1- under the sea

The Little Mermaid

No mankind know about the live under the sea. Noone ever have a dream about it. Beyond the raging waves, deep deep down under the sparkling dark blue there is a place just like in our place. Where there are trees and flowers. Where you can see every kind of fish swim together ,beautifully. Where there is bright light as the sun has pass through .There, stand a glorious palace where the mermaids are live with other beautiful sea creatures, Sea Castle.

Sea Castle is the center of every ocean in the whole world. But, the king rules alone with his mother guide. He lost The Queen after their 6th child born. There will be annual party simply to celebrate their peaceful live and expressing their grateful to God. Sea Castle has a very broad garden, every prince and princess has their own ‘territory’. They are allowed to plant anything they want, mermaids love plants, or place whatever they like there. Everyone plants beautiful flowers and sea herbs, place many colorful stones they ever found, decorate it with seashells and pearls. They take care of their garden happily and full of joy. Fishes would always loved to visit, gladly be petted by the princesses or play with the princes.

There is one prince who always being so quite. He is actually very kindhearted but rarely talk with other sea creatures, except his royal family. His brothers and sisters love him very much, they always take care of him, as he is the youngest. Maybe the reason behind his silent nature is because he felt guilty over his mother death. He never stated it, but everyone think so and pity him, tough no one ever blame him. Everyone love him so much instead. Mermaids are lovable creatures.

Donghae, beautiful name given by the queen before she died, never let anything on his plot except flowers which as bright as the sun and a statue. He arrange his flower bed in round shape, just like the sun. While, the statue is made from marble, pure white one. He found it from scattered thing which a sunken ship brought to the bottom of the sea. There, carved a beautiful figure of a handsome boy. He place it in the center of his own sun.

Everyone loves donghae for his pure thought. He has a mesmerizing smile, they always try to make Donghae hapy all the time. Giving him pearls and stones, bringing him beautiful things from other side ocean, Donghae will always accept it with his ‘thank you’ smile. But nothing ever made Donghae very excited except when he hears story from his grandmother about human beings and the world they lived on.





thank you for subscribing and viewing and reading XD

here goes the first chap .. im anticipating comments , critics or suggestions ^^


one more : i apologize first, bcause i cant update daily ..forgive me ><

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jewelsvalencia #1
Hi there ^^ please update soon, it's get more interesting and i loves about fairytale especially mermaid :3
^_^ this is so sweet~ very good ^^
anchovishy #4
Hi :D
waa.. I love how you describe the sea castle very much, specially their garden..
So, donghae is a mermaid here? It suits him well :D
really anticipating for what happen next..
Update soon XD
anchovishy #5
Hi :D
waa.. I love how you describe the sea castle very much, specially their garden..
So, donghae is a mermaid here? It suits him well :D
really anticipating for what happen next..
Update soon XD
Please update soon Nya~