Just like Hot Chocolote (Young Bae side story~)

You're not coming home (HIATUS)

A/N: UGH!  I’m so sorry this took me FOREVER to practically update. :/ The next chapters shouldn’t take  so long hopefully, depending on how I feel after this week coming up~   v.v;   And this won't be the only time you'll see these two have their own little side story, they'll occasionally show up again when I fit them in again.  Also, I hope this chapter isn't crappy!  Of course JiYoung/Junsu pairing will pick back up next chapter~ ;3

Two souls with but a single thought..

    Two hearts that beat as one..

    A heart can stop beating for a while though, one can still live.


    He couldn’t help when the door slammed, his head hanging as his back pressed up against it, heavy breathing from running releasing from his lungs, his eyes tightly closed as the rush of emotions from earlier flooded his mind.  Junsu’s unusually calm face staring at him as he bluntly read him like an open book.  Had his own emotions been that open so much that even a man he hadn’t seen in years could read him with such ease?  He’d thought he’d master the art of hiding his feelings, but even now, it seemed that his acting skills had  all but failed him and Ji Young’s expression, he wasn’t sure whether to feel the hate and frustration, or the sadness and depression.  The thought of his hand tightening around Junsu’s.  It had been the reason he had run away, the embarrassment and frustration running clear when he realized that Ji Young knew exactly what was going on.  Young Bae breathed heavily outwardly as a hand ran over his face, pulling at the skin of his cheeks as his hand hit the door rather hard.

    ‘What’s wrong?’

    He’d been startled, a loud gasp filling his lungs as his eyes shot up to find  those of tired looking ones, a tilted head staring at him from the other side of the room.  Young Bae tensed up, the man slowly approaching, a hand slowly rubbing drowsy eyes when he approached.  Young Bae had to look away quickly, he didn’t need another embarrassing moment ruining today, obvious tears probably on the rim of his tear ducts.

    ‘Hyung, what’s wrong?’

    Young Bae couldn’t deny the maknae’s caring voice, his head slowly to look towards Seungri who wore a very sad looking frown on his face, his hand’s knotted at his stomach.  The eldest bit the inside of his cheek before quickly shaking his head back and forth.

    ‘It’s nothing Seungri, you look tired, you should sleep some more..  Today’s are only day off for a while after all,’

    Young Bae implied, making sure not to show as much emotion on his face as possible, if he could fool Ji Young for a long while, then he could hopefully do the same with another member of his recent group, Seungri being the youngest, so possibly not the smartest when it came to reading emotions..  Maybe..

    ‘But you came home without Ji Young hyung..  That’s not normal.’

    Seungri spoke, his dark eyes looking as though they bore right through Young Bae and could see everything.  He didn’t need that, not right now, his bottom lip trembling as he it in quickly before it could be noticed, his mouth taking care to open, honestly going to say something, but was silenced by two hand’s grabbing his and tugging at them.

    ‘You know what, you don’t have to tell me.  Why don’t we both go to bed and get some rest.  It is our only day off after all and you left pretty early this morning.’

    Seungri spoke, catching Young Bae off guard a little as he was dragged to his and Ji Young’s shared room, Seungri shared his room with another member, so he was smart to choose Young Bae’s room to bring them too.  With out saying so much as a word, Seungri pulled the two of them onto the closest bed and huddled them together.

    ‘Seungri.. This is weird.’

    Young Bae spoke, earning only a shhh and a hand resting over both his eyes.

    ‘But my clot-

    He was cut short by Seungri’s other hand covering his mouth, this time Young Bae only sighed heavily, hollowing his cheeks as Seungri pulled his hand’s away.

    ‘A hard day is always welcomed to a nap.’

    Seungri spoke, smiling slightly before tugging the blankets up to their chins.


    ‘You can call me Seungri!’

