A Letter Confession

The Love Contract

"Omo! Yoona!" Yuri exclaimed when Yoona entered the hotel. She was soaked and pale. Yuri quickly brought Yoona a towel to warm her up.

"What happened?" Yuri asked, worried. Yoona explained everything from her lunch with Siwon to what happened in the rain. Yuri frowned, her heart turning cold.

"You kissed Siwon?" Yuri asked coldly. Realizing that she broke Yuri's heart, Yoona quickly shook her head.

"A-Aniyo! He kissed me!" Yoona protested, but it was no use. Yuri stormed out of the room with a raincoat and an umbrella.

"Yuri! Yuri-ah! Don't you believe me? Where are you going?" Yoona asked, feeling hopeless.

"Out," Yuri croaked, as she slammed the door. Yoona bit her lips, knowing that Yuri wanted to cry. Stupid contract, Yoona thought bitterly, Stupid Donghae and Siwon! Jerks, all of them are jerks! Yoona stormed up and knocked on IU's and Nicole's door. Nicole opened, as she gasped at Yoona who was wet.

"Yoona! You're soaked!" Nicole exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Is IU here?" Yoona asked. Nicole shook her head, making Yoona smile. She entered without permission and began to scream.

"Nicole, what do I do?" Yoona asked, after she told Nicole her problem. At the end, Nicole just shrugged.

"What do you want to do?" Nicole asked, staring directly into Yoona's eyes. Yoona bit her lips, as Nicole's question challenged her. What do I want to do? Yoona thought awkwardly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Splash, Splash! Yuri quickly fast-walked on the sidewalk. She knew exactly where she was going. I'm going to Siwon oppa and tell him how I feel, Yuri repeated, walking even faster.

Splash, Splash! Each step Yuri took, the puddles continued to splatter everywhere. Soon, she was right in front of the apartment. She entered, and headed towards the room she was heading for. Confess, confess to him, Yuri! Yuri reminded herself, as she pushed the button on the elevator. The elevator door closed, as Yuri sighed.

The elevator door opened, and Yuri walked towards the room where Siwon was staying in. She was about to ring the doorbell, but then she stopped herself. She gulped her saliva, wondering if she was doing the right thing. How about he doesn't love me? How about he really likes Yoona? What do I do then? Yuri thought to herself, biting her lips. Yuri quickly grabbed a folded piece of paper out and unfolded it. She sighed as she placed the letter inside an envelope and slipped it in the door slot. Let's hope he gets it, she thought, as she turned to leave. 

While Yuri was walking out, she bumped into someone tall and muscular.

"Oof! Mianhae--" Yuri looked up, and bowed politely. It was no other than Donghae."

"Oh, you're Yuri, right? Yoona's friend?" Donghae said, pointing at her. Yuri smiled a little and nodded.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm in a rush," Yuri said, as she quickly ran back to the hotel. Donghae watched her walking away. He knew something was wrong with Yuri, but he couldn't really know what. He decided to call Yoona, but realized what he did early. 

He sighed and went inside the apartment. He had forgotten his dancing shoes, and had wore rain boots to practice. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. Before he took a step, he found an envelope in front of him. He cocked his head a little, and bent down to pick it up. As he grabbed his shoes, he opened the letter and read it. 

After he read it, he widened his eyes, shaking the paper a little.

Dear Siwon Oppa,

     Oppa, it's Yuri. ^^ You're number one fan! You didn't forget, hm? Of course, I think that you and I are more than just a fan to a singer. I think we're best friends. :D But you know what would be much more better than being best friends? Being a boyfriend and girlfriend together^^ Saranghae, Siwon Oppa! Please accept me as your girlfriend! (And I'm serious.)

-Yuri <3

This is it! Donghae thought, as he was heading towards to practice, I can help Yuri get together with Siwon! She can be a distraction, so I can get closer with Yoona! Donghae began dialing Yoona's number.

"Hi Yoona!.... Um, this might be awkward, but I need to know what Yuri's number is... It's an opportunity for her and Siwon to get closer.... That's the number? All right, thanks!"

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@tiarashinyoora: Thank you! :D
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 26: woooow..nice story...^^
@Va_asianloverz: This story is completed, but I will definitely keep on writing! :)
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
@chika05: Thank you! ^^ Although this isn't my greatest work, I appreciate the compliment. :3
chika05 #6
Chapter 6: You wrote a funny n interesting one ^^
@DeerYoona: Alright! :D
your welcome ^_^ ♥ good luck
@DeerYoona: Haha~ Thank you! ^_^ I'll definitely continue writing YoonHae stories. :)
Chapter 17: nae ^^ i was surprised when i look into your stories and i saw forgotten promise...
you're really great... keep up the good work and keep on writing YoonHae stories nae xDDD fighting!!!! ♥