"6-Time Champions? Piece of Cake."

♫ because i love you...


The 5 girls of Stereo Love all walked to school on Monday morning. Well, not really walked. More like rushed. Ah-young seemed to be the only one who was ready this morning.

Ah-young walked into the room that Arisung and Sarang [ the complete opposites] shared, flickering on the lights. "Girls, Time to get up!" she called. Both girls groaned in protest, only snuggling more into their beds. "5 more minutes~" Arisung called, turning onto her side. Sarang hugged her pillow tighter. "I need my beauty sleep, umma!" she screeched. Ah-young sighed heavily, then shrugged. "Fine, be late." she walked into the shared room between Miyoung and Chohee, the aegyo killers, both sleeping soundly. She flickered the lights on as well, clapping her hands loudly. "Wake up!!!" she yelled. The 2 didn't even budge. Theese girls... Ah-young thought. "Fine then." Ah-young left the room and headed into the bathroom.

30 minutes later, It was 7:40 p.m. Sarang awoke with a loud screech, waking everyone up. "What happened?!" Miyoung ran into the room, almost sliding to the floor. "Look at the time!!" Sarang pointed at the neon green clock sitting atop of their dresser that stated 7:40 a.m. All 4 of the girls all looked at eachother and then made a mad dash to the bathroom. "Give me the bathroom first! I'm the youngest!!" Chohee yelled, trying to fit her small frame through the door. "Aniya! I'm the prettiest, damnit!" Sarang called. "You'll take forever!!!" Miyoung whined. "Yah! All of you!" Ah-young called from the bottom of the stairs. "Theres no time for a shower, right now. Just get your butts in your uniforms" she demanded. "B-But Umma.." "NOW!"


And thats how they ended up rushing to school. While Ah-young was completely fine, Sarang was still having trouble buttoning the jacket to her uniform, Arisung was still adding her usual accessories, Miyoung was still fixing her hair into her favorite side ponytail while Chohee tried to walk and tie her Chuck Taylors at the same time.


The 5 girls all arrive at their highschool, Seoul Academy of the Arts [A/N: I know its a generic name, shush. xD] "Umma~" Chohee whined, walking to her locker next to Miyoung and Ah-young's. "Can I just go home?" Ah-young scoffed. "Why?" "She didn't study for the test in History." Miyoung explained, putting in her writing tablet and taking out her History book. Ah-young laughed. "You should study more, Baby Hee." Arisung pinned a 'smiley face' pin onto the black tie of her uniform. "I was! And then Henry-oppa tweeted me and I got lost." Henry Lau was Chohee's chinese best guy friend. A lot of people thought that the 2 were a couple until the couple of Zhou Mi and Henry, one of the only few elite groups of Chinese members, were revealed. [A/N: Yup. I ship Zhoury. xD] Which devistated all of Henry's 'fangirls' that pratically lived outside of his house. "You and that boy..." Sarang said, primping herself in her orange compact mirror.


Across the hall, the original 8 members of the massive clique called 'Super Junior' watched them while waiting for Siwon to come from his locker. "Have you seen Miyoung dance?" Heechul commented. Ryeowook shook his head, taking Siwon's literature book from his locker. "Have you heard Sarang's singing?" Hankyung fired back. "Either way, They're really good." Shindong said. "There's rumors going around that Miyoung is better than Eunhyukkie at dancing." "Yah!!" Eunhyuk chimed in from the back, making them all laugh in unison. "I bet Yesung would love a girl like Arisung." Siwon said, standing up, closing his locker and adjusting his tie. "Why? So they could sit there and look goofy all day?" Hankyung joked, making them all laugh again. "They are both really weird." Eunhyuk added. And they were all off to class. Around the corner, Girls Generation's Tiffany peeped around the corner, glaring at the spot where the 8 young men stood. She then looked up at Stereo Love. Ah-young was trying to pull apart the fighting couple of Arirang while Miyoung and Chohee stood cheering them on. How could anyone even waste their time talking about them?! Tiffany thought. They're so dorky! Then the bell rang. Time for class to start.


Arisung walked into her first period English class, taking her seat in the back. She sat there to stay out of the spotlight. Because sitting in the front caused her to have a bad argument with f(x)'s Krystal, who is Jessica Jung's little sister. [A/N: If you haven't caught on yet, I'm using the band names as clique names. So yeah. xD ] So she started sitting in the back to avoid arguments.  She pulled out her English notebook and started taking notes until a note was plopped on her desk.  She looked up and the clique of B.A.P sat snickering, waiting for her to open it.  Arisung personally really couldn't even tell them all apart. So, even if she did open it, How would she know who it was from? Arisung picked it up and opened it anyways.


