The Announcement

The Love Contract

Yoona's dress  Yuri's Dress   Siwon's Suit   

"Smile Please!"

"Siwon oppa! I LOVE YOU!"

"Look over here! OVER HERE!"

"Donghae oppa! SARANGHAE!"


"Please marry me, Siwon oppa!"

"One, two, three! Thanks for the pic!" Comments flew everywhere as Donghae, Siwon, Yoona, and Yuri went down the red carpet. Yoona wanted to go faster, but Donghae took his time, shining his bright, white teeth on the camera. Yoona shifted uncomfortably, while Donghae cleared his throat, still waving.

"Stop breaking rule number three, Yoona!" Donghae muttered, still smiling and waving. Yoona pouted at him, while she tried to smile and wave. 

"I can't help it! It's so uncomfortable! They don't even have my permission to take a pic of me!" Yoona complained, smiling awkwardly. Donghae just smirked, as they were almost to the doorway. Once they entered, more flashes appeared. Yoona covered her eyes, almost blinded by the bright, white light.

"Why are there so much photographers?" Yoona asked, blinking multiple times. Donghae just shrugged as they entered another room. Yoona sighed in relief, glad that it was the ending of the flashings. The music was booming in the room, as it played many famous and popular songs. Right now, it was playing, "Jumping" by KARA. Kara was on stage, dancing to the song. Some of them dared to sing, but two of them shyly danced instead of singing. Yoona leaned against a wall alone near a dark corner, not wanting to be near the others. Suddenly, a blond guy who was drunk approached to Yoona. He placed an hand besides Yoona's head, smiling at her strangely.

"Hey girly! I never seen you before! I'm sure you know me from TV?" the blond guy said, flipping his hair. Yoona scrunched her nose, smelling his alcoholic breath.

"Um, I don't know you. I'm sorry," Yoona said truthfully. The guy glared at her.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THE FAMOUS JONGHYUN FROM SHINEE?!" he shouted, as he stumbled a bit. Yoona bit her lower lips, scooting aside.

"I-I'm sorry! I just--"

"You just what?! I can't hear you! Speak clearer!" Jonghyun shouted. Two boys grabbed Jonghyun away from Yoona.

"I'm sorry! He's always like this to new comers. My name is Minho and this is Taemin. Nice to meet you--" Before Minho was able to finish, Jonghyun started running off. Minho and Taemin sighed, as they started to chase after Jonghyun. Yoona sighed deeply, wanting to find Yuri. Suddenly, Yoona bumped into someone. 

"Oof! I'm sorry!" Yoona apologized, getting up.

"That's fi-" Before the girl got to finish, Yoona widened her eyes.

"You're that girl! The one who said Donghae was so great! I don't know your name, I'm sorry," Yoona said, scratching her head.

"That's fine. My name is Sunye. You are...?"

"Im Yoona. I work at SNSD's Chocolate Factory! Nice to meet you, Sunye!" Yoona greeted, smiling. Sunye smiled back lightly, as Siwon approached to Yoona.

"Hello Yoona! Hey Sunye!" he greeted to the two females. The females greeted him back, as Siwon turned to Yoona.

"Want to dance?" Siwon asked. Yoona shook her head quickly, also shaking her hand.

"A-Aniyo! I don't dance," Yoona mentioned shyly. Siwon laughed, as he grabbed Yoona's wrist. He dragged Yoona to the dance floor, while Yoona widened her eyes.

"S-Siwon-ssi! I said I can't dance!" Yoona stuttered.

"You said you don't dance! Plus, since you called me Siwon-ssi, you have to dance with me," Siwon smirked, dancing with Yoona. Yoona shyly started to dance, not really wanting to move around. Soon, she got used to the beat, and she was dancing happily with Siwon. Soon, the music started to play, "YA YA YA" by T-ara. The T-ara members quickly went up to the stage to dance for fun, all of them singing. The crowd followed their moves, smiling. Yoona danced along with Siwon, who was also having fun. Yuri saw this and felt a bit jealous. She slid herself towards them, and danced along. Yoona then started to dance with Yuri, leaving Siwon alone to dance with someone else. Siwon felt a bit hurt, but then was able to get Yoona's attention again. Yoona grew tired and left Yuri and Siwon dancing together, as she went to get some drink.

"You should dance more often like this, Deer," a voice said behind Yoona's back. Yoona turned around and smiled.

"Hey Fishy!" Yoona greeted, drinking her fruit punch.

"How many times do I have to say to not call me Fishy?" Donghae asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"Now who's breaking rule #3?" Yoona teased, smiling. Donghae rolled his eyes.

"You seemed to have fun. Are you glad you came here?" Donghae asked, helping himself some fruit punch. Yoona nodded excitedly. Donghae smiled back.

"Good," he replied shortly. 

"Have you been dancing?" Yoona asked, finishing her cup. Donghae shrugged.

"Kind of. But I was talking with Sunye a lot," Donghae replied, drinking his cup. Yoona bit her lips, feeling a bit jealous. 

"Oh," was all she said. Donghae raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Donghae teased, smirking. Yoona quickly looked up, widening her eyes.

"N-No! I mean, well, since we're fake couples, I should act jealous, no?" Yoona stammered, feeling embarrassed. All Donghae did was smirk. Suddenly, the music stopped. Donghae quickly finished his drink and went up the stage. He grabbed a mike and tested it.

"Testing, testing, can everyone here me?" Donghae asked. Everyone nodded. Donghae smiled.

"Good! Now, all of you must wonder why you were invited here. Well, it's a celebration! For me and my girlfriend, Im Yoona. Give her around of applause!" Donghae said, pointing at Yoona. Yoona blushed as the lights shined on her. Everyone clapped, smiling at her. All but Siwon and Sunye. They clapped, but had sad expressions. 

"In addition! Some of you guys have been asking if we were getting married!" Donghae continued. Yoona looked up, curious of what Donghae was about to say.

"My answer is...." Donghae took a deep breath, "Yes, we are getting married after this month." Yoona's eyes widened, as she started to panic. Everyone else just clapped, grinning. I'm getting WHAT?!

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@tiarashinyoora: Thank you! :D
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 26: woooow..nice story...^^
@Va_asianloverz: This story is completed, but I will definitely keep on writing! :)
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
@chika05: Thank you! ^^ Although this isn't my greatest work, I appreciate the compliment. :3
chika05 #6
Chapter 6: You wrote a funny n interesting one ^^
@DeerYoona: Alright! :D
your welcome ^_^ ♥ good luck
@DeerYoona: Haha~ Thank you! ^_^ I'll definitely continue writing YoonHae stories. :)
Chapter 17: nae ^^ i was surprised when i look into your stories and i saw forgotten promise...
you're really great... keep up the good work and keep on writing YoonHae stories nae xDDD fighting!!!! ♥