    Young Bae and Ji Young stood still side by side, mouths a little a gap as they looked the younger looking man in front of them up and down, the clothes, everything about the man looked obviously normal, all except the dark circles that painted the bottom of his eyes lids, making him look like sleep hadn’t come to him in days.  It looked a bit discomforting especially in another’s eyes, but the man known as Seungri only stood before them with a sweet smile on his face and an out stretched hand.  Neither Ji Young nor Young Bae seemed to move as the young man’s smile slowly faded and his hand was slowly being taken back to his side, his eyes looking down.  Ji Young had to be the first one to move though, a hand darting out and quickly taking Seungri’s in both of his, shaking it quickly up and down.

    ‘S-Sorry.  Um, you can call me Ji Young Hyung of course, and this is Young Bae.’

    Ji Young spoke rather quickly, his eyes still bluntly staring at Seungri in front of him, who seemed more startled by the sudden movements than anything else, his head carefully nodding up and down as he glanced towards Young Bae who seemed to be unconsciously touching the skin just beneath his eyes.  Seungri’s smile spread across his face again.

    ‘I know, it’s probably pretty strange seeing my eyes so dark.  I don’t know why I look tired all the time, it’s just kind of how I am.  I’ve been told with a good bit of make up though, it will be hidden easily and I don’t have to worry much about them being seen public!’

    Seungri explained, his explanation more directed towards Young Bae who quickly took his hand’s away from underneath his eyes, a blush quickly spraying over his cheeks as he looked away quickly.  Ji Young too was snickering as he released Seungri from his grip, the other bowing in response.

    ‘It’s really nice to meet you guys, I do hope you take care of me well!’

    Seungri announced, earning a glance from Young Bae who couldn’t get rid of the embarrassing blush that was all over his face.

    He doesn’t know why he didn’t sleep anymore, his mind and body wide awake, his eyes almost unblinking as he stared towards the man who laid sleeping cuddled against the pillows of his bed.  Young Bae had managed to get himself a little ways away from the cuddling man who snored softly in his sleep, and even while sleeping looked a exhausted with those deep bags beneath his eyes.  Young Bae exhaled softly as he snuggled against his own pillow.  He’d been laying like this for hours, staring only at the man who had been more caring then need be, to be honest it did feel a little awkward doing so, but after a long moment, it sort of just got comfortable to where Young Bae could get himself a little closer to Seungri, earlier when he first tried to go to sleep he tried to push himself to the farthest end of the bed, but now it was completely different..  Much different.

    Young Bae was careful to reach out his hand, fingers smoothly running along the underside of Seungri’s eyes, it didn’t feel rough like he had expected, but instead it was smooth, and his fingers gently pressed to feel the softness they gave off, Young Bae’s narrowing as though he couldn’t believe it… He really couldn’t, his hand slowly moving upwards as it went straight into his hair, finger tips feeling the silky texture.

    It’s so soft…

    Young Bae thought to himself, bringing the hand down to run across Seungri’s cheek…  Then he couldn’t help but realize what he was doing, that hand instantly being jerked away, his body sitting up fast, the bed shaking just enough to wake up Seungri who whined out of frustration.  Young Bae bit down on his lip hard, his teeth chewing at the edge as he looked down at the younger man who was blinking furiously.

    ‘I told you to sleep.’

    Seungri instructed, his eye brows furrowed, he looked cute… To cute…  Young Bae shook his head even harder as he pulled the covers with haste and pulled them over his head to lay back down.

    ‘Seungri I think I’ve gone ing insane…’

    ‘So do you feel tired?’

    Young Bae asked, a finger playfully poking at the bags underneath Seungri’s eyes, his hand was swatted away as Seungri’s lip twitched.  He must have gotten that question a lot.

    ‘No, I don’t, I feel like a normal person!’

    Seungri angrily spoke, moving away from his hyung, sitting closer to the window of the fan the two sat in.

    ‘Young Bae leave him alone~’

    Ji Young chuckled slightly, leaning back into his own seat, Young Bae puckering his lips, only to lean back in his own seat and pout quietly.