당신이 섹시 의상을 착용해야합니다


[ You should wear ier clothing. From, Zelo,]

Arisung rolled her eyes, crumbling up the paper and throwing it out of the window. She never will understand why B.A.P had such an obsession over her. But then again, who would? Suddenly, her train of thought was interrupted when someone actually sat down next to her. She looked up in surprise to be met by Kim Jongwoon. Better known as Yesung, Super Junior's Main Vocalist. And SAA's resident weirdo. "Annyeong...?" Arisung said in question. Yesung looked up, then smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should've asked to sit here." he said. Arisung shrugged. "It's okay. Not like anyone usually sits next to me." Yesung nodded, looking down at his book. Arisung laid her head down, falling into one of her trademark daydreams. She stared at Yesung, admiring his face. He was so handsome. It made Arisung smile. She nodded off to sleep with a slight smile on her face.


30 minutes later, the bell rang, awaking her. She woke to Yesung's face, as he played with her philtrum while she sleeped. "Yah!" Arisung shot up, wiping the side of . "What are you doing?!" Yesung chuckled. "Your philtrum...It looked pretty." and with that last comment, he was off to his second period class. Arisung's eyebrows crinkled in confusion. My philtrum's pretty...?


Next period for Chohee and Miyoung was Physical Education. The 2 walked into the Senior Girls Locker-Room and to their Gym lockers, opening them. "Do you know what sport we're playing today?" Chohee asked Miyoung as they both dressed for Gym. Miyoung shrugged. "I heard rumors that we were playing Soccer." Chohee sighed and kicked the locker cutely, pouting. Miyoung laughed, slipping on her purple and gold "S.A.A Phy Ed" t-shirt. "Whats wrong with you, Maknae?" Chohee continued to pout. "I hate how Teacher Ahn always gives us sports with kicking. I have short legs! I can't kick that well!" she complained. Miyoung rolled her eyes, grabbing her arm. "C'mon, It won't be that bad~" Miyoung said. "You can say that! You have long legs!!" Chohee pointed to Miyoung's skinny legs. She scoffed. "Please! I'm only 5'5"." And the 2 walked out onto the field.


By the goal, Lee Donghae and Kim Kibum stood, chatting about random things while Donghae played with the soccer ball. Then, Kibum spotted Miyoung and Chohee walk out, arms linked, as they laughed about something random. A smile spread on Kibum's face as he eyed Miyoung. "Yah, Do you know who she is?" Kibum did an elbow point, trying not to be so obvious. Donghae squinted his eyes a second, then nodded. "Yeah. Thats Pyo Miyoung. She's in my Dance class. " Donghae informed. Kibum nodded, watching her warm up. "Why?" Kibum turned to Donghae, then started to blush. "Uhh...Erm..." he twiddled his fingers nervously. Donghae started to snicker. "You like her, don't you, Kibummie~" he teased, nudging him. Kibum continued to blush. "Sh-Shut up, Hae!" Then, The Gym teacher blew her whistle, signaling that class was starting. They all sat on the grass as the teacher seperated them into groups. Miyoung was in the defensive group with Donghae, Minzy, CL, Junho, Wooyoung, Taeyang, Minwoo and Gyuri. Chohee was in the offensive group with Kibum, Suzy, Jia, Yoona, Jisook, Eli, Kiseop, and Bora. Both Miyoung and Chohee were the goalies.


The game started with Taeyang and Kiseop. Kiseop kicked the ball over to Miyoung's team and Miny and Junho both worked to get the ball away. Wooyoung kicked the ball over to Chohee's side. Donghae kicked it again, and the ball bopped on Chohee's head knocking her to the ground. Everyone all ran up to her with "Are you okay?!"'s. "Donghae, You jerk, You hurt her!!" Bora yelled out as Miyoung helped her up. Donghae chuckled. "You girls are so sensitive! I barely even hit her!!" Miyoung rolled her eyes. "Teacher-oppa, Can I take her to the nurse?" she asked. The teacher nodded her head and the 2 girls walked off the field and back into the building to get dressed and go to the nurse. Kibum looked at Donghae skeptically. "Hae~ Is there something going on with you and Chohee?" he asked. Donghae looked at Kibum and scoffed. "Psh. No. Girls are too complicated for a guy like me. They only bring me down." he said, passing the ball back to Taeyang so he could start the game. "Well, If it was any other girl, You'd say sorry eventually. This time you didn't even show a sign of remorse." Donghae rolled his eyes. "Just go back to your y team." Kibum shrugged, walking back over to his team. He knew Donghae. This meant war in Donghae's head. And everyone knows that love is a war never won.


