Pride and Stupid Mistakes


"M-Minho" the younger muffled as he grabbed the other's hand.

Minho struggled to free his hand, but Taemin only tightened his grip.

Tears started to form on the rim of his eyes, threatening to fall any moment.

Minho turned to the boy with eyes that pierced right through his soul.


He was furious.


"What now?!" Minho yelled at Taemin,

Which made the younger's head drop down low. Taemin couldn't speak.

He couldn't let one word out of his mouth as he tried to blink his tears away.

An awkward silence filled the intense atmosphere.


Minho was waiting for a reply. A simple "I'm sorry" and an "I love you"

could've been enough. But all he got was sniffs and sobs from the

younger that only irritated him more. Irritated why Taemin hasn't felt

the same way about him. 


Minho Laughed.


"Have nothing to say? I'll be Leaving then" Minho snorted.


Tears finally fell and stained the ground........


Taemin let go of his hand and hugged him from the back.

He clutched on Minho's shirt as he stained his back with tears.


"No... please... don't... jebal" Taemin cried as he hugged the older tighter.

So tight, that it almost made Minho to give in and just hold the boy close.

But stupid Mistakes have been made and pride has taken over.


"Don't What, Taemin?!" Minho screamed in anger. 

Taemin closed his eyes and sobbed.


"Please... don't go...." Taemin said almost inaudible,

Yet Minho's ears still caught those three words that hit his heart painfully.

He breathed deeply...


"Don't go?! Where the were you when i needed you, huh?! ing

loved you Lee Taemin.But you left me. I trusted you. Why

the hell did you leave me?!What the have you been doing for five ing years?!

All This time, I was waiting for you, then you comeback with another guy?!"

Minho said all in one breath.


All those words went straight towards Taemin's heart, Hitting it harshly.

One. By. One.


Tears only fell faster down Taemin's face.

He slowly let go of Minho's shirt as his knees fell to the ground.

His arms that were just around Minho fell to his sides.


"I'm s-sorry. Minho-hyung, please... don't leave me... I love you..."

Taemin muffled as he broke down to the ground.


Minho felt guilt building up inside him,

but what Taemin did to him was way worse than this.

He's giving Taemin freedom as a matter of fact.

He's actually doing him a favor.


He's gonna be happy now, right?


Minho smirked as he turned to Taemin. He also knelt down

and held Taemin's face.He wiped the younger's tear-stained

cheeks with his thumb as he smirked.


"Taemin-ah, you left me. You hurt me. You broke my heart. You made me lifeless...

But two can play at this game. I'm actually doing you a favor.

I'm setting you free...

I'm sorry. Goodbye, Lee Taemin."

Minho said as he gave Taemin one last kiss.



The kiss wasn't so special though. It only made Taemin cry harder.

Knowing that it's gonna be the last time he will be feeling those warm pair of lips.

How he wished he didn't have to be in love with both of them.

He wanted to correct his mistakes, but it's already too late...


Minho stood up and turned his back to Taemin.

Now every step he takes, it made him further and further away from his life.

Every step away, a tear drops down his face.


We could've been the perfect two, but it's already far too late...

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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 1: That was so sad, but beautiful. Really amazingly written!
And the thought of giving him freedom was intriguing.
boosher #2
Wah!!! that was really good! And really sad...
I loved it. Great job!
@shiningabbie MINE TOO!! :((( </3 but...

Both of them did something wrong.... you'll find out when the prequel's out. :D
@shawolshadow22 YEAAHHSSS. That's it ^^
@obliviolinofmisery kekekeke. *CPR* LOL. DON'T DIEEE!!! there's still the prequel and sequel!!!
@dontdenyourr2pi CRYY!!! Lol me so evil >:| me too! Thank you! Iloveyou! :))) ♥
DontDenyOurR2Pi #5
Must not cryyyyy. T^T I'm such a er for angst T^T Short yet heartbreaking. <//3 I love it ♥ :<
STUPID PIANO COMPOSITION. TT^TT Uuuu~ Heart... Broke... Can't... *dies*
That's it???? Awwwwwwww

(cries in corner cuz of story and no more of it)