The Plan


2011 June 10th, the day is still young. It was the beautiful place with a tower that is so high, Eiffel Tower. Everyone know it very well. That's right, we're in Paris, France. Girls' Generation are having a small concert there with their other partner's group. "Oh my God, I am so nervous!," said Yoona. "Calm down, if you got out you'll be more nervous," grunted Tae Yeon. "Yeah, there'll be tons of fans and SONEs," said Jessica. It was their turn to perform, they got out on the stage starting to sing their first song, Genie. At the front of the fanzone there's a guy wearing black coat like a bat standing still doing nothing, not cheering Girls' Generation. Sure he's not a SONE. But what people thought, is not what they're thinking. "After their performance, I want everything ready," sounded fiercely. "Copy that, everything will be just fine, captain, don't worry." 10 minutes have pass, there's no sign of kidnapping until a gun was fired. The gunfire was still humming and echoing around the concert when the screaming of people are still heard and become silent. "Go! Go! Go!" yelled a guy. The black coat guy jump up to the stage with his bunch of armies and caught Girls' Generation members one by one. Another gun was fired, this shot is not scare away all the fans to make way for them to escape. Some SONEs find out what had happened, they immediately rush to those terrorists. Unfortunately, most of them KIA (Killed In Action). The fans had no choice but to save theirselves from danger. The security guards and the others artists on that concert was too late to save Girls' Generation. Everything was planned.

The manager of this concert step on the stage and give a speech to calm the fans down. "People! People! I know what's happening, I am nervous too of course I am the most responsible for this serious incident. I don't know where those people come from but... It was all planned I guess," the manager said nervously. "What could we do now??!! We need to get the Girls back immediately! Called the police," a SONE yelled. A sudden quarrel between the fans and all of the people have no idea what's their next move to get Girls' Generation back. A phone rang all of a sudden. It was the manager phone. "So, what you gonna do now?" said the caller. "Where's Girls' Generation, you freak!". "What? Nervous? Don't know what's your next move? Don't worry, we'll take good care of the girls.". "Don't hurt them! What do you want?? I can give you anything but not the Girls.". "Ohh.. hahaha," the caller give an evil laugh. "You'll never satisfied me! Ane no one will!" said the caller. The phone was so near to the microphone the manager holding until the fans still can hear Girls' Generation crying and call for help in the phone. "What do you want from them?". "Just a little present, I'll call you back. Let me plan what am I going to do next. Hahahaha." A sound of a phone call was rejected. All of the people there are in fear. The manager had no choice but to call the police as well. After 15 minutes, many loud sirens can be heard from 10 metres away from the concert venue. Three police car, two forensics police car had reached the venue. Most of the fans there were asked for evidence by the cops. The forensics are checking for evidence. They found bullet in the body of the fans who's been shot just now in the concert and is confirmed the terrorists are using HK 416 Assault Rifle. The newest weapon that is released in 2010. 

After one day of the incident, whole world's breaking news was all about Girls' Generation was being kidnapped. Many kinds of topic are spreaded around the countries. Many SONEs are angry until find the manager who are responsible for the incident. "What the hell?". "I couldn't believe my eyes Kon Peng". "I know. But how could it be happened?". "Well, you wanna find out? Guess the your SONE thingy force really does useful now". "Hey! Is Sone Force 805, okay? Don't make it funny Guk Bin". "Whatever.." Kon Peng was packing bags prepared to fly to Seoul, Korea to find the manager and ask for permission and right to rescue Girls' Generation. "Kon Peng, you think is gonna work?". "How you know when you didn't even try?", grunted Kon Peng. "Ok..Ok.. You're the man bro!". Kon Peng give him a poker face look, it was an awkward moment for Guk Bin. Their flights are ready and they're on their way to Seoul. Kon Peng work as a Firearms Engineer in America while Guk Bin is a Sergeant Major in the America of United States' Task Force. He's a fully trained military army. He also teaches Kon Peng some army combat sometimes. They often go to target shooting arena to train their target shooting. After two days of flight, they had reach their destination to find the manager. When they reached the company the secretary there not allowed them to enter the manager office because they two were anonymous to the manager. But suddenly the manager came out of his office. "Mr. Kim, they said they want to talk to you about the kidnap incident that day.". " Leave it to me.". "Come on in guys." "Yes, so you are Mr. Kim.". "Yes, what can I help about the incident?". "Do you start a rescue mission already?" "We're still in progress. Who are you guys anyway?" "My name is Woo Kon Peng and he is Bu Guk Bin. Nice to meet you Mr. Kim, we're here today to tell you this." Kon Peng lay out his Sone Force 805 contract to Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim studied the contract and suddely said, "You two are going to help us? Just the two of you?", the manager said in suprised. "No sir, we're going to get participants and volunteers but we have to make sure they are brave enough and are discipline too." "I really don't know, I know there's not enough time." "Mr. Kim, you need to be fast before the terrorists do anything to the Girls'." said Guk Bin. "But we need a confirmation from the whole world President to confirmed your Force Mr. Woo." "I understand, is hard for us to meet the president." Mr. Kim was deeply stressed by this nuisance until he got an idea. "I know the Prime Minister of South Korea." A sudden smile from Kon Peng and Guk Bin. "Thank you Mr. Kim! I hope I can succedd on my Force Team." "No problem guys, also we need people like you two to get' em back." "Here's my number Mr. Kim, and thank you". Mr. Kim give them a big smile. They leave Mr. Kim's office and Mr. Kim quickly to have a meeting with the Prime Minister of South Korea.

"Mr. Prime Minister, is glad to meet you again." "Yes, I am glad too, anyway what's the ocassion?". Mr. Kim nervously give the Prime Minister study the contract. Mr. Prime Minister studied the contract for about 5 minutes and he put it down, sipped the coffee. "Mr. Kim, I think I need to call the President of United States to call for a meeting." "Thank you so much Mr. Prime Minister". "It's ok I had my responsible to rescue my citizenz". Mr. Kim called Kon Peng and tell him the meeting was very success. They are readying to fly back to America with Mr. Kim and the Prime Minister. "Mr. President, the Prime Minister of South Korea and the others are here". "Let them in Lucy". "Yes, Mr. President". "This way gentlemen." A bodyguard of the President leading the way to Mr. President's office for them. "Mr. President how nice to meet you!". "Yes, I am glad to meet you". "I had know the contract gentlemen and I had called all country's Presidents and Prime Ministers to have a meeting later at 2.00 p.m.". "Thank you very much Mr. President!". Kon Peng shake the President and keep telling thank you to him because meeting a President and call for help from him is not that easy. "Welcome, Presidents and Prime Ministers of all countries. Today we're having a meeting on two citizens of South Korea are creating a Force called Sone Force 805 to rescue Girls' Generation. This meeting is to let you all whether to accept this Force or unaccept this Force." All Presidents and Prime Ministers are having discussion turning their head left to right, right to left on the long table. Eventually, one of the country President said, "we all confirmed this Force to rescue Girls' Generation but after this rescue mission, Sone Force 805 had to be disavowed". "Okay, any objections?". "No they can proceed their work now". Mr. Kim approach Kon Peng and Guk Bin at the waiting seats. "Guys, your Sone Force 805 are confirmed, congratulations!". "Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Kim!". "Do your best guys!". "Will do, and we will not disappointed you Mr. Kim, we'll get them back." "I am counting on you guys."

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Thanks...^^ But it seem not so popular.. ):
SNSDThunderBear #2
Like the title and the story. I'm actually planning to write something like that. Keep it up!