Innocent Ignorance

Extraordinarily Ordinary (oneshot)

No schedules to keep today. No photoshoots to run off to. No performances to prepare for. Nothing. Today is just an easy lay-back-and enjoy-life day for Mir. He wakes up late in the day. Enjoys brunch with his group-mates and heads out for a walk.

He was having a fine time just walking around in his disguise, of course. He stopped at every vendor that was giving out free samples. Stopped and gave too every street performance but he tried hard not to join in as he might give himself away.

It was about noon when he decides to go get ice cream. Only the way he sees a toddler swinging alone at a play station. Mir wonders where child's parents were but keeps on walking thinking that they might be coming back soon. Mir continues on to get his ice cream. When he returns to the exactt play station with his ice cream he notices that the child was still there alone. Intrigued, he walks over to the child.

The little boy was just sitting there smling as he swung back and forth in the swing. Amused by the child's latent expression about being by himself, Mir decides to play with the child, pushing the swing. Mir thought that the child shouldn't be alone and that it should be fine if he just stayed a little longer till the child's parents arrived.

A few minutes later a teenage girls runs up and picks up the child. Mir, a little stunned asks why she left her brother alone for so long. The girl a little confused answers that she had school and that the daycare lady stopped caring for him because she hasn't been payed for the month. Mir, thinking it seemingly okay, decides that since the girl was there that it was okay to leave. So he waves goodbye to the baby boy and the girl and continues on his day.

Later on that day, Mir runs into the same girl and baby at a shop. He was shocked to see when an old lady pushes the girl, holding the baby boy out of the shop and calls her an unfit and irresponsible mother. Mir rushes in and helps the girl up. He then start to question the old lady why she would do something like that and that if it had anything to do with money that he would take care of it. The old lady responds to Mir that if he was the girl's boyfriend that he should take more responsibility with the child. The girl then quickly grabs Mir by the arm, apologizes to the old lady and walks away.

When they came to a stop, Mir asks what the problem was. The girl trying to soothe the crying baby, yells at Mir, saying that it was none of his business and that he shouldn't have gotten involved. Mir, angry at what the girl said, yells at the girl that he was just trying to help. This prompted the baby to cry harder. Mir, a little guilty for raising his voice, tries to apologize for getting angry. The girl ignores him and tries to quiet down the crying baby.

After the baby stopped crying and starts to fall asleep, Mir starts apologizing again for his actions earlier. The girl tells Mir that it wasn't his fault and tat he doesn't have to apologize for anything. Mir accepts this and asks, a little confused, why the old lady at the store called the girl an unfit and irresponsible mother, saying that maybe the old misunderstood the girl because she was just the baby's sister. Mir starts to chuckle thinking how could anybody have mistaken the girl for a mom when she looked so young.

The girl was silent for a minute. Then she said, as tears rolled down her face, that she was an unfit and irresponsible mother. Taken aback, Mir just sat there looking at her. The girl continued on saying that she was stupid and had a baby while she was still so young. Mir, not knowing howto react to what he just heard, said that it was still wrong of the old lady to say and do that to her, that she had no place to do that.

The girl, smiling at Mir's innocent ignorance said that the old lady was her mother and that she disowned her after knowing that she was pregnant. Shocked, Mir kept listening as the girl continued on saying that she was left on her own and that she had nobody else to turn to. How she was trying hard to finish school and keep her job as a waitress just so that her baby wouldn't be taken away from her. Astonished at the girl's story, Mir suddenly hugged her and the baby and told them that it was going to be okay.

He then asked if they had a place to stay and that if there was anything that they needed, not to hesitate to ask of him. The girl said that they were staying with her friend and that it was okay, they didn't want to burden him. Mir, a little sad that he couldn't help, offered to get a taxi to send them home. The girl accepted the ride. When the taxi got there, the girl thanked Mir for listening to her and for the ride. Mir just smiled amd wished that they both have a good night and to keep on working hard.

As the taxi drove away, Mir was a little sad that he didn't ask for the girl's name. He walked home, thinking the whole way how hard life must be for a single teen mom. When he reached home, the other guys asked if he had did anything interesting. Mir answered that he just did ordinary stuff but that he meet somebody who did something extraordinary.

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angelhoney #1
Ahh Mir...<br />
I thought this was a well written one-shot IMHO. It was a unique fun-to-read writing style. You did well~ I hope to read more from you in the future! I liked how it involved a troubled teen mom, since we do not see these types of stories that focus on hardships and not romance. Mir did a good job being nice. This one-shot was DAEBAK~~!!
lisasian #3
@minipalsis: thanks, i'm glad you liked it. it was a little difficult to write though
kyaaa.. mir!! ilike it!!.. <3 ^^