"Why should I? You also did that."


"I don't a choice! Can't you understand that?!"


"This is enough. I don't want to continue this argument."


I was about to open our door. But I heard Hyukkie's sobbed become louder.


"Why are you being like this? *sniff* where is my hae? *sniff* I try to forgot about your secret date or whatever with Sena but you still need this double date? Why? Do you hate me that much?"


I walked out to our room. He didn't know that I'm also crying. I know everything was just misunderstanding. But I don't have a guts to straighten that misunderstand. I even make it worse.


After that, I decided to sleep for a meatime to Leeteuk hyung's room. He tried to talk to me but I refused to listen or talk. I didn't meet or talk with Hyukkie after that night even Sungmin hyung is ignoring me.


It's the day of our double date episode of we got married. Everything go smoothly, I just laughed to myself when we're at Leeteuk hyung and Sora new house, I even choose strawberry jam for my bread. Since when did I like it? Tsk, Hyukkie's strawberry addiction is really contagious.


When I meet with Eunseo, my mind went blank. I really don't know what should I'm going to do. Luckily, at our script the TeukSo are going to help for my date with Eunseo. But an embarassment moment happened, when I was about to get my wallet I realized that it was not my bag but it's Hyukkie. All his things are inside of the bag. I immediately close it before the camera caught it's inside and would make the fans a chance to peek inside of it. I'm sure ELFs would guess immediatley that it's Hyukkie things. I think this is the negative side of this couple things we always have. Luckily, TeukSo helped me for lending Sora's waller. Okay, fail #1 lee donghae.


When everything settled, our double date with TeukSo just started. I did many fail moments during our date at the amusement park. Leeteuk hyung even whisper to me that I looked like being forced with this double date. So the staff decide something that would shocked me. They extend our double date until night time. They even tell me to drive Eunseo to her awards night event. And they also decide to have suprise dinner from me for Eunseo. I think they get frustrated from what I'm acting at the park because it's not the reaction they want to get from me. And since I want to end this as much as possible, I followed them and didn't make any move that would make them frustrated.


Finally, we already finished our shooting. Everyone looks exhausted and of course, I apologize to them. Leeteuk hyung and I bid our goodbye to everyone and go back to our dorm. But it make me shocked when I entered at 12th floor dorm, Hyukkie was there and focusing himself at the computer infront of him.


Leeteuk hyung caught his attention.


"Hyuk, what are you doing here at our floor?"


Finally, Hyukkie looked at us but he was just looking at Leeteuk hyung and treating me as if I'm not there.


"Oh hyung, I'm just using your computer here because they are doing their starcraft competition downstairs and they are sooo loud."



"Aish! It's your fault JONG WOON!"

"WHY ME?!"

"Your character is like a turtle!!!move! Attack! Everything!"

"YAH! It's because it's my ddangkoma!"

"STOP HEECHUL HYUNG! He's going to kill Yesung hyung!"

"YAH! Before doing your murder pay first to our bet!"


"HYUNG! Don't shout at my kyunnie!"

"CHUL HYUNG! Don't kill my yesunggie!"


I just rolled my eyes when I heard the commotion downstairs. Leeteuk hyung just sighed and drop his bag at the sofa.


"Hyuk, Hae, I'll leave you first here. I'll go downstairs to stop before our neighbors here would complain again."


We're going to stop him but before that he already left us. Aish, what am I going to do now?


I noticed that Hyukkie is turning off the computer now. Wait, is he going to leave now?


He walked towards me.


"My thing." Thing? What thing? Oh . I almost forgot his bag. I immediately give to him his bag. After receiving it, without saying anything he proceed to our door. Wait, is he going to leave?


"You're going to leave now?" I asked him.


He looked back at me and he chuckled, "Why? You want to tell me how great your date today?"


"What the hell are you talking back?" Don't tell me, we're going to start again our fight.


"You look so tired. So it's mean that you had lots of fun today. A very great date by Mr. Lee Donghae. You can already beat Siwon for being gentleman. Driving her for her award nights. What a show off. Oh, how sweet you are."


I abruntly hold his arm, "Stop that, Lee Hyukjae." I glared at him.


But he snatched his arm from my grip.


"Don't touch me after touching other girl's hand!"


Then he left for real.


I turn on immediately the computer that my hyukkie using a while ago. I looked for history.


As what I expected, he already know what really happened to our date today. You stupid, Lee Donghae. Aish.




"Yes! You're really stupid, Lee Donghae!" I got startled when someone shouted at me. And it's no other than Heechul hyung.


"Do you know how hard for us to make your monkey to go here and left him alone so that the two of you can already make out!"


"Heechul, it's made up." Leeteuk hyung corrected him.


"No, making out is better." Heechul hyung stubborn responded.


I just sighed, "Hyung, excuse me in your arguement about your making out or made u

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Chapter 2: hahaha that evil brats! Poor hae but at least haehyuk get back together again...
hyuk2x #2
Chapter 2: Bwahaahahahaha!!!! the undying evilness of kyu and hechul! atleast my HAEHYUK is back to mushy mushy now.
This is really an awesome fic~ Sweet fighting eunhae is sweet~
ChristalSJ #4
Omg xDD hahaha!! The two evils are really evil!!!