    ‘I was just curious.’

    He mumbled, glancing towards Seungri who was also looking his way, his eyes narrowed.

    ‘Well I don’t wanna talk about it.’

    Seungri spoke, his face looking a little sad as he looked out the window, Young Bae huffing and moving closer to Ji Young who welcomed him, a hand patting his shoulder.

    ‘Young Bae.’

    Ji Young spoke towards him, the youngest of the two only looking at the ground, his feet kicking at the carpet below.  If he had a choice, his choice would not be to stand here in front of the man he ran away from yesterday.  Ji Young came closer, hesitant hands reaching out.

    ‘Yesterday was stupid and childish.  I don’t wanna talk about it.’

    Young Bae stated plainly when he heard Ji Young take in a deep breath, the older sighed heavily out the breath he was going to use to speak, both hands resting on his hips, his own head hanging.  Young Bae was sure neither of them had felt such an awkward tension between them to.

    ‘Young Bae, you’re my best friend and..

    ‘And you’re best friend I’m going to stay Ji Young..’

    ‘Young Bae don’t interrupt when I’m trying to tell you something.’

    Ji Young spoke his eyes hard towards Young Bae who still hadn’t looked up, Ji Young’s frustrated face went un seen as he grunted, feeling a hand snatch his up.  Young Bae looked up startled, his mouth falling open suddenly.

    ‘You and Junsu need to seriously need to stop doing this too me!  I’m already in a rut enough as it is, I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do?!’

    Ji Young spoke angrily, Young Bae gnawing at the inside of his cheek, Ji Young pulling him towards him.

    ‘I’m not even sure what the hell I’m getting myself into with Junsu..  And now that you are acting like this, it’s making things harder..  Harder for all of us.’

    Ji Young  sighed, releasing Young Bae’s hand, only to have it taken back by the younger.  Young Bae frowned.

    ‘It is hard, on mine and your’s friendship, on you and Junsu who haven’t seen each other in years, but don’t worry, we’ll get through this one way or another.  I’ll never let go of my best friends hand, no matter how bad realization slaps me in the face.  I’ll just get over it.’

    Young Bae announced, a shocked Ji Young’s eyes going wide before softening into a smile, his hand squeezing Young Bae before pulling him into a somewhat awkward feeling hug.  Young Bae coughed nervously, Ji Young all by quick to pull away, a hand scratching the back of his head.

    ‘S-So you sure you’ll be alright?  I mean about me and Junsu..  Seeing it each other that way?’

    Ji Young asked, his expression nervous towards Young Bae who offered his best smile, his head nodding up and down.

    ‘I’ll be fine with whatever decisions you make leader.’

    Young Bae announced confidently, his fist pumping into the air, Ji Young smiling wide, a hand punching the younger in the shoulder, his head nodding up and down before turning away.

    ‘Then I need to be off, I have to meet up with Junsu before his and our next schedule.’

    Ji Young bowed slightly towards Young Bae, who returned the favor, Ji Young’s back turning to him before darting out the door, retreating away from him.  Young Bae’s smile only remained for a few more seconds, the door closing with a thud, Young  Bae allowed his hand to reach up as he clutched at his chest.

    ‘You’re not going to be okay are you Hyung?’

    Young Bae nearly jumped out of his shoes as he turned around to face Seungri who was now only mere inches away from him.  Young Bae’s nose scrunched up angrily,  Seungri’s calm expression not making his new forming mood any better.

    ‘How long have you been standing there?’

    ‘Long enough.’

    ‘Then you know my mood is sour at the moment, go away.’

    ‘But Hyung, don’t you know it’s never good to be alone when you’re feeling down.’

    Young Bae’s shoulders slumped, he snorted, managing to turn away from the emotionless maknae standing in front of him, only to look back a moment later when Seungri hadn’t moved.

    ‘What do you want?’

    ‘To comfort you.’

    Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off..

    It takes you by surprise at first..

    But keeps you warm for a long time..

