1000 Paper Cranes


Genre : Family, Friendship, Romance

Cast    :  Tiffany 'SNSD' as Hwang Mi Young (Real Life Character)

               Jessica 'SNSD' as Jung Soo Yeon (Real Life Character)

               Taeyeon 'SNSD' as Kim Tae Yeon (Real Life Character)

               Park Seung Hee (Fiction Character)

               Lee Woo Young (Fiction Character)

               Kwon Hee Jae (Fiction Character)      


"I'm home! Dad!" Mi Young shouted. She just arrived from her college. Mi Young was really tired, and she wanted to take a rest. She took off her shoes, then she got into her bedroom. Looks like Dad is not in home now, she said in her heart. "Well, now i just need to take a bath and go to sleep." It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a really good time for take a nap, just like what Mi Young's Father always said. Her mother died when she was still 13 years old, since then, her father became a widower and take care of his daughter alone.

After she took a bath, she tidied her stuffs and fell asleep

When she woke up, the clock showed 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mi Young changed her clothes and went down stairs. But, she saw her father in the living room, with a foreign woman and a young girl that looked at the same age as her. Mi Young was confused.

"Mi Young, i want to introduce this woman and her daughter to you. This is Mrs. Jung, and this is her daughter, Jung Soo Yeon. Listen," said her father. "Mrs. Jung and i will married."

Mi Young was really shocked. "WHAT!"


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