Awkward To Life Threatening

Saved by Unknown Love

I won? Did they mess it up? No... I couldn't have... But 
what do I care? It'll be like hanging out with some guy-- I'M 
"UUGGGHHGHGHGHGH!" I screamed as I 
face/palmed myself on my way home. You couldn't believe that 
you actually won.. You had taken a wild guess. You were also embarresed since you 
lived on the "bad side" of town. Having famous come to your house in the ghetto 
just so they can 
meet you and find out you don't have a clue who they are. 
Atleast your house was decent inside.
It was the day. You were about to spend a day wtih three 
incredibly hot, beautiful guys. You looked foward to it,k but you were also 
extremely nervous. A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. "They're already 
here?!?" You hoped there weren't any cameras or papparazzi because you didn't want 
everyone to know your face. You got up and ran to the door. You opened the door 
slowly, peeking out. Three men stood there with gray hoodies and sunglasses. 
You were scared since you lived in the ghetto and knew "bad stuff" happened 
around here, especially since you lived by youself. One of them came foward, 
and took off his sunglasses.
"Hi, I'm Soohyun!" Your heart melted with his voice and eyes. 
"We are here to spend a day with ______. Is that you?" Lost in his 
eyes, you finally managed to snap out of it.
"Yes!! Please come in!!" you said with an excited tone. They 
came running in, pulled off their hoodies, and took off the glasses. When
they revealed their faces (AND HAIR) you could've died and gone to heaven right 
there. Their hair fell out perfectly, y jawlines, and beautiful eyes and lips. 
And you could tell them apart since you did some research, and the one known 
as Hoon, took your breath away. You snapped out of the pretty boy 
"Annyeong, I'm Yeo Hoonmin," he said with a nervous voice. It 
was strange, but you didn't focus on that. The others greeted 
"Ahh~ Noona is so beautiful!!" said Dongho with an excited 
look. At that 
point you had butterflies in your stomach.
You blushed and said with your head down, "Aish... I'm not 
Now, Hoon walked up next to you, put his left arm around your 
neck, and pulled your chin up to his face with his right hand. He had you 
look straight into his eyes. "_______, you are as beautiful as a lavender 
sunset on a summer evening," he said inches from your face. At this point, the 
butterflies had fled your stomach, ripped out your heart and flew away with it. Your 
face was red as tomato, and you felt numb throughout your whole 
Then you hear Dongho's voice calling from a distance poking at 
both of you and Hoon's cheeks. "Noonaaaa~ Hyuuunng~" Hoon then flung his 
arm off you and tried to avoid your eyes. You did same, except your face was 
red as hell.
Soohyun came out and said this seeing you two had a "thing" 
for each other. "You guys were standing like that for almost a minute!!" 
He shoved you and Hoon's heads together and said, "My two little 
"Yah! Hyung!!" Hoon screamed at his hyung while Dongho was 
giggling in the back.
---2 MINS LATER---
You sat down on your couch and started talking to them about 
the contest and how you didn't know who they were. They respond with
surprised faces, but then Hoon said, "It's alright. It's nice to know you're not 
some other fangirl." You blushed whenever he spoke, or even looked at you. That 
whole scenario before still hung in your head. While talking, you heard the 
door fly open. And 
you could tell that wasn't the wind. It sounded more like a 
crowbar. Everyone shut up and looked at each other. Soohyun and Hoon got up to go 
see what was happening, but you didn't let them go near the door.
"Honey, daddy has to go away for a while. See, daddy bought 
some 'special medicine' from someone... and this person is mad since I don't 
have enough money to--"
"Just go die in hell." You ran to room and cried for almost 
three hours. Then... you heard a loud bang. You came out of your room hoping 
not to see what you thought you just heard. All you found was a note soaked in 
a pile of blood. You bent down trembling with tears and picked up the 
blood-soaked note. It read: 
"We're coming for you next."
Dongho came and sat next to you and asked, " Noona, what's 
going on?" You ignored his question, and got up. You grabbed Hoon's arms, 
pulled him in, and gave him a long, lust-filled kiss. Your eyes were closed shut, 
and tears were falling down your cheeks. His surprised eyes were open staring 
at you. You pulled away and said in a trembling voice, "I think I love 
you." Next thing you knew, there was a loud bang, and a sharp pain in your 


PS! MIANHAE FOR THE FORMATTING PROBLEM! I couldn't upload my story so my friend had to upload it for me (hii im the friend) SOOOO hopefully this wont happen again. ENJOY! 

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Chapter 4: Please update soon~~ Hoon is one of my bias >_<
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 4: it's perfectlyy fine. Being fast, makes the story more exciting for meee! XD UPDATE soon uh! Will be waitig ;) able to add more dongho parts ;) if cant, nvmm~ ^^
lovehurts16743 #3
Chapter 4: please continue!! love is in the air already!!
LetsPaintTheSky #4
UNNIE!! finish.. >.< the whole time i was thinking Domo...
LetsPaintTheSky #5
UNNIE! ............. (nay-chan style) YOU WOULD!
SuperSHINeeB2STJr #6
I'd love for you to finish this, really, I hope you do! Please do!!
CheondungieLuv #7
myehhh but i want u to finish this one ;~; im still going with my soohyun one
kiseopismydrug #8
@UKissLoverr I will add Dongho in later on... maybe chapter 4 or 5. :)
nawwww damn! i wanted this to be a Dongho fic oh wells, dang it bro! Why so fast?! LOL! update!
CheondungieLuv #10
OH DANG!!!! This story is really good so far! <3 update soon!