    Young Bae doesn’t know how things flipped so dramatically within a few weeks time span, his time with Ji Young and Junsu remaining the same, but a neutral feeling towards the both of them forming so easily, seeing them together having much less of an  effect, his heart no longer feeling like it was being squeezed.  But he while he was still positive the jealous feelings for his older hyung’s was still there, it also felt as though it was fading, fading because his mind seemed to be wandering in a different direction.  It was sudden, but Young Bae felt as though it was right.

    ‘Ready to go Young Bae?’

    Ji Young asked, throwing on his jacket and kneeling down to tie the shoe strings of his converse, his head only turning enough to glance over at Young Bae who seemed to be staring off in a different direction.  Ji Young stood up once he was finished, his eyes looking in the direction Young Bae was looking.  Both eye brows rose when the sight of the maknae lounging on the couch came into view, Ji Young shifting his vision over to Young Bae who hadn’t noticed his question from earlier.   An amused smile spread across his face.

    ‘Ya, Seungri..  What are you doing?’

    Ji Young asked, stifling back laughter as Young Bae’s head whipped in his direction, a look of disbelief and utter horror crossing his face, Seungri’s body perking up from the couch in response, he looked in Ji Young’s direction.

    ‘Watching TV hyung why?’

    He asked, his head tilting as Ji Young waved a hand, gesturing him to get up.

    ‘Well I hope it’s nothing special cause I want you to come with me and Young Bae, I’ll introduce you to our really good friend, you know the one Young Bae explained to you a while back.’

    He explained, Seungri throwing a glance towards Young Bae whose hand’s were stuffed in his pocket, shifting anxiously on the ground.  Seungri turned back towards a smiling Ji Young who gestured him more, telling him to hurry up.  The Maknae only nodded his head before crawling off the couch and making his way to the door, hurrying to put on his shoes.

    ‘Let’s go Young Bae, he’ll catch up.’

    Ji Young spoke, Young Bae raising his head.

    ‘Actually you go ahead, I’ll wait on Seungri, we’ll be there as soon as we can, just go meet up with Junsu..’

    Young Bae smiled, lifting his chin, Ji Young raising an eyebrow, but shrugged his shoulders and waved them off before leaving the dorm,  Young Bae approached Seungri’s side who just finished putting on his shoes.

    ‘I swear you are doing this on purpose.’

    Young Bae stated, earning a snort from Seungri as he stood up himself, smoothing his clothes out.

    ‘Maybe I am?’

    Seungri replied, crossing his arms over his chest, tilting his head in Young Bae’s direction, the older man’s face all scrunched up.

    ‘You’re just like hot chocolate before it cools.’

    ‘Hot chocolate?  What?’

    ‘You know, when you came to me it was such a surprise, but you seem like you’re going to keep me warm for a long while.’

    Young Bae spoke carefully, Seungri looking amused.

    ‘That’s cheesy hyung, very cheesy.’

    Seungri retorted, Young Bae shrugging his shoulders.

    ‘Does that mean you’ll eventually come on to me?’

    ‘I already have Seungri, I already have.’

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I just recently got surgery so updates are gonna be a little slow, I'm hoping this story will have an update by Saturday, Maybe Friday, depending on how I feel.


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Catalina390 #1
em sorry~ excuse me, the name KWON JIYONG not jiyoung.. so please change the tag name as JIYONG
Awww, such a sweet story. Please update soon^^
Minjunkay #3
I love it!!! I don't find a lot of GD/Jun.k fanfics. Thank you for writing it!
Thank you for the ones that commented~ :) I'm glad you guys are liking this story~ T.T I didn't think anyone would like my GD/Jun.k pairing tbh.
reeealy amazing story.. >_<
uh it feels like i'm tailing all your posts...sorry if you get annoyed or something ( T,T ), but i can't stand not-commenting on your fics.. you really are my favorite.. ;__;
WOw, the story is just so interesting~ You're amazing, Hwaiting!