Meanwhile, in Korean History, Ah-young sat at her normal desk, working on her test until there was a note plopped on her desk. She looked up and around, then unfolded it.


당신은 나를 좋아합니까

[] 예   [] 아니


- 규현

[ Do you like me? [] Yes [] No -Kyuhyun]

Ah-young looked up and around and before she knew it, the note was snatched from her hand from the teacher. "Notes in class, Miss Ah-young?" he read it, then looked at Kyuhyun, shaking his head. "You two should know better." Kyuhyun snickered into his hand and went back to his test. Ah-young rolled her eyes and tried to get back to her test aswell but Kyuhyun continuously kept kicking her chair. Ah-young sighed. "Could you please stop!?" she whisper-shouted to him, making him snicker again. "Ah-young!!" the teacher called out again. "Eyes on your own paper! Next time I have to talk to you, Your getting sent to the back of the class now shush!" Ah-young put her head down, starting to finish her test. She got up and turned her test in. When she came back, Kyuhyun pulled her chair back, making her fall to the ground when she sat. The class burst into hysterics. "Cho Kyuhyun!!!" The teacher scolded.  Ah-young got up, rubbing her behind a little. "More like Cho-ding."  Nichkhun added, making the class laugh even more. This was an everyday thing, believe it or not. Kyuhyun just really loved to annoy the out of Ah-young. In the back of her mind, Ah-young couldn't help but wonder...What was the note for?


In lunch, The 5 girls of Stereo Love sat at their usual table by the window so that they would have view of the huge fountain on campus. It looked especially pretty ever since it started to rain.  Arisung was the last to sit down with her food while Chohee held an ice pack on her head. "He still never apologized..." she mumbled. Miyoung rolled her eyes and giggled. "Just drop it, Cho." Sarang added.  "Annyeong, Leeteuk-oppa!" Arisung said, smiling at the tall young man coming up to their table. Park Jungsu was the almighty leader of Super Junior. But he calls himself Leeteuk. Since he finds himself special. Leeteuk smiled and took a seat next to Ah-young. "What brings you to the cool table, oppa?" Miyoung joked. Leeteuk chuckled humorlessly. "Aish, Miyoung, Your jokes are getting worse..." Ah-young muttered. Miyoung crossed her arms and pouted. "As you know, I was asked to DJ at the Secret Movers' club next week. And our champions need someone to battle against." he explained. "So, I told them about you guys and they said that that'd be welcome to have you!" The table exploded into "Thank you, oppa!"'s and applause. "So, It's next week, right?" Sarang confirmed. Leeteuk nodded. "Next week Friday night at 10:00 p.m. The competition starts at 10:15." he explained. "Who are we going against?" Chohee put the icepack down only to have Ah-young lift her hand up and put it back on her forehead. "Oh, You all know the clique Girls Generation, right?" the 5 nodded. "Well, They made a subgroup not too long ago called Generation of Girls. And, They're the 6-time champions there. But, I warn you. They know how to get into your mind." Ah-young scoffed. "Psh. We've been through 200+ rejection letters from possibly every agency in South Korea. This won't phase us at all." she said. "6-Time Champions are a piece of cake to Stereo Love!" Arisung added. And everyone passed on high fives.


A Murmur from Mimi

I would of written this under the little horizontal line thingy but it's being stupid. >_<. So, Here it is! The long awaited first chapter! I tried to make it as long as possible so enjoy and daebak! <3

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I'm still working on chapter 3, I'm sorry


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Chapter 2: I REMEMBER THIS!!!!!!!! HAHAHA OH MAN.... I found this again lol *pouts* we never got a chapter 2. Lol I had completely forgotten about this but found it in my subsciptions. Btw I havent talked you in a long time! I hope you are well! Miss you <5 Love, Umma.
HE'S SUCH A !!!! but I still love him ool....I can't wait for the next chapter XD.... why must he have girlfriend?!?!?! D: *pouts*
REALLY?!?!?!? Y AHJUMMA...wow I still love you though
omo~ you nailed me <5 i am the freak <5555555555555555555555555555555555
i love us so much <5
MIMIM I love you I can't wait for more